Jew Pissing pants coverup

Some jew was in the last Israel thread trying to prove that all of the Israeli soldiers peeing themselves pictures were fakes. He then proceeded to post really shitty photoshops. I put them together with the original picture. Enjoy.
Lets have an obvious photoshop thread. Time to expose the shills.

Attached: Low quality photoshop.png (1600x900, 871K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lmao bump

In your mind, what exactly do you thing you circled when you put those red circles in? I'm genuinely curious as to what you could possibly be seeing.

IMPLYING pol betas wouldnt shit themselves in a combat scenario

Attached: 4chinz.jpg (795x600, 139K)


change your diaper already, you're getting cranky

I didn't circle shit. The jew was trying to prove that the squares were caused by visual artifacts the circling is his defense. I have done zero editing to any of the pictures, I zoomed in, screenshotted and placed them in a collage. The red arrow is also from the original.
I added the black text and only for the mouthbreathers.

Why are they pissing their pants? I doubt it’s cause of the military might of Palestine. Or is it that there’s so few soldiers in JIDF that they’re overworked and always kept on duty, including no bathroom breaks?

That's what happens when you go from bullying unarmed civilians to fighting actual soldiers with modern weapons.

Do you not understand what how a jpeg works?

Do you know how many pol/k crossposters there are? Neither do I but browsing both there seems to be at least a few.

Yeah. Obviously SOMEBODY didn't get the SHUT IT DOWN order.....been here all week.

Their military is almost entirely composed of women, trannies, and downies. Of course they piss themselves.

Because they're pussy ass faggots who have billions in funding, training, and other shit, no retarded restrictive RoE, and they still routinely get their assess kicked by sand niggers with antique rifles and buckets of gasoline and fertilizer

Lets collect more intel on this internet enemy
lets get the trucks refueled, resupply and the men rested up
we'll need 2 men on guard and a quick reaction force to the deliver
>The falcon punch

I need to make a call; see what assets I can get ill be back 2100

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pol is full of cowards with or without guns. People who worship mass murderers and shooters are lonely beta faggot losers who don't have a shred of courage.

it's not uncommon for soldiers in their first actually conflict experience to soil themselves, this is known to any actual soldier who has combat experience. although the isreali army is by word of mouth particularly prone to this. it may be insufficient training or it could be a deep set cultural phenomena as hospital surveys do note the differences between ethnicities and religions in how they typically deal with pain, Christians typically pray, Muslims are stoic and assume it is a a type of penance, Asians ask for their family, and Jews complain nonstop.

"D-Don't make fun of us!" relax boomboom

Anti white kike detected

I just don't like you beta sociopath.

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bump for lolz

How many Israeli soldiers does it take to arrest a child?

Attached: IDF in action00.jpg (645x344, 70K)

a fuckton

its what happens when you go from smacking around civilians and acting all tough and getting your ego inflated in Palestine and then are thrown to the wolves when a bunch of arab soldiers attack you.
Expectation vs reality are even further diverged than most forces as they have to shatter their overblown confidence first.

Basically send your recruits into the gauntlet to make soldiers out of them, send them to bully villagers if you wanna make braggart pussies out of them.

>kike lies

Your not afraid of Israel's Diaper Brigades? Wait until the shit hits the senpai...oops, looks like the shit will be in Israeli nappies.

Attached: Diaperboys.jpg (780x703, 127K)

Im aware of the jq as the next person in this place. Youre a retard btw, the jews arent the final boss. They are cut dick slaves who serve darker occultists. A naive retard person like you who gets off on the murder of innocents is a worthless cretin, a pawn of theirs. Seek help socially inept retard.

Attached: brevik mason.jpg (773x747, 35K)

Surely at least a few dozen more! That kids looks rabid!

google image "idf"
Israel's military is going to literally be raped.

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Youre a sick fuck who gets off on child murder. Get fucked faggot, your gun cant protect you from your failings as a man.

Attached: Its circumcision retards.jpg (242x208, 12K)

>attempt at insult
>lies and projection


>Complete Palestinian conquest.
>IDF now occupying Palestinian cock.
>Palestinians dominate roasties and breed their way back into controlling the region.
What a timeline.

Most you Americans shit themselves when shopping

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Im not jewish faggot, you came to me crying your shit. What did I do? Make fun of people who worship tarrant and brevik? Why are you so upset then boomshit motherfucker? You came to me faggot. Get fucked you sicko sociopath. Lonely ass boomer motherfucker.

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Most Canadians can afford to go shopping.

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Do you think this projection works kike?

don't reply to 2nd world flags still without 75-year-old nuke tech

I think youre poor fuck retard boomer who has never had sex with a beautiful women in his life.

>Most Canadians can afford to go shopping.
We just say that so people won't move here.
Today it's 19 degrees out and we call it warm for example.

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The did this on voat too. I had entirely forgot about it until they started shilling it a fake again. Now I know it's real. Should have let it go Kikes.

pissing is an expression of male dominance and used for territory marking.

LMFAOO, is it working kike?

That looks awful lol, what is that? Like fish/chick with ketchup and udon noodles? Lmao looks like it came premade in plastic pouch.

Oh look jews and retards are here to shit up my thread and D&C instead of letting us laugh at their faggotry and puny attempt to cover it up.

I guess it must have stung.

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Yeah it is lonely boom shit. Keep crying old man. We both know you dont have anyone that loves you.

Its a good thing they marked their own assholes as their territory then. I thought they were faggots for a second there.

Shut up faggot leaf.

>more projection
This is hysterical, tell me more about yourself kike

I'm a bomber actually.

Attached: PizzaBoxIEDLarge.jpg (480x480, 46K)

palestinian children are very dangerous. They can stop a tank by throwing a rock at it.

This is why we must send Israel 10 million dollars a day to contain this threat to all life as we know it.

Attached: child verse tank.jpg (250x247, 24K)

Don't mind me just keep bumping rabbi.

what happened? plz elaborate.

>That looks awful lol, what is that? Like fish/chick with ketchup and udon noodles?
Yes I know this is more the American eating style.
You people literally turn yourselves into human toxic waste processing units. This "Pizza" is considered unfit for human consumption in Canada, But cross that magical line into USA and It's just fine....

Attached: totinos-pizza-ingredients.jpg (775x512, 188K)

"P-Projection!" cried the boomer as he caught the reflection of his aged rotting face in the monitor. You just have no bantz old. Youre just keep shitting by your lonesome repeating the same thing over and over.

The Jew streams out in piss as he shits you.

He mad

Israel has horrible soldiering and their stock is psychologically weak. They are prone to soil themselves in paniced situations. To avoid being a laughing stock to the militaries and normies around the world the Jews photoshop out this common occurance and even issue diapers for some roles.

Yeah youre a coward. A beta. Sorry you dont have any game you sad little weak loser.

Yeah i will lol, its my thread now.

Except I'm married with kids.
MoS 11c.

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Looks like a smear campaign, OP.

Based and Zoomer pilled

i wish he'd be in this one too

>t.the retard who debated him earlier

Yo bro. Lmao why dont you go down to mcdonalds and spend 5 euro to get a $1.25 McChicken.

Why are you so triggered unless you worship psychopaths?


israel is our greatest ally.

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Sorry, but the "real" one looks like it has been raped with unsharp mask, which will make dark spots like that.

Attached: days-without-1-jewish-tricks-no-days-without-jewish-tricks-21703920.png (500x396, 97K)

you again or is this another one ???

Some idf got in a scrap with a group of arabs that had guns for a change, I guess they poked their headless dicks to far into someone else's nation, and pissed their pants when they realized they couldn't just wave their guns over their heads like monkeys and make everyone cower.
Some jew, probably jidf, decided to edit the pictures in order to restore shattered jewish honour, he did a terrible job though and so someone else had to do a terrible job and now we've got multiple terrible edits done to a funny picture of jews peeing themselves on the side of the road. Whatever honour they had has been long ground to dust. Sned them pampers, they need it.
Where'd we end up leaving that shipping container of adult diapers we dumped on the Philippines? I think we just found a new customer.
>facing down a tank that is driving at you with a rock in your hand.
Honestly that's metal as fuck.

Lol Army. You know what that means right Goyboy. It means your wife has cheated on you multiple times. You killed for Zog and then they programmed you into a violent sociopath. A weak naive fool. A dumb golem nigger.

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Lmao starting to slip up kike?

My wife actually got away with killing a jew.

Haha we need more threads like this

its always 6 million eh?

Chris Christie

Can't you keep fighting tho? I wouldn't give a damn, my focus would be in doing my mission. Like those marathon walkers, they shit and walk and win, it is not a fashion competition. Soldiers don't care about this, do they?


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I usually get into a shut down argument over this series of pics
>inb4 some faggot kike tries to argue about uniforms

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>Buh, look at this dude.webm
Fucking furry level retardness.

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I'm shitting it up?
The Americans are just like jews shitting and pissing themselves. Just proving a point.
Do you think it has something to do to sacrificing the end of their dicks? Maybe it takes away from their balls?
I'd starve before I'd eat that shit. I worked at a place called Grifith laboratory's and it was my job to make the flavoring for McDonalds hamburgers. If McDonalds burgers where 100% pure beef then why do they need to add beef flavoring? Well those burgers are only 22% beef, the rest is "meal worms" (maggots). This was back in the early 2000's. I'd hate to see what the burgers are made of now, never mind the "chicken".
McD's french fries have around 18 ingredients ....... somehow they're made with 18 ingredients cheaper than making them out of real potatoes.

Attached: mcd.jpg (482x700, 136K)

Lol bitch ass kikes put his hood up because they can't stand seeing into that gaping brain cavity. They truly are weak faggots.

There's no way that kid doesn't have a learning disability. There's no way he wasn't tricked into posing for that photo.

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KYS you smelly yid

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Americans would shart, but this has nothing to do with fear.

His fat flat feet, ankles, and calves are the same width.

yes going anti american is D&C and shitting up a thread laughing at jewish cowards. If you weren't also bumping the thread you would be absolutely irredeemable.

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This is not the literal thing. It takes more. It takes a whole way of thinking. Integrated in how someone functions. It is an enormous personal offering.

Kek. Let them fight their own wars you anglos, it’s gonna be hilarious to watch.

Do you have any more faked pictures? I don't mind putting something together again.

now we wait for the Pampers Army to show up

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Kek fuck kikes, that means you janny

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free masons are an old enlightened coven that was infiltrated by jews and turned into a useless white magic group feeding the jewish egregore. they are pretty damn useless outside of assisting jews.

piss xerself israelis

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Why do Jews hate nature so much?

It's bait

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