BTC was just over $1000 a year ago

BTC was just over $1000 a year ago.

Attached: 1505479601867.jpg (568x479, 221K)

95% of the normies bought when it was over $7k.

Nice we still have a lot of pink wojaks awaiting us then

Bitcoin was under a penny just 10 years ago

>end of 2018
Bitcoin is under a penny again

Attached: add.jpg (318x159, 7K)

"yeah i heard about bitcoin in one of those Tai Lopez videos" -normie, 2018

Bitcoin was just over $1000 4 years ago too

And that is the exact reason why crypto is over. We needed the masses to come in for a bullrun. That happened. Then they all got burned. I'd suspect that almost 100% of these people will not buy any more crypto, ever. Thus no bullrun will happen anymore.

Oh yes they'll FOMO user, they always do.

No, YOU will, because YOU always do, because you're a retard.