Times are dark and everything crashing right infront of eyes. You can't pull out of fear that the market will start rising as soon as you pull out and you see your folio bleeding minute by minute. You have already feel heavy in heart and this market is piling over it. You need to lighten the load from your chest, user? Go on, i am listening.
How you holding up Jow Forums bros?
Gave up my girlfriend and social life to try and make it in crypto.
Now shes fucking another guy and my folio is down 80 percent
I've been shorting since 8500, I'm so damn happy. Can't wait to buy the bottom and experience the greatest bullrun crypto has ever seen in the coming months.
Ive known about crypto for years and dismissed it until a friend sent me some worthless meme shitcoins in January. Now I spend no exaggeration 6-8 hours reading about it every day.
Im unhealthily obsessed.
I got into crypto one month ago and put around $500 into binance. It's down to about $240 right now. I'm surprised the market has been this rough but the amount of money isn't a concern to me. I think this is valuable time to learn about the market. Overall I'm glad I resisted the temptation to put more money in. I have no doubt in my mind crypto will rebound bigly this year.
what do you guys think of my coins?
folio will rise in due time, do not neglect social life user. nothing gone wrong yet, just rejoin your old group of friends and bond with them. sorry to hear about your gf but you will find your love, give it time. once you find her, do not neglect. good people need to be respected in life user, money is important but what is the use of it if you dont have good people around you to enjoy with. good luck
great going user, keep making money. thats all we want
time to buy no jk
second I start seeing some high volume buy orders I'm hopping in this mess
low quality bait
>buy into crypto late august
>get btfo on everything
>start spending lots of time on biz and reddit and coin market cap being a biz investor
>not paying attention to girlfriend
>typical fights starts but i dont even bother i literally just ghost on her and stop talking to her and block her because december bullrun
>march correction. Feelsbad.jpg
>wheres my gf
>"sorry user you really hurt me i have moved on "
>sitting here jerking off to cryptokitties
I want to die, feelsguy.
I spent the last 4 years traveling and fucking qt3.14 chinks but now the money ran out and I'm back to wagecucking.
I have no idea how to get rich. Now even my crypto is down to fuck all and it just keeps fucking dropping.
most of the ppeople in here have been doing so, user. as long as you are not neglecting important stuff, it is fine.
yeah user, times have been rough these past few months. good job on resisting the temptation. imo you are spread a little too wide for the amount and alts arent doing good in this scenario. go into 1 or maybe 2 max with this amount.
We’ve reached terminal velocity. If the past is anything to go by, we should see a a vertical spike back up soon, then leveling out to a lower high, followed by another steep drop.
why user. do you not like where you work? is there any chance you can get a different position or a different job altogether? i, for one, do not mind waging as it gives you an alternate source of fiat which you can use for your investments. you will get rich user, its just that sometimes we have to toil hard to make money. hope you get all the richness you want, good luck
And I missed out on 300 bucks today because I forgot I had the last of my stack still on my ledger, so I had to wait until I got home from work to sell. I’m going to try not to think about the 50k I missed out on though.
dont worry user. in the long run, you wont bother about those 300 as you would have already made it.
Im fucking ruined
why so, user? mind sharing?
Damn OP, you are what Jow Forums needs right now, just plain soothing words, no shilling, no wojaking, no negativity
look at the catalog
why do you think you fucking smartass
Started with 5 grand, turned it into 50, now I'm back to 5 grand. I'll probably be negative by next week. I buy about $500 worth once a month to buy the dips but it keeps going lower.
At least I have a great job, gf, and almost no expenses with money in the bank.
Pretty much same but turned 10 to 80 and now back to 10...took literally zero profits, fell for the meme. I'm just astounded.
Don't really give a shit, we either recover or I go down with the ship. I expect the former but prepared for the latter.
first time caller, big fan. how long is this bear going to last? 2 years? 2 weeks?
oh user, sorry for that. i know the market isn't in our favor right now but it cant be going up all the time. we already knew that when we entered the market. the market could go up like never before or it could die a painful death, but is it possible for you to control it? no. so when you cant control it why are you angry about it then? as i said before, money is important but there are so many things that we are neglecting right now in the wake of crypto. now that we are in a bear market how about we shut the screens off and take a look at other things? am i making sense, user?
Eh, poor as fuck.
But I have this older Japanese fuck buddy. So I guess that works out, until my parents come back from their vacation.... then i can’t have at the house. Goddamn I’m a loser NEET
Post her brapper
FeelsGuy I like you. You're a good trip. Just don't start shilling us any bags, that would be a major bummer.
I had 72k for just one night but had 60-65 for a while. I got so conditioned by months of gains Injust wanted to turn that into 120k. From 5k invested. Damn. Could’ve been debt free with a pile of money in the bank. Oh well. Nothing led to donnow but wait for the bottom, buy back in and wait another 2 years.
see user, your second line has all your main points. you are investing money but you do not need it right now. it might take years for market to recover, just have patience and it could come up. meanwhile keep working hard at the job and have good time with your gf and life. hope it stays great for you user.
yeah user, sadly there isnt much that we can do. you got to do what you got to do and market got to do what its got to do.
thanks user. i am certainly not sure how long will it last. the only thing i am sure of is almost nobody is sure of that as well. there was no reason for it to come down this hard, it was all market sentiments. so i guess as soon as the overall sentiment starts going positive, you start hearing good news around and there are people who are referring to crypto as technology and not ponzi, then i guess is the time it will start going up. hope it help, good luck
Every time it crashed over the past year I would panic and sell right away, then end up bulb back at a higher price. The one time I manned up and refused to sell turned into one of the biggest crashes ever.
Same for me dude. Lower numbers, but same feel. I remember that peak night, I was at 32k. Dropped down to 25k and hung out in that area for a week or so. I too just wanted to 2x or 3x for a nice deposit on a home. Now down to 7k Hindsight is 20/20 don’t beat yourself up.
OP tell us about yourself.
well user, you should not feel like a loser. you might have had opportunities but you couldnt make the most of it. all you got to do is stay alert for any other opportunity. it will come and you will grab it and try to make it. no job is big or small, you could start with a starter job and work up the ladder or keep working hard till you find the job you like. working hard isnt a meme user, it gives a meaning to your life. you have to have a goal, otherwise what good is a cruise drifting apart in the ocean?
no user, i am here because i see so many people frustrated and i myself am one of those. i come here time to time to provide a thread where people can put up their rant as it goes unnoticed in most of the places. do not worry user, you would never hear a coin/token from me in this thread ever.
user, everybody has different life and different choices but this is one common story that we hear on this board. almost made it but we are here now. just think for a while, you almost made it once. what would stop you from making it next time? you think you wont get the opportunity? maybe the next opportunity wont be crypto but something else, all you have to do is to be on toes for such a chance. you are smart, you were there once, you can do it again.
user, if i tell you my story you will laugh. my initial investment was 16k and i am down to 7k. although i have a good job that i like, great wife that i love and a life i like living. i am not pulling out my money, i already consider it as gone. i am just keeping it there and would just need to go double to make my money back. the kind of market we have seen, double isn't that tough, i know. just an opportunity and i am back. here;s my story
Op's good vibes bringing up the price of btc as we speak..
Initial was about $2500. ATH was ~150k. Now I am back down to just over 25k.
It fucking hurts, but at least I'm still up. And I unironically think we are all still early investors. The technology hasn't seen mass adoption yet. People don't use crypto to buy day to day items yet. But in time they will. We just have to be patient.
good going user, this is the spirit we should have.
From an initial investment of 5k I pulled out 10k in November and 10k in January. Sitting at about 3k from the remainder of that.
Also took out a 10k loan during the crash and have been buying every dip from 9k to now.
Feeling pretty comfy.
You’re amazing FeelsGuy user
doing great user, i would advise to not rely much on loans and repay for mental peace. good luck
thanks user, my pleasure helping the board
dont worry user, i would suggest not looking at the charts constantly and cut out from this mania for a while. come back in sometime and take a look at the situation and reassess your position if you want to.
>Invested 5k for a friend
>Asks me to put his money in my money machine
>Lose 2k
well user, did you let him know in advance of all the risks he would be taking with this money making machine? i hope you did, he lost 2k while making money, he should have known the risks. also, i feel when it comes to monetary situations, we should strictly say no when someone close asks us to manage their money. it brings saltiness in relations, no matter you are in profit or loss
I made enough off of crypto that if I told you how much, you'd tell me I had no reason to worry about anything at all in life.
But money doesn't change shit. It's past 11 here and I'm still working a job I hate. (You need 7 figures to quit your job, and I didn't make that much.) And to make matters worse, all my friends and co-workers around me got blown out by crypto, so everyone is miserable.
I've got a lot of cash in a bank account, but what difference does it make? I already had a car and a place to live, and what more do you really need?
My life is just like before I got into crypto, but now everyone around me is sad. It sucks.
i always say that money is important but not the only reason one can be happy. life has to have a goal. if you do not like your job then maybe you could look for a change.
what is making you unhappy, is it the sad state of your surrounding people? not everyone can have same life user, some would be sad and others would be happy. it is good that you have empathy towards others.
money is just one means which can make you happy but you got to have somebody to share that happiness with.
Thanks man.
It's good to hear someone say that.
"Hey feelsguy, big fan here. I wasn't going to call but I've, uh, I've been listening to the show all night and decided to chime in and try to.cheer everyone up, you know? Maybe ease the burden on their conscience, brighten someone's day, I don't know. So, uh... I just want to tell everyone to hold on and focus on what can still be done, you know? Focus on what can be still be done instead of what could have been. Because you know, this has happened before, right? We know that. Couple years back, there was the whole mount gox incident, you know? Everyone thought it was the end, lots of people quit, and we know how that story goes.
Those were uncertain times too, that's why people quit. And those who didnt, they got another shot. So chill out! We got-we gotta chill out a bit. The fundamentals aren't going anywhere. This thing is perfect for our generation. It's high tech, we love that. It's also away from banks and older people obsessed with control. We don't wanna be controlled, and a market crash wont change that. We dont trust banks any further now that it has crashed. We don't like fiat any better now that it has crashed. People leaving the market now, they're either waiting to get back in or think it's dead. They dont suddenly think it's a bad idea, they're just sad for their money and think it won't bounce. All it takes is a nudge. An unspoken consensus between all investors that it's time to buy. And this next time, this next time we'll be old money. Just hold on. Thanks man, love your show. Rock on."
great way to express your feelings user, it's not anyone's show so everybody is free to express the way they feel. i just provide a platform that people can come and chime in. thanks for your contribution user
Exact same situation. We'll be alright. Even if it turns to pennies, it was a speculative investment with a nominal amount of money.
But if it takes off....IMO, I think we have a lot less to lose an a lot more to gain. You just have to stress the fuck out about it for a while before the market starts a bull run.
I cannot believe what we are alive to witness
You're all contemptible. You got greedy and stupid and you're deservedly going broke. Didn't you ever stop to consider that the people who get rich have connections or work ethics or extreme luck or some other quality besides willingness to hold bags for a bunch of obvious hype men?
Maybe the problem is that you're irreflective, not that the markets aren't cooperating. For example, look at the mouth breather who spent the last four years traveling and banging Asian hookers, contributing nothing to the world. If that dude got rich it would be a sign of something profoundly wrong in society.
But hey I'm sure Trump will BTFO minorities and fix everything for the mouth breathing teat suckers of Jow Forums
Poo poo ID
crypto is zero sum at this point since there are no successful businesses based on anything but speculation so basically you sucked their blood