Why must I live in Israel

why must I live in Israel.
my parents are fucking retarded for moving here and now I have to suffer until I have enough money and a possibility to move out.
I fucking hate jews and the way israeli people behave.
fucking disgusting sand niggers. Hitler should've finished what he started until the last fucking subhuman was turned into ash and thrown into some shithole.

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be careful what you say user
can't they stone you to death for being anti-Semitic there?

Y no like jewses? What are the like IRL?

idk man the people here are truly damn greedy and nasty.
especially the ones who come from countries like marrocco and Yemen they are just something else
their behavior is indescribable.
I miss europe man I wanna go back

Fuck off, we're full.

Are your parents jewish, while you became atheist?

Attached: jewjak.png (213x237, 22K)

depends on where you are.
if you say something bad about jews in public (intentionally very loudly so everyone can hear) you might get beat or called out by some Moroccan faggot.
if i walk into the jew orthodox places that are closed for the public and made just for them I'd get stoned just because im a girl that doesn't wear a long skirt and cover up my legs entirely,and a long shirt that covers my entire arms or at least elbows.

fun fact I've been in one neighborhood like that because I had to visit someone in the hospital, and that's the only hospital in the city. and I got told to leave cause I was wearing a t-shirt and Jeans.( on my way to the hospital in one of the streets there by some of the people that live there)

it is way worse in places like some parts of Jerusalem and Bet-shemesh.
probably even bney bney brak,which is a city that is flooded with them.
I've been there a couple of times and boy is it fucking scary man. they all look the fucking same. they're all fucking nasty dirty people. scary stuff.

So you came from europe?

Are you a Jew?

no. my parents aren't jewish.

Well I was born in Israel,while the resort of the senpai was born in Ukraine.
so I'm the one unlucky bastard in the family.
and no I am not jewish.

I meant to say the rest of the family.
not whatever tf that it.
autocorrect changed it and i didn't notice.
my bad.