Whale here. This "crash" you're experiencing is nothing compared to what's coming, there will be blood, and not for a few days, not a few weeks, you will all bleed for months, you'll be waiting to 2019 to break even. Your only chance at salvation is getting out now and buying back in a few months. Good luck.
Whale here. This "crash" you're experiencing is nothing compared to what's coming, there will be blood...
Sharpie in pooper
"Lard here going to ge liquidated at 7700 so please keep selling"
Yes mr whale i am going to cash out to save my 5 thousands dollar left from 60 thousand those 5 thousands dollars will totally save me from a life of depression and failure if i only knew how much i need 5k in my life, KYA FAGGOT
Thanks, just bought 100k.
It's better to have 5k not 500
>Whlae here please sell me your bags for cheap
> 5 thousands dollar left from 60 thousand
Whenever I feel bad about myself I just remember people like that unironically exist
I want to work with Rei at Wc and fuck her brains off at the restroom between shifts.
>existing ironically
>whale here
Agreed, my initial was 3k now I'm down to 1k, at least I'm not that chink who lost 10 million yuan
>10 million yuan
how much is that in real money (i.e. BTC)
Kill yourself, nigger, I'm dollar cost averaging all the way down and all the way back up. How does a whale get eaten? One bite at a time. Also, your larp sucks.
About 1.5 mil
I dont give a single fuck anything below 2 millions is pocket money i just took a 30k loan i am going all in in this bear market all or nothing life of death fuck you bunch of cunts
And I'm finally in bankroup homeless and jobless will join do a hero taking a few jews with me
good luck friendo
This right here you fucking faggots. I'm unironically doing the same thing. Whatever it fucking takes, all or nothing
Why would you go take a loan idiots I honestly hope you got into crypto befor the bullrun and you are still in plus
How could it be 'nothing' compared to an 80% drop?
Are you anticipating a 99% drop from here? back to $100?
lmao i did this too.
because i can pay for the monthly dues easily but i need a fat stack right now.
>He sold the bottom
Yeah Im still in the plus by 1000%, not a December faggot,just saying I will fucking double down and cost average all the way to the fucking bottom no matter the cost.
Same here, just waiting a few more days
that too. im not that much up though, just 300%.
you can still make money with shorting
exchanges exit scamming will be the issue
I don’t even like Rei that much but don’t use her for your shitposts you retarded fucking faggot
These silly manipulation tricks may work on neet fags, shit streeters and newbies, but for those of us who actually have a life and a good job are not falling for it.
As my third grade teacher used to say when we were unruly in class, "I can wait"
kill yourself in real life for real, op, you stupid faggot
>anime poster
>has money
Ah. I remember LARPing as a whale too last summer after I unironically sold the bottom of the crash. Good times.
>anything below 2 millions is pocket money
>i just took a 30k loan
holy fuck the level of delusion
why you gotta be like this op? who hurt you op?
Delusion on what retarded faggot 2 millions is nothing youre just to be poor because youve been poor your whole life kys