Why are you letting the scary dark people come and hurt me. It was your jobs as men to keep us safe. Why did you let us get hurt and killed and raped. Pweaaase do something

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What about YOUR job as a man?

I enjoy seeing dark penises going into white pussy. simple as

Help me. The dark people are scaring me

Good,get raped and die disgusting roastie


Equality bitch. You're equal to a man now. Save yourself.


But I’m a subservient based Scandinavian girl. I’ll stay home and cook and clean. Protect me! Be a man

Men only protect their own, and since women are essentially government property it's the government's job to protect them.

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The only job I have is to eat delicious chicken tendies and play video games. Fuck you.

I know you will vote for lefties and greens no matter what I do.

op larping as a little girl because he's dented in the head and probably a tranny

no sympathy

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So mean!

Oh, and now that woman make up the workforce, guess who gets to pay for my tendies? You do!

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Why do I always have this urge to protect my girlfriend? For example, every girl I've been with, I'm always challenging other males or starting fights with those that look at her or talk to her. Even if it's friendly. Then afterwards I'll hug her and ask if she's ok, but then she gets mad. Eventually this leads to breakups, and it happened 5 times now. Especially at bars or clubs I just can't handle the stress and we wind up leaving early. They say I'm being over protective but I thought I was doing the right thing. The woman I'm with now stays home most of the day so I haven't really been experiencing confrontations. Am I doing the right thing or am I being a retard and making an ass out of myself?

beta cuck


The memeflag.

I'll be your protector. I'll be your dark knight!

How am I a cuck?

Not you nigger. You will be re enslaved.

Why are you fighting for your girl, she shouldn’t be messing or even in position to where you need to fight over her. If you can’t dick her down right user eat the roastie

I hope my BBC will be of service, oh white goddess.

Because youre a money leeching slut who fucks atleast 5 guys recently.

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Just remove a few of the knives you planted in my back, repair the reputation my masculine parent, remove the chains of taxation and wealth redistribution from my ankles and stop voting for the importation of rapists, stop brainwashing your kids into self-hatred and you MIGHT salvage the next generation.

Me? I'm gone for good. Made your bed, lie kn it.

> hope
> white goddess
Wow, you sound like a cuck. Enjoy the AIDs distributor who think she's a real woman.

wtf protect urself bitch

Because if you get owned by inferiors it means you're not part of the master race, the master race survive some inferiors

The niggers here just rape other foreigners

Because Jewish women are better.
They're worthy of protection and are better lover than you

You can hire me as a body guard.

Based and fucking redpilled

this allday

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shes not my wife so not my job faggot.

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I’ll help you if you take the meme flag off Ruth

Protecting you from what you've invited and welcomed with open arms while tearing down every vestige of protection men have built over thousands of years?


would diddle

Not my pussy, not my problem.
It's never yours, it's just your turn.

If another guy stares at the girl in clearly with is that not a sign of aggression? I never do.that to other guys.

Don't you have the courage, to save us?
Why don't you do what you dream.

Attached: Please save us.png (1244x898, 613K)

Absolutely based

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>Why are you letting the scary dark people come and hurt me. It was your jobs as men to keep us safe. Why did you let us get hurt and killed and raped. Pweaaase do something

Dont do this to yourself user. You will be labeled as a beta by the normies out there.

The truth is, there are two kinds of women, one who are pro niggers and muslims and you can't do anything to save them.

Then there are the ones who are still conservative, have good Morales and stay away as far as possible from niggers and muslims, they know how they are and they hate them.

Attached: Don't you have the courage.png (1244x755, 753K)

>goes on tinder
>sucks 30 dicks and gets pregnant
>says white men should be killed

I hope you guys know that regardless of whether you stop us immigrating to Europe or not, you will still be virgins in your white nationalist utopia. These sorts of girls don't go for guys like you.

Attached: Why don't you do what you dream.png (1244x807, 766K)

Die slut, DIEEEE!

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Its not my job to protect women. fuck off. they made there bed now they can get raped in it.

>I will post on Jow Forums, you go to provoke muslims and risk your life because of my post.

Gass yourself

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Yes, well, she did grow up to marry a fucking jew

WTF is wrong with you, you're meant to call me a glownigger.


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I will someday, but at least I won't die a Jew, or a Muslim, or a traitor, unlike yourself.

ok why dont you stop commenting here, take a gun and go to a synagogue?

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If you can't save yourself you're not worthy of being a master race

>derr I'm a retard that only thinks about violence.
Who said anything about that being necessary action to save my people? It is definitely the worst solution.
No, the only real action that is needed is to wake them.

How many women do you know that have sucked 30 dicks on tinder and got pregnant and say that white men should be killed?

If the Jews can genocide a race using the tactics they do, we can save ours the same way.

There are no men of the west left. They died in Jewish wars throughout the centuries. We are the descendants of weaklings unwilling or unable to fight.

If that girl first says that all refugees are welcome and gets raped afterwards, then I don't care!

Because if you get owned by inferiors it means you're not part of the master race, the master race survive some inferiors

>Gives no real solution

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Fucking Kike! Can't help yourselves can you.
As usual anything that supports the white race in anyway is twisted into being portrayed as (((white supremacist rhetoric))) and evil.

stop posting and go away, white trash

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Why don't you do something about the civil war happening in your own back yard? Too afraid?

You should stop campaigning for the death of my people, and focus on fixing the problems with yours.

>If the Jews can genocide a race using the tactics they do, we can save ours the same way.
That would be like becoming as bad as them.
If white cunts can't protect themselves they're not part of our master race

white women gladly threw white men under the bus, fuck off and die roastie bitch.

Listen, supporters of white people are mostly evil and racialistic cunts, if they were half nice as jewish people I could tollerate you. So stop being a vicrimized cunt and start being nice

Guys will stare. Your girl might even stare back. But unless you have a guy walking up and physically assaulting her some how, it is not worth fighting or even being "that guy" who's so insecure he thinks his girl will fuck anything that looks at her. Like others have said if she is willing to cheat and flirt with guys in front of you, totally not worth the trouble. At all. Respectable women will not do that. Men staring down your girl are just extremely mad they don't have what you got. The proper response is to hug her, give her a kiss whilst they stare. Or if she allows a lewd ass grabbing and tounge kiss whilst they stare wishing they weren't so beta.

I'm not a white man, but white women really deserve to be raped by a pack of niggers as based Mel put it. They've betrayed their own men, belittled them, and took part and actively encouraged in the demonisation of white men. And for what? So they can say they are diverse or whatever the fuck? White women are the biggest trash and pampered beings on this fucking planet. I can't wait to hear the cries of white women when the foot soldiers that they support invade their countries and brown the insides of their vulva.

I dont complain, my life is great.
You are my problem

You helped bring them in sweetie. Figure it out yourself.

haven't cringed this hard in a while, well done user.

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No one asked you, shitstain

Is that Emma Ellingsen?

>Using propaganda to protect a race is as bad as using propaganda to genocide a race.
You are seriously retarded. I'm sorry but that is the most illogical statement I have heard this year.

>white people are evil.
No we are not, that is exactly the propaganda that is killing us, you are clearly a genocidal maniac.

>You're not dying quietly, that is my problem.
Clearly a Stalin fanboy.

>You are seriously retarded. I'm sorry but that is the most illogical statement I have heard this year
If we were this master race we wpuldn't use what inferior uses for saving us, we should be able to survive if we were worthy

You sound like someone who oozes jealousy and insecurity. You think you are ‘protecting’ them but in reality you are obnoxious and over-protective. Obviously girls leave you, those are terrible faults. Fix yourself

>No we are not, that is exactly the propaganda that is killing us, you are clearly a genocidal maniac
I love white people, women and men, what are you even talking about? But I wouldn't love them if I wasn't honest in saying that the majority are just evil and mean. I would love a white woman as mich as I love a white man, but if they aren't good people to the start they aren't worthy of being saved

What's with this master race horseshit you keep spewing kike?
I've never said or implied such a thing, and yet you say it nearly every post.
Clearly an attempt to demoralise us.
Which indicates I'm doing something right.

Tits or Get the Fuck out

Mh... so are you a not evil one? Good, but we have to call out our evil whites before they poison us.
So stop any kind of hate for non-whites or just love yourself without hating others

Actually, it does bother me a lot that European women aren't safe right now. I've made sure that all the women in my family are safe and do what I can to help out female friends.

I tell you why...
>be me.
>meet cute white European girl in the park Talk to her about my passion.
>She's smart asks good questions doesn't need things overly explained.
>Say "hey you're smart, you seam to be following along with everything I say." "Well, I should be, I got into MIT."
> Go on date with girl.
>Madly in love with her. She has to go back to MIT.
> Later, google her name. find out she's working on project with the goal of curing Niggers in Africa of some disease.
> Ask her about her project. She goes on and on about those poor nigers.
> Don't have heart or chadness to tell her niggers are dumb and ain't nothing you can do about it short of CRISPR.

Fuck this world if smart women are going to be nigger lovers. only good news is they put a nigger on the project team who looks dumb as all hell. I hope he lynch pins the whole thing to failure. though that's kind of sad because her project would lower medical costs for actual humans. Shit if she had tried to finding a funding for a medical device company for profit and got some actually smart people around her. It would probably be almost complete.

No, stop associating with me (((white woman)))

>Why are you letting the scary dark people come and hurt me
Why do you vote for unlimited immigration ?

Dude, that's a man.

>Good, but we have to call out our evil whites before they poison us.
The problem there is that the propaganda that has been fed to us makes people see any white that is not completely nihilistic, evil.
>stop any kind of hate for non-whites or just love yourself without hating others
Nothing wrong with hating those who are trying to kill you, it is a natural survival instinct. The key is however, how to properly deal with it.
White people aren't allowed to love themselves, as you have clearly indicated.

Fuck women, biggest traitors.

not my job, cunt

They don't usually look or talk back to them especially the one I'm with now. But in public it's terrible. Every minute I was on the boardwalk this summer I was getting fight or flight responses for no reason at all walking with her. It's like a weird disorder I have. Maybe I'm just not meant to be with someone if I can't control myself. But I will take your advice.
Again how does it make me a cuck? Nobody is touching my partner and I'm making sure of it. The problem is me going to far and how to stop it.
How? If I'm at a bar and I'm clearly sitting behind my girlfriend and some other guy starts talking to her, I'm just supposed to take it like a moron? Why every approach a female if she's taken? People have never doing that shit and it pisses me off.

Seriously? The pic the faggot known as OP posted is of a Norwegian MTF tranny. Can't remember the name, but '''she''' was all over the news a couple of years ago.

>No one asked you
That's the thing. No one asked you if you wanted more third world immigration but look at the state now.