Can we have our GPUs back now?

Can we have our GPUs back now?

Attached: vtan.png (274x242, 5K)

you can have these dubs back

gfy faggot
the GPUs is ours

Attached: 1521942184213.png (671x519, 146K)

Exiting miners will sell cards to remaining miners, so no.

ive only got a shitty 970 lmao, and never used it for mining (unless you count shitcoins like magacoin, sigt, ect)

You can suck my cum out of your mother's ass.

Remeaning miners will shelf them as an reminder, that they are fucked, as mining with them with a profit will be impossible.

Mining profitability is constantly seeking equilibrium even during market fluctuations. Someone is always profiting from mining.

So how much do you want for your nonprofitable computer heater card?

Lets face it, cryptos are here to stay.
Does that mean what gamer cucks are fucked up for life?
Every new generation of video cards will become more powerful and more efficient for mining, meaning what miners will keep these cards out of stock most of the time, and those cards that would be available for sale will be priced at 5-10x MSRP?