How much do they influence the government?
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Well the illegal ones basically control the democrats.
I'm not telling.
> "Killer Kikes from Outer Space"
Invest now!!!
not so much here in the u.s., but a great deal in eastern europe. why do you think orban is so based? because he knows he's got the little green men on his side thats why.
They refuse to deal with the government. Government tries to shoot them down,but are powerless against their tech. If the public knew a force could essentially turn off all tech, would be paranoia abound. If everyone knew the extent of their tech, nobody would attempt to innovate.
Cant say their motives, but they do make contact. Abduction reports up to 230 million cases. They act covertly. Cant be up to much good like that. Theyre welcome to beam me up and prove me wrong at any time.
Ayys only control the governments of "towns" with with populations less than approximately 15,000. Its intergalactic policy. Not all towns with populations less than 15,000 are ran by the Ayys. The last time I checked the number is about 70 towns.
Is that what you kids call space aliens nowadays?
(((Aliens))) is literally a psyop for high echelon Jewish folk... Puppet mastering humanity essentially... & prepping for the imminent (cyclical) collapse...
This is it though... no recovering from this next one... Idk what kinda of breakaway civ they got going on...
They turned many great states blue.. illegal aliens.
White racism did desu... They played you all like a fiddle know how to tear you apart slowly: now conservatives have hardly any traction.
Well, seeing as how they are impersonating humans in key government functions, I'd say we're pretty well and done fucked.
Maybe for the better. Humans are pretty stupid, would you not agree.
They don't have much to do with the government, more of the military. The full info is kept even from the president. They gave us info on physics (gravity bases) and some technology, which has since been back engineered. In exchange they were given permission to perform tests on humans because we are a rare species that they consider to be "containers" of a soul. They are inter-dimensional and spiritual. They're here mainly due to the fact that humans are a self-destructive species and they want to preserve us before we make ourselves extinct. They won't reveal themselves fully until we're almost dead.
They control everything.
Little, they just want to be left alone and abduct a few people at a time, and probably do so under their own external pressure and not because we are a threat to them.
Trump stopped fighting ISIS for the aliens in the sky.
Is posting fine on pol? everyone heres continuing as normal
Pretty much this. You guys always bang on about "the jews" but the aliens have been here since the beginning. One of the saucers worked on at S4 was over 10,000 years old.
I'd recommend watching this moon footage of a saucer before it gets taken down:
Why, is it fucked everywhere else?
To the user that said look up at the sky tonight, I did and saw some shit. Flash of lights outside the window alerted my gf, I went outside and saw a bright green light on the hill and a couple other lights that vanished and appeared again.
So far this is the only board ive found with no problem.
Speak english you fucking ayy.
I've seen many
aliens are just demons diguised as "angels of light." Jesus comin back soon boi
same for me, i cant post on Jow Forums
Fascinating britpost
He is right you know. Aliens are demons. They are just messing with people who have a world view that is not Christian based. Basic facts, people who were messed with through history by these entities at first were told they were spirits, fairies etc, later in the 19/20 century they claimed to be from places like the moon, mars or Venus. As time went out they moved to other star systems close by, and later they said they were from other galaxies. These things are insidious and wish to destroy us. Find Jesus, confess your sins... And if these things mess with you call out to Jesus for help and it will stop immediately and they will go away. They are terrified of Jesus.
Third time for me. Never seen any ayys tho.
Aliens are angels.
Aliens aren't real
This much.
Last week I saw an orb in pure daylight. I was 'abducted' once but i think it was just sleep paralysis/dream
Other way round, demons are aliens
as well as demons.. always larping the religious aspects as a cover when they get on down here.
a whole intergalactic war rages on outside the confines of this pretty little blue and green ball.
This guy gets it. The evil ones are already here. Trying to get you to attack the good ones.
The ones we have are pedophiles and made jews king. I hope aliens exterminate us.
If they can influence from millions of light years away then complete control because it would be a sign of extremely high technology.
Bro you fell for the aliens meme lmao that's sad
Not enough apparently look at the kikes
Why don't you think they're real? How do you explain Bob Lazar, Phoenix lights, the Ariel encounter, Nimitz incident?
He thinks they are demons, but he's too dumb to realize they are aliens or that he's unknowingly worshiping Osiris.
we are the aliens man
There's no proof. Maybe potential evidence, but no proof. Bob Lazar could easily be larping or have been misled for psyops. Phoenix lights could easily be flares attached to balloons. Haven't heard of the other two but I can guarantee they aren't proof of aliens. I think "alien encounters" or abductions are most likely some phenomenon of the unconscious mind.
No faggot
>did not read the thread
aliens are demons
read a book
Look at the Nimitz tic-tac video. If it doesn't convince you, nothing will. It defies physics and any human inside the craft would be killed by the g-force. There's also a documentary on it
I just looked it up. I've seen it just didn't know the name. Some low quality video from to the stars academy, which is full of ex-cia agents who we all know are super trustworthy right? You believe that shit because you want to believe it. Not proof. Show me a high quality video of an alien, not some gay ufo, without jump cuts or obvious trickery and I'll entertain the possibility that it's not cgi.
You should listen to Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis if you don’t already, you’ll like it, he talks about exactly what you’re saying.
Is there any other people local to you that have seen these things as well? Or just you?
Daclassified footage taken by American Navy pilots.
We either have a geopolitical competitor who’s miles ahead of us in their understanding of thermodynamics and physics, or we’ve had extraterrestrial visitors.
that question don't matter, OP.
Looks like somebody beat me to it. Should’ve read the thread, I suppose.
If an alien civilization, with technology far surpassing our own, chose to wage war against and conquer us; I’d wager the human race would have a similar outcome to that of the American Indians.
Does this answer your question?
Imagine the smell.
Like a reptilian nut sack.
Disclosure is already happening I think. Just slowly.
Aliens could of been Architects of space and possible time travel possible Big Bang Architects too. Life is either chaos or built. I think looking at us is a clue. We breed we create maybe a theme is happening here? I’m no rocket scientist though. Aliens like to spray acid on others too as I have recently seen in movies and also a shock real life. This disturbs me. I look in for the answers as sometimes when everything is said and done it’s the final frontier. Aliens are cool they look like us and I’d love to be fren with one and go for a space ride in worm hole. All this is true and I only wish that they would come down and see us not be afraid as we would not harm these special entities.
We have proof but even if we don’t they are far to clever and use stealth invisibility cloakes. They have superior intelligence intellectuals I call them and use worm hole tech etc to travel. I know because they created bing bang and life on planets exist. Humanoids. They harness energy after years of advancement trial and error. Masters and Gods. Id fuck alien make hybrid.
I think thy have complete control user.
They do. Reminder that president Jimmy Carter broke down in tears after being briefed on the UFO phenomenon.
>"Supposedly, he was shown secret government documents that said Jesus was an extraterrestrial creation made and placed here on earth to teach human beings about love and peace. These documents were also supposedly passed on to, and seen by, Linda Moulton Howe."
The physical characteristics of the Aliens clearly shows that the chinks gonna rule the world in the future, the Aliens are the chinks from the future.
There are a ton of alien types ranging from hot girls to intelligent pools of sludge
>hot girls
I'd love for some of these ayys to visit and come party with me.
it is possible but you would need to radically change yourself for the better and stop being evil in any capacity, in a way that is probably not achievable on this board, if you are really good at this you will be able to visit their ships and worlds.
Difference between those civilizations was no where near as vast as the difference between most cutting edge human technological ability and a civilization capable of interstellar (or interdimensional, which is even more insane) travel on a routine basis. This difference is unironically more akin to the difference between us and lemurs. To describe our interactions, if they were hostile, as war is desperate egotism on our behalf and pretty laughable.
Well, they're always welcome to come party with me.
yea, yea, yea linda moulton howe's research re: "soul containers" is definitely interesting but the thread she has been developing re: NHEs is far more compelling. jump to 30:18
great vid and interesting perspective that I can't recall i've heard detailed by others. not sure if i buy into the cosmic abandonment theory but passio is a red mega-pill for the uninitiated looking to learn where they should begin learning about esoteric subject matter
its amazing what God has created in the heavens and earths
yeah he created gullible retarded semite worshipers like you
I can't stand gay ass pleiadian niggers
Fuck love, embrace technology
Containers comes up a lot. Bob Lazar mentioned it to. The aliens also have strange powers. One of the EBE's as they were called had to be kept in a faraday cage because it started to walk through walls.
The Alien Elders are suffering from a severe muscular degenerative condition and are at risk of extinction. They are here to harness our genetic material to produce healthy new bodies for themselves.
Aliens are a government psyop.
aliens are CIA psyop
CIA is an Alien psy-op.
This guy knows what's up.
Illegal aliens are being promised tax payer funded healthcare
Thanks Nick Pope.
Thanks Bob Lazar.
so so underrated
Thanks, Jehovah's Witness.
Checked and red pilled.
>How much do they influence the government?
Democrats are mad and grouchy faced all the time like the short gray ones.
They are nicer than they look!