When Western and Northern Europe start speaking Arabic as the majority language you will know how Romanians felt 1500...

When Western and Northern Europe start speaking Arabic as the majority language you will know how Romanians felt 1500 years ago when they suddenly found themselves surrounded by slav-speakers.

Attached: slav migrations in southeast Europe2.jpg (447x1134, 519K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop shilling this crap, you fucking uralic bozgor

Romanian language got de-Slavified in the 19th Century
They used to write in cyrillic and even to this day have many Slavic words in their vocabulary

>Romanian language got de-Slavified in the 19th Century

And it's a good thing.

It's also a patent lie. Stop repeating lies you learned from Hungarian memesters. Just some words in the vocabulary might have changed organically. It wasn't a major change to the language, which is unchanged since the 1500s.

>They used to write in cyrillic and even to this day have many Slavic words in their vocabulary

So? I'm sure you have many Turkish words in your vocabulary, like iatak.

You forgot your memeflag, bozgor.

da faq is iatak?


There is no such things as a romanian though, so why make a thread about it?


So you can get mad about it, bozgor.

Attached: romanians.jpg (1024x812, 145K)

I am not hungarian though I am a wallachian, genetically we are not the same people nor are we culturally and linguistically.I guess from your image your are from N Moldova

>Romanian language got de-Slavified in the 19th Century

Almost all latin languages went through some sort of relatinisation or linguistic purism process in the 17th, 18th or 19th century.

>They used to write in cyrillic and even to this day have many Slavic words in their vocabulary.

The romanian orthodox church willingly switched to cyrillic after the Schism of 1378 trying to minimise catholic influence (litterature) over the romanian kingdoms.

Also slavic words only make up about 10% of the romanian language, not bad for a country surrounded by slavic speaking countries for more than 1000 years.

the decision to use Cyrillic was a dumb one, mostly coming from slavic influence from the north (see past relationship with Poland for ex. )
We always spoke Latin-based since the days of trajan.

Also you have the opposite : Slavic language that doesn't fit Latin alphabet :see polish.

No we didnt always talked a latin language we used cyrillic up until the early 20th century, it can be seen on all religious building,political documents and books.Even the first romanian poem was in it and there was also turkish used as a secondary language along side greek.

I saw this shit yesterday and the day before yesterday. Shut the fuck up you mongol. Saged.

Stop lying, bozgor. It was Romanian but written in the cyrillic alphabet. The alphabet is not the same thing as the language you moron.

The decision to use Cyrillic was from slavic influence from the south (Bulgaria, and their church specifically).

I am not hungarian but a wallachian I already told you and if you use a certain alphabet that means you need to pronounce and talk it too, the so called romanian language wasnt a thing up until the 20th century.

You do get that they switched back to the latin alphabet in 1862 (17th) and that the 20th goes from 1900 to 1999?

you are asian

Attached: East-Asian-admixture.gif (800x545, 73K)

1862 means 18th century and they didnt switched until the standardization of the language which was in the 20th century

>bozgor pretends he's Romanian
>the so called romanian language wasnt a thing up until the 20th century

You're seriously dumb.
There are books printed by Coresi in Romanian from the 1500s that are perfectly readable today.

Here's a later example from the 1600s. I've underlined where it says "Romaneasca" for you. The rest of it is also in Romanian.

"„Carte romănească de învățâtură de la pravilele înpărâtești și de la alte giudeațe…” (Iași, 1646)"



Attached: pravila-lui-vasile-lupu1.png (808x1309, 1.9M)

Romanians are literal fucking gypsy's, slav is a step up for them

The only gypsies are r*ssians that steal everything they see. Land, gold, you name it.



I have no idea which connection is worse
On the one side you have Latins like Italians, Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese which are lazy, manlets, swarthy and olive oil slurpers
On the other side retarded semi-niggers without any kind of civilization called Slavs (Poles and Russians are definitely the worst)

Also highlighted: Moldova, and "pre limba Romaneasca".

I cant read anything its 100% cyrilic wtf do you even mean? There was no such thing as romanian language up until the 20th century and I am a wallachian.

Obviously Latins are superior to all. They (together with shitskins) fuck your women.

Attached: nordcuck.jpg (633x568, 163K)

>1862 means 18th century and they didnt switched
lmao circumcised kid, who do you try to fool?
You are immigrants from south danube. you aren't white, you are nomadic asiatic little piece of cigany filth.

Russians have like 50 words for steal.

you aren't latin you fuck, you aren't genetically latin. You don't look latin either, you look mexican. Like pic rel.

Attached: graetmna.jpg (522x768, 37K)

>I cant read anything

Then learn to read, nigger.


Stop posting. I'm tired of moronic slapdicks like you getting in the way.

You can read it along perfectly if you know the alphabet. It's Romanian.

„Cartea ce se cheamî Evanghelie cu învățăturî. Deîntuspatru Evanghelistii aleasî și de în multe dum(n)ezeești scripturi și datî beseasearicei lui Dumnezeu, în toate dumineci a se ceti. Așijdere și la dumnezeeștile praznice și la ale altor sfinți, spre învățăturî creștinilor oameni, cătrî dereptarea sufletului și trupului și cu ajutoriul lu Dumnezeu tipâritî aceastî sf(â)ntî carte Evanghelie cu învățâturî. În anii și în zilele mâriei, lu Batăr Criștov, cu mila lu Dumnezeu Voevodî în toatî Țara Ungureascî, și în Ardeal, și în toți săcuii. Și în zilele marelui de Dumnezeu luminat Arhiepiscopul Ghenadie, ce-au fost spre tot despusul măriei lui, cu mila lu Dumnezeu crămitoriu legiei creștineascî. Atunce era despuitoriu în toatî Țara Rumâneascî bunul creștin și dulce Mihnea Voivodî, și spre despusul domniei lui crămitoriu legiei creștine marele Serafim, Arhiepiscupul. Eu, cu ajutoriul lu Dumnezeu, și cu voia acestor tuturor, și a sfatului mieu, și al ăltor, eu jupănul Hrăjil Lucaci, județul Brașovului și a tot Ținutul Brăsei, jâlui și dedi de le tipârii, în lauda Tatâlui, și Fiiului, și Duhului Sfânt, în cetatea ținutului domniei meale, în Brașov. Și se-au început aceastî carte a se tipâri dupî întruparea Fiiului și Cuvântului lu Dumnezeu, la 1580, a ot bitiia (de la facerea lumii) 7088, în luna lu dechemvrie, 14 dni (zile). Și se-au săvrășit lucrul la 1581, a ot bitiia 7089, în luna lu iunie, 28 dni […]


Attached: coresi evanghelie 1581.jpg (1136x1719, 646K)

Sorry, I don't speak turkish.

Attached: roata_tiganeasca.png (823x575, 51K)

>REEEEEEEEEE you you aren't latin you you you you

Sperg somewhere else, gyppo.

Attached: soy.png (785x1000, 254K)

This will be the future flag for romania//

Attached: homungus.png (519x209, 23K)

What you post has absolutely nothing in common with the so called romanian language even the letters dont match, why do you have to lie? Even what you post has to translate it since its not based on the used language.

Acually you do, bozgor.

A whole sentence can be derived of the similarity between the two languages. "Zsebemben sok kicsi alma van" in Hungarian, would be "Cebimde çok küçük elma var" in Turkish. The linguistic concept of "there is/there are" is represented with a single word (van/var) only in Turkish and Hungarian. The number of similar words are too many to count here, but some examples are sok/çok, kicsi/küçük, alma/elma, balta/balta, kec/keçi (that's me lol!), zsep/cep, ki/kim, szaz/yüz, and thousands of others.

There is also vowel harmony in both languages, and the ways to conjugate possessive pronouns and tenses are very similar:

almam (azerbaijani dialect) = almaM = My apple
geldim = jötteM = I came
yaptım =csináltaM = I made
geldik = jöttünK = We came.
yaptık =csináltunK = We made.

The name Turk is also believed to have derived from the Hungarian word török (kırık in Turkish, what a coincidence, similarity again!) by some scholars as Turks used arrows with broken tips in wars on purpose.

Attached: Hungary1.png (1028x602, 114K)

Esti un imbecil.

Keep making things up bozgor. You're the only one lying and double posting from your phone.

It's Romanian and can even be Google Translated.

You blithering morons 1800-1899 is the 19th century.

You are seriously retarded my dude. Search online for a cyrillic to latin table, switch letter for letter and u ll see you get romanian

so does your mom
btw, I guess this guy is a kid... or larping.

you stole chad's flag.

Attached: 1541706669687.jpg (577x469, 144K)

>Even what you post has to translate it since its not based on the used language.

Holy fuck you're stupid.

There is no translation. It is transliterated. You can read the scanned document yourself, the words are there. "Cartea" is written "кapтꙗ" in the first word, for example. How can you be this stupid?

Your country has muslim women as leaders.
And muslim men, see raed arafat

Attached: isla12.jpg (760x420, 151K)

are you a christian?

I, for once, stand with my Roman brethen on this one

Attached: AntikeGriechen1.jpg (2836x1616, 1.24M)

Show flang mongol friend

Look at this old romanian alphabet and compare with your book and see they dont match they have so many letters that dont exist, as I said the so called romanian language has not existed until the 20th century when the first standardization of it began.

Attached: romanian_old.gif (569x200, 5K)

>the so called romanian language

What part of "pre LIMBA ROMANEASCA" (underlined) highlighted in do you not understand?

Attached: pre limba.png (471x128, 84K)

Are you actually using a font as your argument?

Kys liar

Can a Serbian or Bulgarian user confirm they can't read that?

I told you numerous times, romanians aren't latin or roman genetically. They have asian genetics, pulling them more eastern than regular italians or spaniards.

Romanians don't have an italian face, they have a slav face affected by east asian turkish genetics.

The claim made by OP is that the language used is romanian when in fact its cyrillic and that it can be read by someone who doesnt know it.Which is retarded and he indirectly strengthens my claim
Very latin am I right you babbling buffoon.

That's not an old Romanian alphabet you idiot. That's a modern Romanian alphabet with an old style. You're a fucking moron. The old Romanian alphabet had letters from cyrillic (it was basically the Bulgarian alphabet with 1-2 new letters) but the language written in it is Romanian. Learn to fucking read!


Learn to read imbecile.

someone forgot his pills.

Attached: RomanianGeneticTest.png (747x873, 529K)

That is a slavonic language again you keep repeating the same thing as I do but only claiming its in fact written in romanian, I swear to God you are too dumb.
That font you see its how the letters were written in 20th century.

That's a font made by a guy in the early 2000
Post a old text that used it


no latin country ever used the slav alphabet, so shut the fuck up gypi, you are not latin.

We are talking about language and alphabet not genetics you shilling bozgor

stay mad

Attached: She-wolf_of_Romania.jpg (3411x2367, 1.45M)

You are so stupid, holy fuck. Stop posting.

In order to read it you need to know the slavonic language in which it was written, meaning that it cant be romanian since it will have different words,pronunciations.
I am and the book is written in cyrillinc not what you claim as being romanian.

>Post a old text that used it
you are grammar nazy gipy.
an old* FTFY, make sure you don't do mistakes next time gypsi.

you are asian.

Attached: ftw.png (928x713, 187K)

It is in ROMANIAN written in CYRILLIC. Just like Polish and Czech are written with the LATIN alphabet.

How can you not understand this? Follow the goddamn text with the transliteration as a guide!

Dude what he said that its written in the so called romanian language which is not
I am not you are just talking out of your ass to defend your non argument

Attached: tay zonday2.png (1500x628, 141K)

No faggot, you need to know the alphabet not the language. If your ass would compare letter to letter you ll see you get romanian words

>That is a slavonic language

How can "LIMBA" from latin Lingua be slavonic you fucking idiot?

Its written in cyrillic and has nothing to do with romanian because before the 20th century there was no document written in that language so you cant compare or use it for anything.Just because it can be translated that doesnt mean its romanian.

if someone considers that man he looks italian or iberian/french, then he must have some problems.
He looks very turkish instead.

romanian language has no dacian words.

Иc тхиc Eнглиш op нoт? Иф ыoy чaнгe тхe aлпхaбeт ыoy дoньт чaнгe тхe лaнгyaгe

>Is this English or not? If you change the alphabet you don't change the language

>before the 20th century there was no document written in that language


What a trolling dumb bozgor.

branza brad viezure
There are a lot, but at this point i know you just post for attention

Thats not how it works since the cyrillic language contains multiple letters that dont exist in the romanian counterpart and words have different meanings since its based on different roots.
The book you posted which you claim is written in romanian, which in reality is in cyrillic shows your cognitive insanity.

>Is this English or not? If you change the alphabet you don't change the language
objectively wrong

You change the language, because no one has a clue to read it. Now fuck off retard.

>before the 20th century there was no document written in that language

I just posted 4. Should I post more?

TransLITERATION (not translation) - read it and follow letter by letter:


Prea luminat întru pravoslavie, și credincios întru Părintele Nenăscut, și întru Fiul de la Părintele Nenăscut mainte de toți vecii, și întru Duhul Svănt dela Părintele Purcezătoriu, și pre Fiul Odihnitoriu, Svănta Troiță Unul Adevărat Dumnezău Ziditoriu și Făcătoriu tuturor văzutelor și nevăzutelor.

Io Vasile Voevod cu darul lui Dumnezău Țiitoriu și Biruitoriu și Domn a toată Țara Moldovei, dar și milă și pace și spăsenie a toată semenția romănească pretutinderea ce să află pravoslavnici într-aciasta liânmbă cu toatâ inima cearem dela Domnul Dumnezău și Izbăvitoriul nostru Iisus Hristos.

Diintru cât s-au îndurat Dumnezău diîntru Mila Sa de ne-au dăruit dăruim și noi acest dar limbii romănești, carte pre limba romănească, întăiu de laudă lui Dumnezău, după acea de învățătură și de folos sufletelor pravoslavnici. Să iaste și de puțin preț, iară voi să o priimiți nu ca un lucru pementesc ce ca un odor ceresc, și priînsă cetind pre noi pomeniți și întru ruga voastră pre noi nu uitareți și hiți sănătoși.

Attached: cazania-lui-varlaam-iasi-1643.jpg (2072x1750, 966K)

Because you cant translate a word from one language to another and not change its root meaning too, the same way idioms dont exist or make sense from language to language.
>What a trolling dumb bozgor.
Is this romanian to you?

Attached: 1280px-Scrisoarea-lui-neacsu-din-campulung.jpg (1280x960, 198K)

>branza brad viezure
branza it's not dacian

brad is proto-albanian

may be proto-slavic.

I don't post for attention, but you do retarded gyppo.

You stupid fucking monkey

Cyrillic is an ALPHABET

Romanian is a LANGUAGE

Иc тхиc Eнглиш op нoт? Иф ыoy чaнгe тхe aлпхaбeт ыoy дoньт чaнгe тхe лaнгyaгe
>Is this English or not? If you change the alphabet you don't change the language

It was spoken all the same you fucking moron

Yes it is you retard!

You can read it!

I highlighted here: Tara Romaneasca


Attached: Scrisoarea-lui-neacsu-din-campulung.jpg (1500x1125, 311K)

No modern day romanian can read what you post without knowing a slavonic language, compare what Eminescu manuscript to what you post and see that its not the same language.

Attached: rugaciunea-unui-dac.jpg (646x1047, 151K)

>It was spoken all the same
no it wasn't does this seem like romanian to you? it's like speaking a retarded form of the original, you dumb bosgor.

I'm sorry but you must have an IQ above 70 to post.

Negative IQ, both of you
Japanese is written in 3 or so alphabets
A lot of Slavic languages are written in Latin alphabet now
Greek is written in 2 alphabets



sounds very retarded, I would guess it's another language.

Romania has an alphabet which is not latin due to the existence of non latin letters and if you dont know cyrillic none of the books you post can be read showing that the people spoke either bulgarian or serbian at that time and not your so called romanian.

>does this seem like romanian to you?

Of course it does, since it is Romanian. You can pass it through Google Translate to English and it comes out fine. Stop shilling bozgor.

Now read your sources again, tell me where it does not say might, look at the region proto albanian was spoken and compare it with the zone the thracian tribes lived you absolute retard

it was called slavonic, not romanian, there was no such ethnicity named romanian before 1848, gypsy.

If every book up until the 20th century was written in non romanian how can you claim that the romanian language exist?

You don't "translate" you retard, you use other characters
There are Moldovans that use Cyrillic for Romanian to this day,

>thracian tribes
you aren't thracian.
Furthermore analbanians were illiryan not thracian.
You are cuman instead. Your country should have been named CUMANIA not romania.

It says it is uncertain, from the sources, you dumb nigger.

this, romanian language was invented in the 19th century.
No such thing as romanian language in medieval times.

Latin origin word (contra)

Latin origin word (tota)

Latin origin word (sementia)

Latin origin word (romanus)

Bozgor BTFO'd himself

Cope harder you brown nigger