You doubted me?

>You doubted me?

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Sminem is a holy saint blessed by the powers of kek. He is an arch angel who can fly with his ears and will save us from the whales and (((them))).

What's in his portfolio?

Only those blessed with GREEN IDs may post in sminem threads..

rolling for greens, else I will banish myself

You have brought pink to a sminem thread


Sminem, should I continue working on my project?

Praise Sminem

This is one ugly kid. Does he have a condition?



should I buy back in? show me the greens

kike syndrom

Green enough?

SMN coin when?


put all his points in wis

great mana regen

Nah, just the result of inbreeding.

Those who will be saved

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Save me

Looks like the product of an unholy union between a bull and a wood elf.

Nas Ven Qash holy trinity SMINEM SAFE US ALL!

Sminem will never be a Jow Forums meme no matter how hard you fags try.

he is the most holy union between 2 bogdanoffs

Winter is past, summer has begun,
And none of you will be saved.

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sminem will save anyone who believes in the green.

do you ever wonder if this guy know what we do with his image here?