Why even live anymore



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So you can join your brothers in the race war to reclaim your homeland.

old south african flag is now hate speech

if they banned confederate flag would you also go to war ?

why doncha immigrate to israel

Why must the world be so fucked?

Considering everyone in the South flies the confederate flag, everywhere...

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isreal is for jews and arabs south africa is for the boer

lots of bars and pubs have the old flag displayed now they must remove it , it feels legit like im living in a nigntmare sci fi movie

they say great civilisations only last a 1000 years

Yeah, everything’s gotta crash at some point.

if this is really the end of the west i wanna go out guns blazing whos with me

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You’re talking to an American mate, of course I’m not just gonna lie down and take it.

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I am.

i have no guns but i have God on my side

Why would you want a UK cuckstamp on a flag

so that the British ego could be satisfied and leave us alone

this is what dutch courage looks like

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Isn’t there one with the Volkstaat flag replacing the UK one and one with the AWB flag replacing that Union Jack?

there is old boer republic flags and AWB flag but those are also hate speech

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doing nothing means you are defeated
i wont let a kaffer tell me what to say or what to think

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What do you think of this?

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its ok but i like the original the union jack represents our boer war

also are you from the western cape or are you a natal nigger

These are the flags that could have been candidates for your country

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third one looks cool

>old south african flag is now hate speech

we destroyed your cuck russian tanks in the anglo border war lole

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>we destroyed your cuck russian tanks in the anglo border war lole
btw there is a very good word in Russian (a short version of the English phrase I don't FUCKING care)
word - pochuj(pohui)
so pohui

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is everything going to be okay

you dont care cuz you just another useless gopnik

People are going on as if the Equality Court are highest court in the land.Why don’t they take this case to the High Court,followed by the Supreme Court of Appeals and then finally the Constitutional Court?Its not as if the ANC made a ruling outlawing the old flag.

no, in fact gopniks are that guys who is "MUH RUSSIA, T-34 FTW" and other tv propaganda script words
they are industrial-like rednecks(!) but in cities, towns

thats not the point , the flag is seen as hate crime thats what is wrong the flag of my people shouldn't be a violations of humans rights
you dont understand it wont stop here they wil keep moving forward until the Afrikaner is no more they want us dead dont you understand
they want us to disappear and die

also are you English or Afrikaans id you are English i understand why you dont care


I am English from Cape Town.

Fucking lol'd

10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta

yeah if you are English i understand why you have no connection to the flag but for me the flag is i symbol of my people and culture so i am angry when a court says its a hate crime to be proud of who i am

I understand that.But as I pointed out earlier their are numerous other courts to appeal to.

but i dont want to appeal to other courts my culture shouldn't be a crime in the first place

i want them to leave us alone why cant they just fuck off and leave us alone

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