I can’t believe they banned me from /jp/ for racism, I can’t make OC anymore what the fuck.
Jow Forums is now no fun allowed zone
My health is at botom low of my life, very skinny, normal stuff is to heavy for me to lift, my passion for food is long gone. I have no friends, after primary school i have no friends. I think it's my fault that people dont like me. Now i'm still going because idk
ITT: Why i shoud't do it
death is a race, kill urself now and beat out the competition spain
imagine being a kike from reddit who doesn’t undertand internal jokes. Ahh of course you fucking redditors are what you name “meme” I think.
>internal jokes
way to say discord meme
of course it’s not too surprising that you know too much about d*scord lmao
so thats a confirmation then
no, it’s a confirmation of your low iq to understand communication tropes such as sarcasm you stupid fucking faggot
Dumb d*sc*rd pedo
lol the discordniggers mad
kys eskimo
imagine spending your time being eternally irascible on the internets
>inside jokes that only a handful of people understands
>used to brag about fingering and fucking trannies early on in r/banter
>lashes out at trannoids and discordfaggots on a daily basis
It all makes sense, SSP is a self-hating closeted discord tranny
if niggers didn't want to get descriminated against maybe they should stop genociding themselves and ditch the mosquito mud cookie burgers and learn to farm and bathe and dress properly and talk like actual human beings
we can end discrimination by killing all people who get discriminated against in the first place
no niggers means less people being racist to niggers
i just solved racism
at least I don't put a dick from my uncle in the pooper