What is our international anthem for this board?
My vote goes to this-> youtu.be
The Anthem of Jow Forums ?
Matthew Peterson
Angel Anderson
polteens fuck off
Jacob Baker
Logan Edwards
>t. triggered redditfag onionboi
don't get your tranny panties in a bunch newfag
that was scary..
Adrian Nelson
Caleb Nelson
>newfag calling someone else a newfag
James Campbell
shut up it's good
Noah Hughes
>triggered because youre in the same discord server as
seeth harder nigger faggot
even I like some pretty retarded stuff, but that's some next level full on full retard shit sir. go get a brain scan, you might have a few tumors
Kevin Evans
i don't want an anthem for this board
Owen Howard
ah yes the epic "muh discordfaggotry" argument surely you'll fit right in with the likes of the fucking kike and the romanian.
welcome to our fucking shit board, make it worse with your stay please.