Reddit is shorting what little intelligence they have left

With 100x leverage.

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He's right you know

Lol what a bitch

>shorting after the crash


Dude, go drink bleach.


christ, I regret not shorting on the way down as well, but that's some serious cope.

no one is suppressing the price. people were panic selling.
Now there are still more sellers than buyers.
When demand exceeds supply at $4000, we'll see a rebound

At the end of it all, you want bitcoin, not fiat. This guy gets crypto.

He's not wrong

>cartel tries to suppress btc
>btc rises anyway, to da moon
>gov enacts new taxes and bans on btc, then makes it felony to own it after a bit
>gains are gone, btc rendered worthless
>the jews win again

THIS. HODL is the only way to beat the Bogs.

Why are they so cancerous to always fall for these normies tier propaganda like cartels, elites & shit?

bretty mutch anun

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>pushes price down

absolute state of reddit. you have to buy before you can sell, you cant manipulate anything to go down

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Their conspiracy theory is the elite pumped the alts ADA/TRX/XRP, dumped those for bitcoin in order to dump bitcoin buying in via USDT or something.

Alts didn't exist when mtgox happened and it still crashed hard

>implying this market isn’t heavily manipulated by whales who get paid to liquidate margin faggots

>biggest jew of them all tries to suppress a picture

if brokers run stops that is possible but "elite" to push prices down is a ridiculous claim. usually losing traders blame "manipulation" we see this constantly on metal markets

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(((Elite))) is pc code for (((them)))

obviously shit coin teams or people who created majority of those coins dumbed their bags on sheeples


the absolute state of OP

(((them))) is pc code for the 1%

You didn't actually go to reddit...did you user?

>implying 4% of metal holders own 96% of the precious metals market
>implying bitcoin liquidity is in any way comparable to liquidity for precious metals
If you don’t think the Bitcoin market is manipulated you’re deluded, they could push us back to 10k right now if they wanted to

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> Who shorted the market? Why did the goverment allow this to happen?
It's the same idea, I'm not responsible for my losses, I'm just not allowed to win. It's the shorters, it's the bots, it's the whales, it's the bankers, it's the media, it's the elites, it's the barriers to high frequency trading. They are the guilty parties, it's not my fault.

And they will and then they'll dump and do it again. Buy low and sell high.

>not a retard by HODLing who sold in November
the absolute state of my supremacy as a white male

I go to reddit and make nigger jokes to inspire the elimination of censorship and political correctness

>not a single mention of shorting in the screenshot you posted

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He was using a metaphor. A very gay and explicitly homosexual metaphor.

>I can't read

The absolute state of bag holders

let them, it will distribute the coins among more people, i stopped caring about the price when i cashed out 500k

% of addresses is a useless measure

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But he's right, bitcoin is essentially a binary bet, either it's worth a shit ton or nothing at all. Throw at it what you can afford to lose and hold for years. From someone who sat through the entirety of the 2014-2015 bear market and bought the lows you children have no patience

This is truth

Exactly what my plan is. I can't be fucked learning TA. Just accumulating coins via fiat.

>they don't have infinite Bitcoin

Wew lad, this guy has no idea how a short attack works. This the level of knowledge of finance shit coin traders have. The absolute state of delusion.

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That's because mt gox fucking scammed everybody

Comfy chart

in the sense that it's more likely bigger players have their holdings spread over several addresses, compared to smaller fishes, ergo the distribution is even more lopsided?

No worse than average Jow Forums OP desu.

Yeah people always think it's not their own fault because they don't want to admit they are dumb faggots. That is why they will always fail

plebbit is retarded

btc is going down because there are more sellers than buyers

you can't make this shit up

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Yeah just hold, the real crypto people aren't here to make USD, we're here to destroy USD and have an economy based on BTC. Don't invest more than you can lose, though.

this is why crypto will work......... until the gov says no more

this is horrible

gtfo retards they broke 1 golden rule and it was to never invest more than you're willing to lose

who cares? big brother does. eventually

Those people shouldn't be allowed to have money, basic needs should be provided for them like animals

thank you for your service

top fucking pleb

Probably fake, but still funny

They just hurt themselves and others with it, just keep them in a cage.

we have to do what's right and take it from them

well thats the point, there is actually a limited supply of BTC you can sell...

however given the number of a kinda quasi inflation as BTC holders are forced to diversify or risk zero BTC value white a combination of alts take over.

brainlet, you actually cant manipulate the BTC market directly, as you can not arbitrarily print BTC all you can do is print fiat, fractional reserve exchanges, or make alts.

He's talking about them suppressing the price for fuck knows what benefit. In order to suppress the price you need to dump coins so therefore you eventually run out of coins once all the other weak hands you convinced to dump run out.

I bet in the next world order misleading propaganda tools such as r/bitcoin will be punishable by Gulag imprisonment for life.

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This. Genuine cryptofags don't care about the price because 1btc = 1btc.

sure, but also because some wallets have been irrecoverably lost or destroyed and many of those 10000 btc addresses are nothing more than relics left over from when btc was $0.03.