How do I make a proper Blackjak / Darkjak

How do I make a proper Blackjak / Darkjak

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niggers are too low IQ to use image editing software, so don't even try boy

blackjack? too light

he will be called a coontoon

Seconded, two for "Coontoon".

I don't know

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>dfw you is a coon toon
>dfw you is down on beetconnect
>dfw Shinequa suckin Tyrones dick not you


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nigga that is CJ from GTA: SA

are niggers even human? i think they are a different inferior species altogether. they are more akin to apes. i mean, i'm not calling them apes or monkeys, but i just can't ignore the similarities.

it has been proven that niggers have some ape admixture. look it up

Yeah, I don't buy it.

Why would an ape ever willingly breed with a nigger?

What the fuck? Sure smells like Jow Forums up in here. or maybe /stormfront/ faggots. either way, go back to whatever white infested shithole brainlet circlejerk forum you came from. fucking puny wimpy, racist faggots like you don't deserve to speak. Shame.

poor ape

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btw you go back to wherever you came from you fucking nigger.


t. negroid niggerish niggerkike black filth

Goddamn Nu-Coons.
What ever happened Jow Forums

i miss Kent


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You can't for the simple reason niggers are incapable of feelings

This. You fucking incels need to stop shitting up this board with your fuckshit

i feel squeamish going against trips but this is quite literally false because niggers are only incapable of thoughts, not feelings.

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trips don't lie, your own concept of feelings is way off about the true nigger internal process, if anything they just react to impulses much like plants

thank you. i feel enlightened, unlike niggers, because they are dumb

Black guy here, let me bless you all with a proper name for this creation: “brojack”


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It's Friday night, this is peak incel/antisocial weirdo time on Internet forums

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