Insider here...

Insider here. It has come to my attention that the delay in Request Network's implementation of Bitcoin Oracle was/is due to Sergey vehemently disagreeing with the req team about the burning function. In his opinion, or so I've lead to believe, the of burning of a random wallet's REQ tokens is strictly unethical.

Attached: clink.png (314x309, 92K)

>the of burning of a random wallet's REQ tokens is strictly unethical
It is. Fortunately, REQ doesn't do that.

That you haven't yet been struck with the random burn is because the volume on the network is still so low. It just the question of time.
Look at all the threads around here with people losing tokens. Personally I got lucky and lost only 337 tokens.

>random burn

based sergey

Attached: 1522526373227.png (965x692, 34K)

Again, source?

we can stop with this meme now, it was funny for a bit but now it's just spam

dude are you that fucking dense? this is such an obvious meme, jesus fuck

Attached: 1522421351323.png (1162x611, 115K)

I know it's a fucking meme. Do you have aspergers?

It's not even a meme. The token burn was literally in the whitepaper

it's not "random" but if your node gets chosen to be the oracle for the transaction, your link gets burned along with the req. That's why Sergey cut ties.

I'll bite.
The token burn isn't random. You have 0 proofs.

hmmm... aspergers

Attached: aspergers.jpg (375x250, 25K)

you clearly don't understand the meme
sincerely and genuinely fucking kill yourself, retard

Mind if I print this out and send it to BBB?

yah if the token burn is really random then how come 68% of the burned wallets are in india?

The absolute stay of new/biz/

Thank God! I knew it was based Sergey refusing to let (((Them))) poison the implementation of ChainLINK. Remember that on this day Jesus Christ burned in Hell for our sins to wash us clean that our souls may be absolved and ascend to Heaven, and God bless Sergey Nazarov!


that's a shame.


Insider here to report this faggot should eat more shit.

Disprove this, find a source Sergey admitting random wallet burn is a a good mechanism.
Hint: You can't

why come my tokens burn then

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