Anyone else losing hope/despondent with crypto yet?

i'm starting to now

feeling hopeless now

crypto has ruined my life

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As a medicine, I recommend the regime of daily pussy sucking of pic related.
t. doggdor

My trading skill has leveled up during the bear market. I feel like I can ride these markets out whether the situation is bearish or bullish. As long as there is enough movement, I can profit.

PS: Nice Anri. Have a Sayako.

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Sure you can, faggot.

Such a fag. Crypto is coming back might be three months, might be two years. As long as you get good positions now, you have a good chance to have a lot of money in two years.

I hope nose jobs don't become a think in Japan.

Absolutely. Trying to think outside the box now. I cannot afford a home. Only make 40k a year. Will be homeless or live in a van when they raise my rent. I'm not a wagecuck either. It's difficult to scale a business when you are introverted type b NEET class. Thankfully I haven't actually lost anything significant since a bought in 2015. Very sad to see pathetic portfolio dwindle to peanuts. I'm a holding fag. Maybe we can hold each other user. I'm not gay but damn I'm a fag for not selling so I might as well suck some dick

this is now an asian beauty appreciation thread

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she's packing

> asian beauty appreciation
I'm in.

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Asian fetish is the first step out of the closet.

>fake blue eyes
So am I to understand that even Asians don't find Asian features attractive?

t. roastie

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t. another blacked whore roastie

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Is it bad that I want to seed and wife an asian qt as a white man?

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What I don't understand is why white people don't want to protect their racial heritage.

Jews are using immigration as a weapon against you. It's not in your racial interest to mix with Asians. We can be friends and allies, but the white race is under assault.

Where's your defense?

t. Concerned Asian

is that the date the nigg stabbed her to death?

no its normal, I have the same urge.
We must secure the existence of asian waifus and a future for hapa children.

>liking any race that isnt your own is a fetish
>liking the asian race which compromises 60% or more of the world population is a fetish

>racial heritage
Kid, when breeding you first should take into account intelligence, then health, then wealth.
Only morons care about race, the reason why I fuck white woman is because they are usually smarter/healthier/richer than my other options, not because they are white.

I dunno if I thought about it in advance I would think the same. However I just went for hot. I have 2 daughters from two women one white one asian. They were both hot in their day the asian is still super hot. The white woman went so fat eventually her legs were like tree trunks. I am educated and the white woman has a masters degree and the asian nothing. The asian woman is far superior in all respects, money aside, Both daughters are hot and smart although the white woman expects the daughter to be the top of the class whereas the asian is astounded the daughter is so smart.

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manish face

That's just a Siberian mutt.

What I said only matters if you actually care about your kids, which, to be honest, is uncommon.
If you are being selfish, you should go for wealth first, then hotness, then stupidity - your ideal woman being a 10/10 with millions and 80 IQ, so she will be easy to manipulate.

>I cannot afford a home. Only make 40k a year. Will be homeless or live in a van when they raise my rent.

Nigger, look into adverse possession. I found a house that was abandoned for 7 year, & adversed possessed it.

With all the time you have in your hands as a fat, neckbeard virgin... do you research and get your new home.

>can not afford a home
I seriously can not understand why murricans stay living in their overpriced shithole when they are not making at least $200K/y.

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Tell me your secrets. Is your house in a good area? How is it that nobody else had claimed it already? Is it a total shitbox?