Welcome to the first official /nightwalk/ thread.
What is it about the Jow Forums user base that makes them like to go on /nightwalk/s? Lack of minorities? What is it?
Welcome to the first official /nightwalk/ thread.
What is it about the Jow Forums user base that makes them like to go on /nightwalk/s? Lack of minorities? What is it?
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I just feel at peace when I do it
First I've seen
Some times I like to go into places that might put in danger. I also listen to only death metal Why is that?
I used to love going on nightwalks, especially with my girlfriend. I held her under the stars and told her how much I loved her while we were listening to black marble. she was my world and I fucked everything up. after almost 3 years, she left me yesterday. welp, back on the no gf train.
A true /nightwalk/ is done alone.
I prefer rain/snow walk.
Minorities slink about at night looking for victims , but heavy rain and snow is their kyrptonite.
Jow Forums users seem to favour cold weather. Why is this?
yeah that was fun for me too, I've walked just about everywhere in my little suburb though and when I started driving I lost the itch. maybe one day when I move away from this god forsaken desert I'll pick it back up again.
Nobody around to bother you.
>nothing to say, just this image
Something about the last ice age? I don't fucking know i just like the feel and sound of rain n snow ok? Leave me alone leaf.
Nothing can replace a walk. Gotta get fresh air.
Old nightwalk pic
other people in general are unpleasant
satanic tares are everywhere
walking alone is nice
>lack of minorities
>at night
Lol. Night time is when you meet the worst of them. And when i saymeet i mean get into a fist fight. Possibly a shooting or a stabbing. Thats why we go on night walks.
>when it reads like a haiku even though it isn't
I guess this true. Not many violent minorities where I live. The violent people are all white.
I do love the danger aspect of nightwalks and goin to spooky areas.
Im from the PNW so I love the rain idk. My fucking niece stole my only headphones so now i cant listen to music and walk though its fucking bullshit.
I've been so tired
So tired. no more walking
I'm in BC myself. I personally always listen to music, but try without it's very peaceful.
I'm the same way. Just push yourself.
Post /nightwalk/ music
I walk home alone every night from my moms without music and I hate it.
This is my walking rock. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. I keep it in the pocket of my dominant hand in case a passerby deserves a window smashed.
Try ceramic from a spark plug.
Metal probably isn't considered /nightwalk/ music, but it's what I listen to.
I just listen to shoegaze stuff or whatever else is chill to me.
Make this thread on Jow Forums it will last longer and janny will not delet it since is not off-topic there.
What do you fellow nightwalkers think of my gear? Would you approach someone wearing flecktarn pants?
Official theme music if there ever was any
I would just think youre autistic desu
Oops forgot pic
Aren't we all?
the feel of cyberpunk edginess
I don't do nightwalks in flecktarn
I've listened to Sunset Mission before but its kinda depressing to me.
Flecktarn is based af. Try it.
I bet you're good at manhunt. The irl version not the ps2 version.
You're a normalfaggot. Leave.
You look like a serial killer.
I love sunset mission and basically all of Bohren's stuff tbqh.
Although Midnight Radio is up there with it too tbqh.
Last track is unusual for them sort of
delivering for dominoes soon. Lots of 1AM finishers. Gonna enjoy the late nights.
Diggin the knife and pants desu. Do you like my pants?
Burgers carry guns but I'm the serial killer because I carry what's available?
I'm far from a normie.
Yeah I like it too as like a moody 1930s seedy walk kind of thing. But not always something you wanna listen to when you want to clear your head at night.
I used to do it when I lived in larger cities, which are cancer for the soul, now I think Im starting recovering form a long long time of deep sadness
How do you know when I like to walk.
>No shoes
Come on now LARPer you're in your backyard.
>Midnight Radio
That's pretty cool. Moody but not super depressing or dark. Kinda funky and mysterious.
Used to take a walk on Friday nights around my brothers property to catch taggers. Would then kick them in the balls real hard. A few times I pinned them down with my knee and emptied the can onto them. Good times.
You don't belong here. Kill yourself.
That's rude, Burger. If you met me, you'd see I'm a really nice guy.
This. I love walking when it snows here, but rainwalks are fun too, especially when you start just before it rains.
You're a redditor who should kill himself.
That's the most upbeat song on the album :^)
The rest of that album is like, extreme slowness/ minimalism although not the same atmosphere as Sunset Mission, it was when they had a guitarist and not a sax player.
Dude you're carrying a big ass knife and wearing camo at night. That's some "I have PTSD from a war and I can't tell who's an enemy combatant anymore" shit.
Get some fresh air, you might feel better, user.
Im about to walk home from my moms rn. Ill post pics from the walk
Manhunt is a variation of tag and hide n seek in the dark. I think you look nice in flecktarn.
Go back to r*ddit.
Fuck nightwalks. Weed is the ultimate fucking redpill and is based as fucking shit
Yeah its like midway between upbeat and moody. I dig it. Good for nightwalks. Sunset Mission is definitely dark. So is that other one with the skull cover that I forget the name of. Black Earth or something like that.
Weed is for niggers.
Fresh air is the ultimate redpill.
>D U D E
these threads are a psyop brought to you by your local law enforcement agencies.
This, probably.
because you're 17
>let's get random anonymous people to go for walks
Holy shit the SINISTER fiends.
There's a kind of sound on midnight radio, for some of it, that I feel like I've heard before but can't pinpoint or find much other music like desu. Like a 'lounge' atmosphere is how I've heard it described.
There's a lot of ambient music out there but it's tough to find it when it's done with regular instrumentation in that way.
Isn't it dangerous to do this in the big cities?
>and post smartphone images for some reason, too!
Kill yourself.
Is walking illegal in America now?
Just get some exercise, user. That's all. Nothing nefarious
I do that every day. Go back to r*ddit.
Just carry a piece, you're a Burger after all.
>Like a 'lounge' atmosphere is how I've heard it described.
Yeah kinda. Like ambient background music to a crime thriller or something.
>There's a lot of ambient music out there but it's tough to find it when it's done with regular instrumentation in that way.
Yeah you just have to listen to everything and hope you stumble onto something great.
Well for one thing all the EXIF data is automatically removed on Jow Forums. And second no one says you have to post smartphone pics. We're just shootin' the shit and posting music.
Living in chicago night walks are out of the question for me.
You glow.
Burgers live in too much noise everyday they need to walk in at night, thats the only way they get peace.
nightwalk is what you do when you're detached from society- it's not uncommon. Even if you're in a crowded chinese market at night nightwalking alone- you're still just as seperate. Every time I try to build a place to be, I fail miserably. I have no idea where I should /be/
Newfag confirmed
You know that comfy, homely winter scenario?
The one where the grassfields are covered in snow.
Where it's nighttime, and the skies are still grey.
Where the light of the streetlights and neon/LED signage bounces off the snow on the ground up into the clouds from which snow gently continues to fall endlessly.
Where you're sitting on your couch with some Christmas music on in the background.
Where right next to you is the woman you love, and together you're holding the same mug of hot chocolate milk, taking sips on at a time.
Where after getting a new hot choco you cuddle up with her, sharing a blanket.
Where during a cold winter's night with Christmas music and snowfall, you rest your head on your love's bosom and hear her heartbeat pound slowly.
And as slowly and calmly as her heart beats, so slowly you fall into a comfy, cuddled, cold, heartwarming sleep.
That's why I love the cold.
Now to get a woman to do that with...
Lost my virginity in the bushes to the right of the light when I was 14 lel
Its gonna start raining here soon and get chilly. Fuck the heat
no u
blacks hate the cold
The Soft Moon is pretty good.
Low IQ glownigger.
Used to live in Fall River, swear I saw Sam Hyde during one of my night walks
This shit fucking hurts
Cover that up before it gets infected you nigger
>summer is over and the college kids are back
>the city is overrun with niggers
>have to carry a gun on every walk
>head on swivel
I've gotta move out of this shithole.
I dont have any band aids
Doesn't the sense of danger make it fun though?