Welp, I turned 27 yesterday. 30 is approaching, which is when youth completely ends (I'm being generous) and live is over.
>kissless, flirtless, dateless, everythingless with respect to women
>ugly loser nofriends autist with no social experiences since school
>never been to pub, club, or party
>failed many job interviews and not posh enough to do well in the workplace
>need to stuff myself with junk food, coffee, and fast food to get through a day
>job that looks ok on my CV, currently put in no effort, and promotion upcoming, but career is progressing so slowly, get paid very little, job is boring as shit, am gaining zero technical skills
>Completely blackpilled; know that women and chads have easy lives
I see everything as work. This is maybe the worst thing. If I could be high energy like Trump and get home and start doing productive things like learning stuff then I could have hope. But I just waste all my time on the internet. I feel cucked when I learn stuff in my free time when Stacey gets everything handed to her.
The second worst thing is that I have wasted 5 years on internet browsing and barely any self development. I think this is linked to the above point. I am simply procrastinating my real life. I see the next 40 years, whether I am successful or not, as a grind.
Thirdly, I hated my degree and university was a waste intellectually, socially, and also professionally to a large extent. I graduated with an acceptable degree and grade but only from my nearest university instead of the most prestigious one I could attend, which is a career retardant. I had no interest in my subject.
Fourthly, all the good jobs in the UK are in London. I save nothing due to rent. If your parents don't have a house in central London so you can avoid renting, you are fucked. Americans all get paid a lot and insult each others' mansions (McMansions). If only we were so lucky. And my taxes go towards council houses for wasters and Help to buy (rich people subsidy).