Crypto completely dissapeared from msm in my country...

Crypto completely dissapeared from msm in my country. We had a 30 mins every day reports on national news channel when btc was above 10k and now I don't even see it mentioned anywhere.
Guys, can anyone else confirm same thing going on in your shitholes?

Attached: wj.gif (569x510, 6K)

Yep, they were fud'ing the shit out of it and trying to scare everyone, now they don't seem to care anymore.

Yes, from prime time politic program to nothing now.

Yup. Complete silence now

Why does that bother you

i think bitcoin is a dirty word on fox business still

butpretty sure cnbc is shilling crypto constant still.
can anyone confirm ?

We are early adopters again

That's the thing OP probably doesn't realize, its basically buying season. When normies come back so will the money.

Almost time to get back in my Creme niggers.

shithole country here. they ran adverts for btc miners on national news channels


I'm from Germany and nobody in my entire country seems to care anymore. At all. I've spoken to my friends and family and they basically said it was a fad. Meanwhile we're sitting here still thinking we're getting mass adoption, when in reality the interest has already peaked and fizzled out.

>normies coming back after getting roasted in dec/jan


No news about this shit anymore

>mass adoption

i told Jow Forums thousands of time that it's impossible. these money tokens are fluctuate in value sometimes by 30% in a day

Attached: images (2).jpg (225x225, 8K)

Time to buy

Maybe your shitholes' respective economic situations have improved. In its current most relevant use-case, bitcoin has become the world's de facto crisis currency

It peaked....friend said he views this as a fad like Fidget Spinners.

I heavily doubt BTC will come ever back to ATH, 20k was the absolute max possible with this old shit tech and the network was slow, expensive af. No lightning will solve that.

This. People are greedy and have short memories. Smart money is buying now. It will slowly and quietly increase to 14k or 15k, at which point crypto will be all over the MSM again, "bitcoin is back!" and shit, and normies will start FOMOing in once again.

This is exactly the point. 20k was the peak with everything going right. Everyone knew about it, media attention was huge and new money was flooding in daily. And right now we're seeing what happens when we don't have that anymore. I also don't see any reason for it to come back. Fads don't just happen again. Once they die, normies lose interest for good.

Yep, totally off the news. Time to accumulate.

and since all charts follow BTC chart ...all coins will disappear slowly... am i right fellow cuckolds?

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This insane volatility is a huge turnoff for the normie majority. No one wants to put in big amounts of money. The volatility is OK for normies when the value goes constantly UP, but these last three months bearmarket shitshow make them stay away.

Its 2014 all over again

Here's a hint. Institutional money already was in crypto prior to November and got MSM to pump it in order to dump.

It might happen again, but certainly not to this extent. Too many people have been burned and just want to get out with their initial investment.

normie money will flood in come spring 2019 when the war in Asia starts, checkem

Jow Forums told me 1 btc will be worth $100,000

We barely reached 20k with complete awareness and you thought we could go to 100k? lmao

when the next halvening happens it certainly will, latest 2021

Nice. By that point your investments you have today will be worth about $100 at best. Have fun with your x10 then.

I'm completely tired of you dumb motherfuckers spreading this fud. People were saying the EXACT same thing in early 2014. And guess what? You're partially right, people sat on the sidelines for two years after being burned. But guess what? It happened again. Go look up some news articles from that time before posting this. BTC 100k by 2023 at the latest

>team pink in charge of understanding exponential growth

I quit my callcenter job for this bullshit

Are you fucking stupid? We NEVER had the media attention we had last year. NEVER. 2014 isn't even comparable in the slightest. Almost nobody knew about bitcoin then, and nobody cared. Now every fucking normie was in every fucking altcoin. Just get that into your head ffs.

iF* user IF
many got burned... most got burned
Told friends its a scam, a ponzi etc since they are retarded
word spreads, now they are fucked off

Most normies did not invest in these coins, but awareness phase was peaked. However we still have Gen Z, they haven't been in the game yet because most don't have money and can't buy coins.

The ones that haven't invested also won't invest. Most people don't even invest in stocks, because it's too risky. They will never put their money in after seeing what happened here.

you get too hung up on the media meme, my dude. Normies just threw chunk change for fun at some top 10 coins

thru the years I saw several people quit jobs once they join Ponzis.

a certain "herbal" company comes to mind ;)

Attached: ponziges.jpg (311x162, 8K)


I'm afraid this is closest to the truth ;/
But I'm drunk so ymmv

The stock market will cease to exist in the future. Millennials do not give a fuck about traditional investments. They want to invest in something exciting. The cryptocurrency market will one day replace the various stock markets around the globe.

The difference between stocks and crypto is crypto can be easier to buy/understand, especially with Coinbase. If there were easier gateways to crypto people would buy it, unlike stocks.

It's dead

Good. Fuck all of you saying that we needed media attention. This is what we wanted. It has to die to come back stronger in a few years. this is GOOD.

>actually believing this

Why is team peanut butter is so based? Im screencapping this and once bitcoin gets normie attention again this is exactly what will happen

Yeah bitcoin wad starting to do the rounds in 2013. I heard a few normans talking about it. Bitcoin comes and it comes in waves and soon we are going to be all over the world.

So, what doesn't kill bitcoin makes it stronger?

Msm in my country rarely talks about it and shits on it 95% of the time. No FOMO here before and probably ever.