What is the best thing to invest in that will ultimately lead to the complete destruction of this disgusting planet?

What is the best thing to invest in that will ultimately lead to the complete destruction of this disgusting planet?

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Fast food


quads confirm.

how do i invest in niggers? do i send aid to africa?



Invest in Hebrew school and spreading niggers far and wide through "non-profit" NGOs

invest in refugee boat service

Excellent idea. I'm gonna look into this.


Not good enough. USD is losing its destructive power.


How can we be sure oil companies don't use it to invest in some clean tech BS. I would like to make sure the air is not breathable in 100 years so that everybody's children suffocate to death.

buy the oil and burn it yourself

Nano tech and new weapons delivery systems. Once these combine, and one individual can anhilate humanity, we will have reached the Great Filter.

Everyone forgets that all these NGOs suppres their clients by making them incredible lazy. Just look at the average nigger in Africa sitting under a palm tree until the food aid truck arrives. I believe the NGO funding is a small price to pay for controlling nignogs all over the world.

soy futures



Why not deprive them entirely of air? Sequester the Oxygen and sell it for a premium once they finish burning down the Amazon


Of course a (((mini))) would do this

>What is the best thing to invest in that will ultimately lead to the complete destruction of this disgusting planet?


Bitcoin Cash.
Real talk beyond the whole bullshit excuses for BTC so far in wide circulation.
Sigint intelligence agencies of the world have put in a herculean effort to subvert the Bitcoin chain to a level where it can coexist with the existing balance of global power. By keeping the block size low for on chain transactions, they ensure that at the level of peers, only a very small elect few people may ever actually participate after the entire economy is moved to Bitcoin. Cattle normies get stuck with centralised hubs in lightning and the old school bitcoin elite can transact with their incalculable wealth directly on chain, safely insulated from the regs for all the mouth breathers, who at the same time will keep paying their taxes like good slaves to keep the entire global machine running more or less just as it has the past hundred years.
This fact is obviously unpalatable for broad public consumption, and thus the lies about needing to keep the chain throughput to the present levels to preserve decentralisation, or basically whatever explanation it takes to sell people on it. The alternative, Satoshi's actual original vision, is the end of the world as we know it and the balance of power for the past hundred years.
What happens to a population that have been bred and moulded for subservience and soft-slavery when they are exposed to a world without the shepherd that has so moulded them over the past hundred years? The few remaining wolves tear them to pieces.
Taking the entire global economy out of the hands of the states of the world guarantees that shepherd dies. If bitcoin cash wins, humanity defined as the majority of presently existing humans are going to get utterly destroyed.