In the name of God, the beneficient the Merciful

This is an actual image from the American state of Florida. A woman from the American tea party movement being punished by God for burning a Koran during an anti-muslim hate rally in Tampa. She was turned into a Pokemon.

Notice how in the image, the Pokemon still has its original clothes on before being punished. An impossible thing on its own. Proof that this is real.

God is great praise be unto him and peace be unto the prophet Mohammed.

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This cult of Jaadu-Tona has been brought into India by these Mulla-Molvi Sai baba kind of Dhongis.. which were ancestors of biggest magical cult doer.. The Mohammad!

Hinduism is more than a religion; it is a way of life. It is not a man made religion, founded or created by any prophet. It has no origin and no end. It is a religion of freedom and, unlike most other religions it allows absolute freedom of one's faith and mode of worship. Indeed, it is the only religion in the world, which respects the right of people to realize the Almighty by their own free will.

The History of Hinduism has proved that it is a living force. Both hostile rulers and Foreign brutal religious aggressors could not banish it because it is a religion of Scholars and Warriors with self-experience and self-realization. It is
not based on any dogmas or set of rules to be accepted with blind faith which is why atheism is also accepted in it. Yet, Hinduism has a very close understanding of and relationship with the Almighty God.

If someone does this Sin Intentionally then it is up to God whether to give them punishment or not and if then what type of punishment. In this case, the woman was turned into a Pokemon as her punishment. Let this be a lesson to all who dare oppose the teachings of God and Hinduism.

Praise God for all that exists and all that is known. He has given us the eternal gift of life and prosperity, no matter how much we suffer in our time. Give your soul to him and give praise to the Prohpet Muhammed.

Religions are religious cults that are accepted by large amounts of people and subsequently society. Make a cult with your friends like a normal person instead of blindly following the religions of your country.

This makes no sense to me because most normal people follow common religions

Religion is used to control people of society. Figure out for yourself how to be free.

You dare try to oppose the will of God? You will be punished for such deviancy.

God is willing to forgive our souls for our mortal mishaps. So long as we stick to the path of peace, then god is always going to forgive us for our sins.

Nice mesh of Hinduism and islam, user. That pokegirl surely felt the punishment of God, poor being.

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wtf is this religion? bullshitism?

I'm an atheist.

My only belief is Hinduism. The Vedas shows us the way to true redemption and peace in ourselves and with God. We cannot live in a society where we are contorted to believing in what our common knowledge tells us, but instead what God, the all-knowing king, to show us the way to be proper human beings.
You will be confined to the powerful grasps of God's will. Convert and live eternally, or die and be forgotten.

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God's will is at play.

Then you are lost. Once you've determined you belong to a belief system you cut yourself off from your truth.

Atheism isn't a belief system

What does it mean to be atheist?

To not believe. To accept your path in the failure of listening to God's instructions for us all, and inevitably suffering for it in the end.

Is the will of God at play here yet again?

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It has been done in God's name. Respect eachother a d rejoice in the eternal righteousness.

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