Read this to save yourself
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This is true
who shorted the market? why doesnt the SEC arrest someone?
Holy fuck she's hideous. Way to go, team nigger.
>t. ugly fat virgin basement dweller
Go away, rajeesh
t. roast beef
everything is a lie
>why doesnt the SEC arrest someone?
That's a good one.
what a fucking moron
t. cotton picker
up up up and away!
So do you believe this shit anons?
don't waste you time reading this
He needs to go the additional step and name (((them)))
I just left this on another post. I’ll leave it here too.
So long.
>m-m-muh boogeyman price suppressors cartel
top fucking kek, this is how delutional HODLers can get.
it's just market psychology. gold and silver will moon again during the next decade or two but crypto moves at least 10x faster, you can't compare them.
while i still agree that will see 1k before 100k, it's gonna happen much faster, 1 year or max 2
>t. virgin
No it will not, im sorry, Tim, you don't get to buy cheap coins.
Not even opened the thread, see this post. Literally the best post on this board. Theres also youtube vids from the wyckoff academy. God speed user, and remember, go long at 3k (on the spring) and enjoy those gains.
if you deny the bottom at 1k-2k than you are one of those deluded faggots who spammed "btc 100k!" and "healthy correction!" 2 monthes ago.
open your eyes team nigger
At some point mining will not be profitable, I think the big players wont let it happen
Yep, 100% this. Last I checked, the BTC hard floor (ie mining break-even point) was around 5.5k - probably 6k by now. And those fuckers (including even market manipulating Bitmain faggots) have a MASSIVE incentive to hold that floor - and deep enough pockets to do so. I'd love to get more 1k Btc, but it just won't happen - I'm happy enough it's even gone this low.
I do agree with OP though - the futures trading (((scum))) are notorious for this shit. But honestly - if we just bounced endlessly between 6k and say 12k that'd be fantastic - that'd be a much more stable and predictable market.
Wow a poorly written article about a conspiracy. Thanks Jow Forums I'm easily influenced
while I believe this article has some merit, I believe this will be the first time the "cartel" fails in price suppression
So you are the idiot that has been missing the boat since the early days looking for a perfect buy opportunity that never happens.
Who is she? Give me a name
just a regular uk club slut
>that pic
it took 2 years for btc to come back there, lmao. i trade shitcoins, not invest in them
>Holy fuck she's hideous.