Hello user! What are you getting a ticket for?
Jow Forums Kinoplex
>uhhhhhh t-the joker movie
Robert what happened to your job at the range? I wanted to get a glock and cheese but fuck bro..... gimme a ticket to whatever's the latest military movie, a bag of .45ACP and a small popcorn.
Read the sign user!
Single gamer?
Sorry man, but I’m a doubles gamer.
Sorry user, no dubs for you! Find a friend and then come back!
yeah uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one ticket for hot wheels
Sorry, we don't serve Glock and Cheese anymore after the last incident...
Are you with a friend?
my car is my friend, his name is John
check em
one ticket to the mlp movie
ah, it says I need a friend. Perhaps?
you uuh.. got any based Italian gangster movies rolling in there?
tickets? i just want some frickin popcorn
Yes uhhhh would like the "american large" size with a gallon jug of coke and uhhhhhhhh a pack of twizzlers.
We have Casino playing in theater 3!
Here you go user! Twizzlers and gallon of coke are in the bag!
Here u go my nigger! Want sum crack wit dat?!
get me uuuh.. one ticket to "Casino" and a large uuuh.. soda and uuuh... you don't sell hookers here do ya?
Large order of crab legs please Robert
This is our kinoplex hooker!
Alright, would you like some Glock and Cheese with that?
My hoagie please, negroe attendant.
alright then throw one o' those in the mix too, how much do i owe ya?
I wanna see a Classic movie with my wife Neo the Ice Cream girl and we want chicken wings and hamburgers and purple drank.
Here’s a picture of my wife.
30 tickets to exodus for me and my children
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese and a large soda
Gay Assfucking The Movie Part II: The Return of The Anal Leakage
One ticket for parasite please. I heard it's a good movie. Have you seen it?
5 dollars!