Im gonna be an intelligence specialist in the Navy! then after serving some tours of duty and accruing the necessary...

im gonna be an intelligence specialist in the Navy! then after serving some tours of duty and accruing the necessary experience and accolades im gonna be an intelligence specialist for the FBI, CIA, or other three-letter agency!

Attached: Screenshot_20190903-182908_YouTube.jpg (720x1560, 318K)


I thought about doing this as well then I remembered that I don’t enjoy causing human suffering

t. schizophrenic """"""T.I."""""" who thinks the gubmint is assaulting his brain with microwaves

and for the record i fucking love causing human suffering, lol

lol :)

That’s a good bootlicker

im not a bootlicker, but if you can't beat em, join em am i right?

you're going places, somewhere under the ground i'd imagine

you're fucking romanian dude