just fuck my shit up
Just fuck my shit up
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i heard they are tokenizing assets right now
can't imagine that anyone with a small bag is still holding this
those dudes with hundreds of thousands don't have much choice but it's pretty obvious what's going to happen to this in the coming week
i moved my 20k JNT into REQ sorry fellas
I sold my bags, 4k in. May come back after medium post but no marketing, confusing tokenomics, feels not professional. When its too good to be true, than it is.
holding 5k, fuck it
The ultimate shitcoin. Literal garbage.
Its a scam
>Decide to check price of this shitcoin
>All time low
>No volume
You would make more money shorting ISIS in syria
If in a week they say they are going to tokenize 100M in jBonds then anyone selling after that point is an absolute retard.
Good thing the odds of that are 0% because they say in the fucking whitepaper that JNT is nothing more than a gas token.
so they can lose $20 million?
thats what you get for investing in this shitcoin from the beginning lol. it was obvious. now lose all your money. lmao hahah
they've got to explain why jbonds wouldn't fail for the same reason jcash did first
Why are the big wallets accumulating this shitcoin? Are they retarded lmao
probably because this is a coordinated fud to shakeoff the poorfag biztards.
i will believe
lol, yeah it must be that they're retarded. Holy shit biz.
where is the address with the team's JNT tokens? did they sell them?
it was funny how this faggot Yazan and his boi Talal fleed the telegram as soon as people started asking this question. I bet they are trying to come up with some smoke and mirror strategy to bamboozle bagholders for a few more weeks
40k here and I ain’t selling. I’ll check back in December we’re this thing is and then I’ll decide. Number of wallets is increasing. Large holders are increasing, something doesn’t add up. I promised myself to not touch this till December and I won’t. We’ll see who’s right n whos wrong then
They will lose all their money, because the token is now useless and will go to zero
i was there and he answered my questions. you fucking dirtbag.
where is the wallet with the 30,000,000 JNT team tokens that are supposed to vest?
If you actually believe that...explain.
I had the choice between just getting out of crypto with 200% profits. And I chose to put it all into JNT at 60c. I'm actually crying right now, why am I so stupid? It was so fucking obvious.
yea? what questions? show my a screen cap of them answering why jcash cannot be backed by JNT but jbonds can
I'm waiting, c'mon nigger
Also if you idiots think that the Shiekh or the seed group pulled a scam for 30 millions then you’re just bunch of idiots. For a Shiekh that’s pocket money and I am not even exaggerating. Go visit dubai and you’d know 30mill is pocket change for these people. I have a strong feeling about this and I’m sticking with my gut, done me extremely well so far, probably better than 99% of investors
what does the sheikh have to do with this? he probably doesn't even know we exist lmao
the financial institutions aren't the ones getting scammed, jcash could very well work without jnt tokens and jibrel network would be a success, the main thing people are worried about is that jnt tokens are actually useless gas tokens
Really? So he attached himself or his group to a scam? Screen this, this will be one of the coins where people say I was there and had a chance and the fud got to me. We’ll see in December
the sheik is 9 years old
So basically like ripple and we all know how far it mooned right? XRP and ripple the company are separate and it still mooned and this will moon harder. Also Poly which is targeting a similar market mooned and it’s a scam that’s going nowhere. My 40k will make me rich, again see you in December snd hope I catch the bottom of this sale
yea cause we know shitskins are so virtuous and moral. i wonder what he would prefer, his tokenised money being 100% safe or making Jow Forums pajeets rich. hmm tough one
so where are the team tokens on etherscan? they sold them for the exit scam?
Not true and it’s been proven so, either come up with facts or go fuck yourself
proven where?
it is less of an exit scam and more of a shit product. JNT tokens are worthless.
so no one know where the 30,000,000 team tokens are??
ama and medium next week. Next week it is next week again. And again and again. This will be done for 3 months
That’s who the Shiekh is, shaking Talals hand and he’s a huge deal. I’ll see you in December
they have the 35 mill in ico plusa 250mil deal with the sheik. In contrast to other ico start ups this a real business with a shitcoin attached for VC money. But they do not need their token to increase in value.
I’ve been watching etherdcan since I first invested. Top wallets haven’t changed, there was never s wallet with 30mil tokens in it. Not sure what you’re trying to prove but you just sound like an idiot. Only thing changed in the wallets I whales wallets keep getting bigger and it makes me feel better than some random stupid user spreading FUD
reminds me of notch who promised to open source minecraft. Guess the billions of ms money were more important than a promise.
that's not the sheikh
are you even trying?
he's the ceo of the group. fucking retard
Show sauce.
Two people here with more than 450K JNT/500K sold a third of the JNT. Someone even put half of his 401K retirement on it and sold.
we can try summon him - he is also on telegram
>That’s who the Shiekh is, shaking Talals hand and he’s a huge deal. I’ll see you in December
Even better. Just google who this guy is
lol. 9y/o sheikh confirmed. JNT useless gas token confirmed.
JNT was my last hope. Fuck all that shit.
>A Company of The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum
different name buddy
now that jnt isn't gonna moon liked we hoped, whats the next best thing?
>You would make more money shorting ISIS in syria
Fucking kek'd
My theory is that they never outside of telegram said that jcash will be jnt backed, so they can not be sued or a bad light falls on them. They knew that it would not be sustainable and only said that bs on informal channels.
nothing. Come back in 2 years.
Literally everything will bleed due to Ether/BTC
There is nothing anymore. This was our one chance to stand against the bear market. Everything else will just go down with BTC to near zero. And no JNT is a part of that since the independent movement they promised will never happen.
they also said so in that youtube interview with boxmining
I was ranked in the 520s on page 12 and now I am now I am back far from there. Top wallets haven’t changed a bit just more wallets increased their holdings. Could be anything, could be buy orders set up at certain numbers who knows. The fud is strong and I can’t deny it, but I still feel good about it and I will wait till the next medium post to even think about my posting. I think the next article is going to be extremely positive and then I will go back to my original plan and evaluate my position in December
"A billionaire member of Dubai's ruling Al Maktoum family, he is believed to be one of the world's wealthiest royals."
Mother of god, this guy probably has no power whatsoever, right?
where's that proof my guy
Exactly and he will run a scam for 30 mil? Really biz?
that's the wrong name. SEED description:
>A Company of The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum
this guy is Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum
Smart. I believe in JNT aswell but we gotta be honest. They are trying to do so much at once with all those jAssets (jsearch, jnodes, jgas etc etc..) and they are not even set on the principle. Doesnt sound 2 professional. Either they have a team of 50 devs working around the clock and they just went into a "oh snap we cannot do jCash" and are adjusting their position while devs are working in parralel towards the project or they are a newbie team + naive = wont succeed (vaporware) or outlie scamming us.
I remain confident (hopefully) its the first one.
What you mean proof? I don’t have screenshots of the wallet rankings, never thought I would need it to prove it to you or anyone. If there s way to show the movements ill b the first to try and learn. You don’t have to tske my word for it and that’s totally fine, but you should keep track of the wallets moving forward, I do that for all the coins I invest in and desu it looks more bullish today than it did few days ago. I’d love to be prove wrong though
im talking about the sheikh. you said it was proven false.
Again it is not a scam. Jibrel will be very successful and tokenize lots of assets.
Also it is not his company it is simply a start up he selected to be beneficial and wants to partner with.
thats who we're talking about you fucking retard
so they could have already exit scammed. we just don't know
Remember the good old times when 100$ per token seemed believable.
Even if it isn't a scam and they tokenize assets, JNT will still be a worthless gas token.
Just a game.
I believe pilots didn't work out very well so they had to adjust their project according to market reality and their partners' vision.
It could be central banks who said: "Normies will never pass kyc for jcash, do something else, make jbond or some shit for broad audience".
I'm gonna hold my bag till new article
sell now and buy back if the article in 3-4 weeks is satisfying.
They are locked in the smart contract you retard. They will be minted to the team's accounts when the time comes
Evidence is linked in this thread: The Sheikh is a bastard who is estranged from the royal family.
Sell low buy high eh?
It will bleed below 10c till the release. If it is staisfying it might be pumped 30%. Even the og 250 mil partnership did not pump the coin that much
Ahmed is the father: en.wikipedia.org
Hope it does. I’ll pick 100k
They are building an enterprise platform; I expect details to change throughout the development process. That's normal. It's an iterative process where your clients let you know what they need, what works and what doesn't.
Their adaption shows a level of cooperation with institutions that already seems to be much in effect.
That's why I'm still bullish.
>>A Company of The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum
dad is
BIN is like OF or SON OF
The grandpa is named SAEED dipshits.
You are trusting the 9 year old KEK
False dumbass. 200m JNT have been minted, which is the total supply indicated by the ico documents, so all of them are minted.
If the tokens were awaiting distribution the wallet holding them would be #1.
This shitcoin hit me right in the depression. Why Talal, why. I believed in you.
I'm in too deep. Just fuck my shit up, I'm going down with this ship.
And here is the registry of Sheikh Saeed's Private Office. The Director listed is his mother. This is confirmed in the wiki link.
I will never not stop laughing at this :'^)
That's not why they changed jCash at all.
Holy shit you guys were insane bullish a week ago, now you think the project is dead.
They have employees at financial instituions already. Calm your shit people this will go back up. This isn’t fucking verge ffs
Going to be extra funny when the coin takes off
So they ether sold the entire token supply at ICO, or double dipped and sold their tokens off already, aka exit scammed.
The JNT token is central to the projzct without it you can't create a decentralized automated bank. If you think that onchain solvency and the JNT aren't what makes Jibrel Network insanely diruptive and revolutionary you don't understand anything about finance and blockchain.
You are fucking high if you think this is an exit scam. I was laughin at people who were insane levels of bullish with 1 trillion mcap predictions a week ago, and I’m laughing at you all with all this project dead exit scam shit now. How fucking stupid are you people?
Holder here and will continue to hold, looks like it will slip further. I was waiting for 0.20 and now looks like ill wait til 0.10 and finally become a real whale, i am going to have like 150k of these things hopefully
what are you talking about?
they switched from jcash backed on-chain+off-chain to jcash backed ONLY off-chain because they did a simulation (simulation my ass, they knew it way before the ico) which showed that on-chain solvency would fail.
They never answered the question why it wouldn't fail for jbonds, Yazan left the telegram as soon as people started asking this inconvinient question, then Talal came the next day posted a comment or 2 and left as soon as someone asked that question again.
You're not fooling anyone, doesn't matter if the tokenized asset is cah or da-vinci's painting, on chain solvency mechanism either works or it doesn't (of course it doesn't and never will)