Lgbt more like mentally ill and disfunctional fetishist who will kill themselves due to being genetically inferior

lgbt more like mentally ill and disfunctional fetishist who will kill themselves due to being genetically inferior.

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Why yes I'm a woman and I also hate queers

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excellent id

Also cute pic.

t. Moor arab nigger pedo

Ye, though I dont mind them doing that to themselves. It's faggots like this who try to push poison pills on others that I can't stand.


Cake ID

OP more like mentally ill and angry all the time who cannot accept things like LGBT.

Brown girl more like semen receptacle

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weebs would fit right in with them

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cake id!

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bro wtf is wrong with you bro
bro wtf are you a pedo or something
eww bro gross bro

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bro ewww what's with that wierd body odor you have bro , I can smell it from here bro

aaaa the mistress is so cute

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I wanna lay with that Remi and hug her while we sleep.

Bumping this gem


kys bro


Degenerates like SSP belong on a cross.

They should rename it LGBTP. Pedos are one of them.

SSP is the hero r/banter needs but doesn't deserve

nothing wrong with that tho

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