What is the consensus of wisdom teeth...

What is the consensus of wisdom teeth? I have mine coming in but they're not causing any pain and the dentist wants to remove them.

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Jow Forums is for politics, not teeth

>ITT bots

>the dentist wants $$$$$$

get a second opinion.

>What is the consensus of wisdom teeth?
If your wisdom teeth are impacted, your jaw isn't big enough and you are probably not a chad. It's a lottery whether they will cause you problems or not, so if you feel like gambling on a mouth full of infection and $$$$ to clean the aftermath, you don't really need to remove them.

It's a Jewish scam

Mine came in fine. Their removal is common but I don't think it's a conspiracy. Just evidence of the decreasing quality of humans as a spiecies.

If you can see them, at least partially, there's a risk you could have problems with cavities later on, since it's hard to brush them properly. Just remove them and be done with it.

If they cause pain, remove them, if not, don't. I don't know why boomers have such a hard-on for excessive dental care.

Mine came in fine. Don't remove them unless something goes wrong. Especially if you play a wind instrument

If you wait until it hurts it will be more painful and expensive than getting it done in a timely fashion.

they chip you now without telling you

>What is the consensus of wisdom teeth?
Their off topic.

scam, like most dental. Brush for six minutes a day. Floss once a day.

Fuck this shit. Never trust (((dentists))) if they want to take your teeth i see you hold on to them for dear life. Wisdom Teeth are God's plan. God makes no mistakes.

>I have mine coming in
are you a child?
wtf happened to this place??

Same mine are coming in all good,good to know you wouldn't have died of mouth rot If you were born before the Advent of modern dental medicine

I realized one of my wisdom teeth is coming in recently. Had no idea until I looked in the mirror. It's coming in straight and how it should.

Went to see my dentist today, said my wisdom teeth are coming in fine, feels good man

>(((removing something you have naturally)))

No getting wisdom teeth removed is an old jewish tradition that holds no value in todays modern medical world. Theyre literally trying to lower your iq and life essence. Ever wondered why theyre call wisdom teeth and not back molars? Look it up.

Keep on suckin cocks OP. They'll keep them pounded down into your jaw.

Saw exact the same thread last week and the week before.

Slide & reported

Usually they are impacted because in nature you would've lost a molar before they ever appeared.

Hey retards, politics deals with all of the ways in which society is organised. Invasive medical procedures that we are told are "normal" is part of that.

tell your dentist to kill himself

Do you realize our ancestors were in near constant tooth pain. Fuck.

It's a scam, but not a conspiracy, for example I still have mine and there's absolutely no problem, just had some pain where when they appeared and nothing more

I just got mine removed last week, you probably should too as they can mess up the alignment of your other teeth and cause other problems
Super easy and cheap process

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thanks user.
other anons: read this please

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Having wisdom teeth is not the issue, it’s when your wisdom teeth decide to move anywhere, it’s a gamble of what could happen.
It could push your teeth out of alignment, it could rub on the other teeth causing cavities, it could tap into the nerve depending how deep the wisdom tooth is, which means that when a removal is done (if you needed it) it could damage your nerve and cause numbness permanently. If your jaw is big enough it does nothing. Know yourself, basically

I am no chad and my wisdom teeth caused no problems

Sage slide threads

My sekret weapon when sucking jew cock. Mine have grown to be hooked barbs so when he goes too far his forskin is delectably mine.

If they come in fine, just keep them more clean than usual since they don't have the same protective coat as the rest of your teeth.

If they don't, get rid of them.

>dentist wants to remove them

Say no. Do you do everything an authority figure tells you?

>I have mine coming in but they're not causing any pain and the dentist wants to remove them
look at the X-ray, it will be obvious if there won't be room and that teeth will have to shift - probably not, but you don't have to be an expert to see it.
Dentistry is barely a science, maybe not one at all - read this:


dentistry is kind of a joke, really

This just means that you have a big jaw bone. Big jaw bones are, usually, an indicator of a chad.

My government funded dentist removed my wisdom tooth. Only for it to come back, so either I'm a freak or they were retarded pakis (both are probably true come to think of it)

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foreskin only needs to be removed.

if you suck at cleaning your teeth your wisdom teeth will get impacted and will push your teeth and ruin your perfect smile, which will force you to either look like a disgusting freak whenever you open your mouth, or force you into braces (which by the way cost more than just removing your wisdom teeth)

No. Nature intended them as 'spare tires' so the speak.

How is that possible

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If they're impacted, your other teeth will get fucked up. They won't hurt until they do. No harm in getting a second opinion if you're too dumb to figure out what's going on in your X-ray.

Check out Dr Mew

Don’t remove them you faggot, it’s just another Jewish money making scheme.

Removing your wisdom teeth is a pure money grabbing sham. I had pain in my right upper wisdom tooth when I was in my early 20s and I never got it checked because I knew the pain would go away, and yep, sure enough it did. Don't fall for the "wisdom tooth" trick. The real wisdom comes from learning when you're being duped in the medical and dentistry field.

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They are impacted because they appear to replace a rotted tooth that isn't gone yet.

>it could rub on the other teeth causing cavities
uh no
> it could tap into the nerve depending how deep the wisdom tooth is
unlikely, easily seen on any x-ray
>which means that when a removal is done (if you needed it) it could damage your nerve and cause numbness permanently.
lol weird scare tactic straight from a dental shill. nerves are unique to each tooth - wtf is "permanent numbness"? where? stfu with this shit pls

If you don't have 32 teeth perfectly aligned than you're slav tier

I have all mine, one hurt a little when it came in but they're all fine, and straight now. Dentists make a lot of money off of wisdom teeth extractions. Granted everyone's different, but if they come in normally as long as you keep em clean why bother

don't get them removed unless there is something actually wrong with them. Dental surgeons recommend removing all four at the same time, which is so retarded that you can't even eat

Look at the x-ray and you'll immediately be able to see whether or not they will cause problems. Jesus christ, no wonder the medical industry makes so much money off retards who can't do the most basic research.

>take the money
>don't do the job

Many such cases, Sad.


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because it is a luxury they wasted lots of money on.

>if you suck at cleaning your teeth your wisdom teeth will get impacted
those two things are not related.

This desu

He will try to hook you up on oxycodone.
I can't believe that some american doctors are allowed to hand out opioids like candy

my cousin had them removed at 30, he said he was perfectly fine until maybe a year earlier or so when the dentist said he should have them removed. he waited but they got worse. never thought it could happen so late. wondering if i'll have the same problem.

>mfw my dentist removed all wisdom teeth in one sitting

Fun times. No seriously, it wasn't that bad. The days after were really bad though because of the pain.

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this is wrong. Look up the dentition of most hunter gatherer tribes. They never had any dental work and always had good dentition.

I don't have wisdom teeth, and never will. It's a legit mutation, I inherited it from my father and my grandfather. Also my eyes constantly change color, between blue, green, and grey. Sometimes they don't sync up and I spend a week or so with heterochromia.

I'm like the most boring X-Man ever.

I’m 32 and my wisdom teeth are still chilling in my jaw causing no issues. I didn’t get my 12 year molars till I was 17 though.

>>(((removing something you have naturally)))
2k years ago you would have lost 10% of your teeth when your wisdom teeth began to grow.


it takes your wisdom away, leaving you a docile drone

>since it's hard to brush them properly
It's hard to clean the teeth so just rip them out. lmao
It's hard to clean the foreskin so just cut it off. lmao

Just let me mutilate you. What could go wrong lol.


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they billed the gov for it and hope to do it again
the x-ray they took before the initial extraction will clearly show you did not have multiple wisdom teeth in one spot, therefore they are scammers.
if you somehow DID (you didn't) they are incompetent because they couldn't see this wild anomaly on the x-ray (which would be like missing the Loch Ness monster in your swimming pool).

report them, and get a new dentist.

what kind of painkiller did your doctor give you

There is no back. You will always be your urologist's bitch.

cuck, cut, cuck.
cuck, cut, cuck, cuck.
cut, cuck, cuck
cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck

cut, cut, cut, cut cuck

I had a problem with one of my wisdom teeth so I took it out myself. It was not a good call.

1 post by OP!
Really anons? had some retard for breakfast?

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Actually they are called 3rd molars. Wisdom teeth is their colloquial name. They have this name because they came in much later than other teeth. At a time when someone is much wiser than they were as a child.

If they're growing in just fine, don't get them removed.

Dentists literally jew people out of their money for wisdom teeth removal. I understand that for some folks that have issues with them it's warranted, but most people, they grow in just fine. It's like circumcision but for your teeth. Don't let them take your teeth away, subjecting you to unnecessary pain, discomfort, and not to mention the dental bill.

Fun fact, I had to get my back molar removed because it was cracked. My wisdom tooth moved into the position that my missing molar was in, and now it's acting as a replacement tooth. No dental work needed, it just moved over, and it's in perfect position. It's like I never got my molar removed.

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I welcome a thread not about Trump.

I'm busy reading all the replies.

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Don’t get them taken out, unless they start to bother you. Remember the “joooooooooos” sell them after they remove them!


Dentists are full of shit. My dentist told me when I refused to pull my wisdom teeth twenty years ago "Heh, you're gonna regret all the trouble and pain later!"

To this day I have never had any problem with my wisdom teeth.

Don't remove them unless you want to. It never feels the same. People whose lively hood depends on transactions related to your teeth will almost always claim they need to come out.

We have a few organs that are no longer needed. Wisdom teeth are thought to have been used to chew plant foliage.

Had to get mine removed, they were a big guy 4 me.

I was given an opioid after my wisdom teethe removal and guess what
weak willed faggots that think a little pain is the end of the world are pathetic

wisdom teeth removal gives the doctors rare access into your nerves directly. They are a frequent gateway into permanent opiod dependance. People have mental changes, and develop disorders after getting wisdom teeth removed. Dentists run a scam business of removing teeth that humanity lived with for thousands of years. Implants are added to cause the gums to grow back, those acids transfer into your nervous system through prion transfer / torsion field substances that develop over time after such operations.

Had mine removed, in two sittings cost me 0 dollars and got a script for ibuprofen.

>There is no back
I know faggot, that's why I'm mad about it you stupid nigger

I literally put all my meat to the back of my teeth and chew them with those. I only use the front teeth to literally cut a small piece of meat from the main piece. People who think that obviously never pay attention to how they chew.

Have we reached Peak Zoomer?
>dear Jow Forums, tell me what to do about muh wisdom teeth

If they cause you problems, get them out. If not, who cares, you mong.

If that was true, they would always be impacted. But they're not. Wisdom teeth are frequently impacted because most humans still have the genes to grow them but no longer have a leaf-heavy diet, resulting in a jaw that is too small for all the teeth we grow.

This made my benis jump
tell us the story user, and I'll tell you the time I stripped the skin on my benis, and had to get it stitched back on

If they're coming in fine and not impacted, let them come in. Dentists like to remove them because it's big bucks for an uncomplicated procedure. Like says, get a second opinion and tell them you don't want them removed unless necessary


M E W, tell them to fuck off

Google the pdf "Nutrition and pysical degeneration" by Weston Price.
He shows that primitive tribes that do not have sugar and all the other modern garbage nutrition have perfect teeth.

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The real question is why the fuck did I only have 3 wisdom teeth

is it just me or does it seem like all of the trump threads have shifted to be violently anti-trump in the past few weeks?

>american doctors
not a doctor, a dentist.
the doctors I know can't believe dentists can legally call themselves "doctors".
it's a joke:


Well not "Good" but they rarely had caries. They did get gum infections and other stuff (lots of cysts and stuff) but yeah.