Help Jow Forums I’ve been found out

Help Jow Forums I’ve been found out

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tell her to fuck off and big risk = big reward

> I hope WE don't lose it all
Let me guess, you're the single earner of this relationship?

reply with
>what do you mean "we?"

Uh oh the man squad wont like this one

shell spend 11k on a vacation to some muslim conquered european country, just tell her to fuck off

Tell her to hodl

>YOU've put x in
>I hope WE don't lose it
I'm so glad I'm gay.

>I hope WE don't lose it all
*fast forward 2 years*
>omg babe, WE'RE rich!
huge red flag, market sell that bitch OP


user if you get the chance, you should probably kill yourself

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I sincerely ope you put it all on LINK


And I'm not talking about your crypto.


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dump this bitch (even if it is your mother)

That's your money. Don't let a fucking woman try to rule that shit. Grow some balls bro. It's shit like this that causes feminism.


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whose money was it? hers? yours? savings by both of you?


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this is sick

This isn’t even a larp

The meme came true

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Told my Roastie I made money in crypto, and we can go on a nice Eurotrip.
>mfw I still haven’t told her I made 7 figures

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this should be in every rekt thread on Jow Forums

OP you fucking cunt. where did you get the money? we all want to know is it really we or you

She’s frowning because it’s fucking TRUE.
But the Chad who said it was probably just talking dirty to get a bone cuz dat face wasn’t doing it


user, just remember that there's a 50% tax on all your gains. Even if you get divorced.

>this is badass
yup based bruno telling it like it is

>you've put 11k
>we don't lose it all
Fucking dump her already wtf

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