Comfy crypto startup thread

Comfy crypto startup thread

Attached: 20180403_191859.jpg (2880x2160, 1.39M)

you the creator of the HODL app?

>portfolio app

the absolute state of biz

I don't get it

For the longest people would just call what theyre doing a small business, even if it was apps but then for some reason people started throwing the word startup around. Startup just makes me think of no profit and just focusing on growth instead of making an actual profitable business.

An app isn't necessary a startup.
Being a startup has to do with growth, funding, "culture" and so on, look at angellist to know what startups are

Why did your apartment building fall over? Are you hurt?

I'm so tired of Jow Forums fucking up iphone vertical orientation.

it's a simple fix to detect the orientation.

why can't Jow Forums devs figure it out.

stopped reading

no, but we'd like to partner with them

thank you for the concern, trips
i'll be ok

thats how it looks in australia user

Then shut the fuck up

>He's about to get assfucked by BitUniverse

Attached: 1508215712229.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

thanks for the recc, will go to them now lol

Why so yellow, marshmellow

It’s aiming for the illusion of growth until you can trick some bigger company into buying out your worthless “business”

Is this how people pumped and dumped before cryptocurrency?


>post shitty photo of two computer screens and takeout food
>must be a crypto startup

Attached: ComfyMarines.jpg (1100x700, 650K)

Looks very comfy desu (but it was annoying me on one side).

What program do you use to get that nice deus ex human revolutions glow coming off the screen?

Ah sorry.

Attached: dasrite.jpg (2156x2888, 1022K)

you in wind.. group?

NYC user? noice. I plan on moving up there after uni.


Give me claustrophobia just looking at that cuck apartment 0/10 not comfy

Great. All my coins just fell off the desk and out the window user. My neck hurts now also. Not comfy at all.

why is your screen so damn yellow?

you're supposed to be licensed to trade crypto in nyc

f.lux on incandescence