Only cashed out 600k from crypto

>only cashed out 600k from crypto

Attached: the-horrifying-story-behind-the-bosnian-war-general-who-died-after-drinking-poison-in-a-war-crimes-t (1095x821, 1.12M)

Can you unironically give me btc

Does the sticky mean anything to you?

Don't forget to give 300k to the government.

600k after tax

No fuck you

I wish this boards' mods had the dedication of /h's mods when someone posts a photo of something drawn in america, no matter the style.

What was your initial, Larper-kun?

10k in mid 2013
ignored it for 3.5 years

You could have made way, way more but hey at least you got a cool 600k out of it.

Find the bottom of this market and reinvest half you'll probably hit 1M in the next bull run

>only bought a car and a home gym with gains last year

i could have sold at 2-5k too.

i cashed out less than you, but it still feels good to have cashed out early. all those screeching "weak handed faggots" seem to have pretty silent. i wonder if that has anything to do with the 80-90% losses on their portfolios?

these humble brag threads are the worst

for a short period of time i was a millionaire
now i have a measly 750k net worth in my 20s

i cannot live this down

Who did you cash out through?

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Did you have to pre-arrange the transaction or contact them before hand? Or did you just sell the amount and wait for a deposit? How long did it take?


wtf it's not hard gdax has infinite sell limit and coinbase upped me to 100k/week fairly quickly

Larper/spoiled brat spotted

random NEETs on Jow Forums made 1000x returns and i only got ~130x

I cashed out 50k back in 2012, when I thought the influx of normies would ruin everything. My wallet was worth millions now.

Attached: 1520115661328.jpg (200x311, 9K)

did you pay you're tax's?

I don't think you understand, 80% of the people in Jow Forums have less then 100$ in crypto.

Even rich normies I know barely sink in any money into this.