How much gold and silver to make it?

This is my current stack that I have at my house. How much more do I need to make it during the next economic collapse?

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kill yourself

Keep stacking user.

You are on the right path.

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I love these just for the design, but mostly buy from APMEX for the low premium

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i bought my first 1oz bar this week.

gold is so useless and impossible to resale.

JM bullion and provident metals are best dealers by far, was just at my local coinshop today and they wanted $3.50 above spot for eagles..... Provident has new 2017 eagles at $2.10 above spot.... currently have 75 ounces of silver, wanting to get some gold soon

that's a pretty small stack, u gotta start sometime though so props to you... keep going we have a great year ahead of us

>sees the future clearly

such a beautiful rounding bottom almost complete... fall 18' breakout

real talk my nigga
will jmbullion report me to the IRS if I sell them gold?

10% of your wealth minimum, as much as you choose after that.

SHTF you will mainly need a good social network, food, guns, bullets, medical supplies, and you need to stay in good shape so you don't need as much medical care

(beans bullets bandages barrels of fuel)

Remember to keep smaller amounts like constitutional silver.

Back in the old days a days labor was worth 1/10 of an ounce of silver.

10% is a good number because the price will go up and you can use the other 90% of your wealth to invest with and generate more capital.

Silver is money not an investment. It's no different than buying Swiss Francs or BTC. It might change in price but it doesn't make you money. Do you understand that? It is money itself. You are buying money.

I just ordered some more, and as soon as the sale on my house closes I'm going to buy a monster box, but even that's not enough, I think. I'd like to have over 1000 OZT before everything falls to shit.

Silver LOL. I have about the same amount of gold and I feel poor. Fucking silver.. seriously. You know they can make this shit in lab, right?

very interesting, I wish I had a way to unload PMs for cash. CTR and SAR are annoying

jm cutting me a check is a pain in the ass

>You know they can make this shit in lab, right?

I'm trading worthless paper for money. When the dollar is printed into oblivion, I'll have real money.

Coin shops. They will pay you spot. Don't go over 10k at a time.

local coin shops and ebay my dude.

shit I'll buy your coins if you post an ebay link

they issue checks which require ID to cash at a bank, same problem

You idiot. You don't buy gold to sell it and get even more worthless fiat.

You buy gold so you have money and wealth for when fiat collapses and then buy a home with an ounce of gold, or an ounce of gold converted into the new currency.

As for making it... I think you only need about 10-15 ounces of gold and or 500 ounces of silver and you'll have generational wealth.

If you think you neeed like a million for retirement you don't need anywhere near a million in gold and silver to make it.

500 ounces of silver and 10 ounces of gold and you are probably set for 30 years

ebay sends you and the IRS a 1099 if you go over 20k/200 transactions so that's a no-go as well

Some like to deal in cash, for the same reason as you.

I think 100kg is a good threshold for surviving the crash of the dollar reasonably well. Remember that silver/gold are not investments to "get rich" they are mostly just for preserving your wealth in something tangible while everything else collapses as debt-based ponzi schemes without the demographics to support said ponzi schemes.

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>he forgot to tell you the "lab" is in space

>he forgot to tell you "they" is the lord himself

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Exactly... a days wage for most of human history was a silver piece the size of a roman denarius or a silver dime.

But here's the kicker... today there is much less silver available and billions more people on the planet.

So you could have a scenario where a 3-5 days worth of work is equal to a silver dime...

Which means that with somewhere around 500 ounces of silver would be equal to like 20-30 years of days wages when the dollar implodes.

I rather have hold bitcoin than equivalent amount of gold.

I bought my first oz to see that gold bugs are jerking off to.

>fiat collapses

if that happends gold will 10x and bitcoin will 100x.

Silver and gold are not "investments" silver and gold are REAL money.

>Solar flare

Oh noooo that sucksss.

This is literally just savings. You're not making it. Just keeping it.

Bitcoin might be 100 times but wtf will that buy you since you just said the dollar will have collapsed?

You expecting to be like those rich nig Zimbabweans with a 1 trillion dollar note that probably can't even buy you a blowjob?

I am a NEET with autism, how do I actually find these guys?

for the lazy

American Silver Eagles are the foundation of my stack

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You still don't get it. The dollar value of gold is irrelevant! Did gold all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created? Of course not. So why would you value gold in terms of worthless fiat.

You VALUE gold using ratios to other real assets of which it is undervalued and silver is enormously undervalued compared to other real assets.

You buy gold waiting for the deflationary collapse of all asset prices. Then an overnight revaluation of gold to somewhere between 10k-100l per ounce.

Then you scoop up a mansion and business for like 5 ounces of gold.


>This is my current stack that I have at my house. How much more do I need to make it during the next economic collapse?

I have what 20lbs o the stuff and a KG of gold and I don't believe it will ever be worth much more than it is now, probably less in a recession. I like it and all but once you have 20-40lbs it takes up space and is heavy. Pros, taxman does not know it is there and I can give it to a kid or relative without any weird tax rules and it holds with inflation (at the price I got it at anyway). You've got like 30OZ there and maybe an OZ and a half in gold. OK have you any debt? If yes you are fucking dumb buying it instead of clearing your debs? Do you rent? If so you are fucking dumb buying it instead of getting a house

You bought it off apmex. They charged you a premium, when you need to sell it some cunt will give you less than spot. You've already mad a loss.

If you are somewhere you pai VAT/ebayfees/paypal fees you are even dumber. If you want silver by good quality antique silver cheap at estate auction with no tax, not these overpriced blobs. As regards economic collapse, its a slow thing that takes decades (we are in the second one, Japan is in the third), things just get shittier more slowly, including you having to provide ID to sell that shit and only being able to be paid via bank transfer which is then reported to the taxman. That's getting shittier, or rules against posting it, transferring it through airports or courier. More grafetti, less nice things, more scum in tracksuits, more power cuts, crappier quality water, more social security dependency, more homelessness. Slow enough that no one cares.A gold chain? You might get away with that.

No he's not.

He's right to be worried but he's wrong of he believes in bartertown and some sort of mad max bullshit

>the IRS is on to me

Wrong. Read my post above

gay you value gold in currency unless you are a delude faggot because currency lets you buy ANY FUCKING THING

Too much fake shit on eBay. Steer clear.

Is there interest in a peer to peer local silver exchange network? Would you like to get hooked up semi anonymously with other silver stackers to trade or does this sound like a waste of time? I'm a web dev and I could whip up something simple quickly. if no one cares I won't waste my time

Are you retarded? You think gold and silver are pretty much maxed out? Get the fuck outta here, retard

>good social network, food, guns, bullets, medical supplies

I was called an idiot for saying these are better investments than gold or silver. What keeps you alive in a crisis is what matters and only that matters.

Gold is the new bitcoin

silver stackers are very reclusive.... due to holding high amounts of value in something that be carried away very easily.... youtube already has a very close knit stacking community and no one shows their faces... people set up trades on youtube every now and then, but its not common

Just noticed these dollars aren't all the same size...

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I think the faggot is confusing silver with diamonds

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I don't get it, even if there was a full blown economic collapse wouldn't precious metals at minimum just do a x10 or x20?

People already do this on reddit, though I never have. It's one case where the account rep system is actually beneficial, otherwise an independent site would probably have trouble gaining traction and attract scammers. There's the issue of giving out your address too.

My precious metal portfolio includes one 1888 morgan silver dollar that I got from the tooth fair 15 years ago. Needless to say fuck stacking, though I have started checking any change I get for silver.

I think if an EMP or Solar Flare happens, it's guns, food and those Alex Jones water filter things.

Most economic collapses or 3rd world countries treat all of these things valued over gold.

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Yes but they will never be 0

Avoirdupois 90% silver ounce on the two left ones, 99.9% troy ounce on the right.

The idea that we'll quickly descend into some zimbabwe tier society is a completely different situation to prepare for. Far more likely is general economic turmoil like the great depression or recession. Nobody was out looting their neighbors.

Might as well be an over achiever and check those pennies for pre-1981 coppers as well...

>Are you retarded? You think gold and silver are pretty much maxed out? Get the fuck outta here, retard

Golds purchasing power now is the same its always been. A 1OZ gets you a decent set of clothes and shoes, a clean hooker and a good meal and a room for the night Has never changed an never will.

Shit, people do that these days because their team won the bowl...

Not a far stretch when depression era comes around again.
(they) wont let us do what we want

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you'll all get shot and your gold/silver looted

well that's all that matters. what's the point otherwise? people will need those things. we got by just fine before all this fancy stuff came along

You reaply think someone will trade you their mansion for a shiny metal? Get fucked retard. If anything buy shit people can actually use.

What a dumbass. Do you think it's like 1985 right now? All the silver coins have been picked.

Ive uniornically found a silver quarter in the wild receiving change and was super excited, told my friends and no one cared.

You're right to the degree that prices have remained pretty constant, as far as gold goes, but that's going to change.

>but that's going to change.

They wont be able to afford shit. 1 oz of gold buys you a home in Venezuela right now. 1 ounce of gold is equal to 5 years pay down there right now.

1 ounce of silver buys you 3-4 months of food on the black market.

Fucking Jews have completely infected your brain with their debt instrument fiat money

My grand plan is to switch a significant amount of crypto to silver and gold during the next crypto peak. Then buy land during the next real estate market collapse.

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about $20k worth at current prices will be a million in 15 years

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and what you'll do with the land ?

Sounds legit, but what are the chances of that happening?

live, farm, fuck, raise a family, be a human

my dream is to buy land so i can grow organics and so pretty much what you'd said

small but not out of question, and if it doesn't happen you still have a valuable resource

The most recent economic collapse was the Estonia economic collapse. Look how it went bars of gold traded for bic lightera.

Are you talking about the 2009 recession?

What's Jow Forums's opinion on silver maple leafs? They're purer (.9999) than silver eagles with better counterfeit protection (Bullion DNA) and cost less over spot, too. And since they're legal tender, they're exempt from reporting requirements (just like silver eagles), unlike bars and rounds. I think they're prettier, too, but that's fairly irrelevant.

maples and libertads are also great to stack.

i prefer silver eagles because I'm a burger and it's easier to convince people of their value since they are made by my government.

we also weren't flooded with illegals, muslims, useless people, and people who can't function without medication like we are today

>maples and libertads
Thought you meant leafs and libtards for a sec

I'm a burger, too, and objectively the maple leafs seem like the clear choice...but if other burgers are too retarded to realize their value after society collapses and they don't even have the internet to check, then it's not worth buying anything but eagles.

You can DYOR but its happened lots of times throughout history. Check out the Chinese run on the banks to get out their gold when the communists took over, the south when Confederate money wasnt worth anything anymore and the north expected taxes paid in gold, Venezuela today, etc.

It's not necessarily around the corner, it might not happen in our lifetime, but it gives peace of mind to people who worry.

also since libertads aren't legal tender, I'm not sure if they're exempt from the reporting requirements in

right because American Silver Eagles are the most recognizable coin. Sunshine mint coins are great because they are actually the same silver the mint uses to make Silver Eagles but they aren't as trustworthy because if you are ignorant you have no idea they are just as valuable.

ok I guess libertads are considered a coin and therefore exempt, though I'm not really sure why it's not considered a round (bar) since it's not legal tender.

>about $20k worth at current prices will be a million in 15 years
please explain

the dollar is fucked

Don't fall for this dumbass silver meme like I did. It's fucking worthless. If you liked getting raped by niggers such as Mike Maloney, Peter Schiff or Robert Kyosaki, then be my guest. They're the only assholes getting rich off this shit and everyone else is a fucking sucker.

>but muh store of value

Sure thing you fucking retards, tell me, did they use silver or gold when the weimar fell? How about Zimbabwe or currently in Venezuela? The answer is no, just one of the reasons this is truly a fucking meme.

>He thinks it will be valued when SHTF

Once again see above, also, what do you think people will care about once resources get really scarce? I would think things like food, water, lighters, ammo, guns, etc. are going to take precedence over fucking hunks of metal instead. So how about you invest in those instead.

>There's only a finite supply

ya until paper trading came along, now the price equilibrium is completely fucked, no one really knows if its overvalued or undervalued.

point is, stay the fuck away from this garbage, I lost a lot when it crashed and unlike bitcoin, shits not going up anytime soon. But sure you dumb fucks, keep putting money in these assholes pockets. Fucking suckers...

my county and municipality has specific laws in place where that individuals are not required to report or pay tax for buying or selling bullion and there are no capital gains taxes for them either

Can you elaborate in detail? Not just memes and generalities. I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say on this topic

tell me more about your stacking experience user


yes i have made money so your argument that it is worthless is mute. just because you are bad at trading or do not possess the necessary capital to do so is your problem.

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...ok chief, what's the game plan then?

Are you fucking dumb or stupid. Just because you make money on something doesn't mean it has an inherent worth.

>silver and gold are REAL money
This but money isnt money

Just accumulate the shit out of it user
Gold is safer than land at this point. Real estate all over the globe is currently inflated by chinese billionaires and communist party pawns acquiring all the equities they can get. There is an unlikely but possible scenario where the west passes some law to cuck china out of their investments which will cause demand and therefore price to plummet. Gold and crypto all the way

the current price of mining and producing one ounce of silver is $14, this gives it a floor value. Its has worth beyond this value due to industrial demand, manufacting, biomedical, jewelry on top of a market that activley trades and demands it

Havent you ever seen a pump and dump before son?