What can I do with a literal unironic 100k? i want to make it grow x500 at least. gib

What can I do with a literal unironic 100k? i want to make it grow x500 at least. gib

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buy monero


All in Coss
Wait until new UI and Fiat release this month

Sell for literal x10-100 and retire

WTC is pretty much guaranteed 10x so that's a start

no sauce

guaranteed 10x loss

sorry you bought VEN at $6

ok i like crypto but is there anything outside of crypto that can make me sick gains? like real estate?

you don't have the balls for a 500x mission faggot, start with 20x should be easy even for a brainlet such as yourself

such as?

God being choked out sooo good
Find comfort at fact strangle victims have few seconds of bliss before deading

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don't think you will find better value than crypto if those are the kinds of gains you're after, do not listen to the 'real investors' trying to meme you, many actually stand to lose far more than their initial investment

the trick is to not kill the bitch but just apply pressure, if you do it right she will like it and you can do it again :)


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ground floor.

you're welcome

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All-in on something low market cap but highly promising and overlooked like HST and you’d have like ten million dollars eventually. Would take giant fucking balls to put all that in something with a 15 Million market cap, and there’s not a 100% guarantee it’ll work out.

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> real estate
Real estate never makes sick gains.
It is just a store of value asset, it is ancient jewish knowledge.
You can earn 4-5% a year if you are lucky, it is heavily taxed, it has high maintenance costs.

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Just imagine putting 100k into this

Take 50K and put it into Banyan Network. Take the other 50K and buy High Performance Blockchain. Don't sell for 2 years.

buy ven

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Probably should have gotten into moria, or at least called the guys at ethmint or used their telegram to get that sort of return.

Assuming you actually have 100k and not LARP kiddie

This guy knows. Link and banyan are my 2 favorite holds. Banyan will get a nice easy 5x minimum soon with more to come later. I may reinvest some of that into my linkies.

Ladder a bunch of BTC buys in from 6k down to 3k. Wait until the next parabolic bullrun.

BTC always takes off first. Sell what you have for alts once it starts reaching new ATHs. Then sell those alts for fiat when they reach new ATHs. Be fully cashed or at that point.

Sit in fiat for 6mo-2y, repeat.

Have you ever tried choke n stroke? You should try reviving end, amazing sensual pleasure

Don't put it in a new ponzi

who is this non-breathin demon?

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we already know that women like you drool over getting choked and beaten by niggers. Spare us the details.

buy a well located subway

>giving good advice on Jow Forums

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Don’t piss it away on shitcoins like everyone else’s on this god forsaken board. But some stock and sit on it.

I saying you should try it, it nice
