How fucked am I?

So I'm currently down $40k in crypto on my initial investment but I have no problem holding for 5 to 8 years.

How fucked am I? I don't really have anything to do with the money thats why I placed it in crypto instead of spending it on a low-tier sports car. I dont have bills to pay either.

Will crypto ever recover to new ATHs even if it takes years?

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Depends what crypto you bought


Who says it ever has to recover?

This, provided you didn't buy shitcoins you'll probably be very pleased with your ROI if you actually hold 5 to 8 years.

no one. No one said that.

I bought ETH and BTC, and some EOS i'm going to flip in June for more BTC

My dearest Asukafriend, I couldn’t but notice your umbrageous temper.
Although we can’t help but deplore your taste in women, please spare your jelly spilling for another thread, bakamono bozu!
Your waifu a shit and you is shit. Asuka is worst girl in ALL of anime.
Daily reminder, your EMO lunatic A-cup loli doll did dieded.
You will never know the joy of having a purest, virgin, mass production waifu.
Even Ayanami laughs at you submissive beta weaboos.
Love, Reifans.

Attached: 1522111143582.jpg (900x954, 357K)

Rei is a fucking incest playdoll fantasized on by both Shinji and his dad.

Hot, right?

Does anybody have pics of the trap who cosplays this?

BASED best girl poster BTFOing that insufferable German Borderline CUNT

Attached: 1521785296329.jpg (730x1094, 118K)

Attached: 26329614_161868717869839_3083301560885706752_n.jpg (1080x1080, 93K)

Attached: Neon-Genisis-Evangeleon-Cosplay-Rei.jpg (900x600, 80K)

Seriously will ETH and BTC fuckign recover in 5 years lol

Attached: 1522084833071.gif (500x378, 974K)

das a man

ETH back to $10

Well everyone on crypto is betting they will recover.

baka shinji

I was just reading that the model is not a dude but the artist who created the outfit and set up the photos is a guy.

Yes pajeet you're fine
Crypto is not going anywhere anytime soon and richfags love this unregulated market, wait til they pumpmus to the moon

You're set OP don't worry. DO NOT TRADE and lock any gains, remember to pay your taxes

Just invest in good coins (BTC, ETH, XMR) for the next few years and forget the shitcoins. Do not trade just HODL