Day 17

day 17

Attached: flanecoffin.png (550x401, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i suck and i couldn't add anything interesting that doesn't look weird, i do have alternate versions but they'll never be uploaded

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how do you keep your days interesting

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i play lunatic eosd/try to nmnb Flan
the suffering wont let me get bored or lose interest

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of dangerous concentrations of discordniggery

OP stinks
this thread stinks

have you tried to play touhou with online people
surely there is some kind of way to make a touhou game playable online
not the 9th installment though
it sucks

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post them now
objectively false

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well theres fighting games
ive only ever played soku because later ones look boring

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are you being a bad boy or are you taking a vacation in the middle of september
me neither, perhaps it is time to finally play them
thank you for reminding me

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make sure to look up a guide on sokuwiki to set it up correctly

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what did he mean by this?

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i didn't even had to set anything up, it just werked
everything but also nothing
i'm talking about your flag

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The online version?

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the online version
unless i'm so retarded i can't even read anymore, which is fairly possible

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i got b& lole
i think it expired already but im too lazy to check

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you got a static ip?

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unfortunately yes.
I dont think you can even get dynamic IPs in slovenia

Attached: th (2).jpg (424x600, 50K)

have you tried playing with anyone yet?

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bless you for cleaning up even though you have a static ip, i'm looking forward to more dumps
it's been attempting to connect to various lobbies for quite the time now
if the online play didn't work, it wouldn't be attempting to connect and would have told me i'm offline, right?

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>if the online play didn't work, it wouldn't be attempting to connect and would have told me i'm offline, right?

Attached: justfollowtheguide.png (400x400, 105K)

Attached: fine.jpg (643x617, 378K)

and make sure to get sokuroll

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i just finished downloading another 1k images of chen to use for it, which puts me at 5k chen images in total
but i crave for more
off to download many, many pictures of remi

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that i do have, i'm reinstalling everything just in case, haven't gotten them from moriyashrine
will i encounter you?
start with the remi natto ones
they're important
do you manually download the pictures?

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im not hosting right now, but i can if u want to

Attached: 1553430176094.jpg (640x480, 146K)

>start with the remi natto ones
>do you manually download the pictures?
no, i use a program for batch downloads

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perhaps tomorrow, i won't be up for much longer, i need to fix my sleep schedule and i have things to attend to early in the morning
let me know when you'll be bored enough tomorrow
can you give me a link to that program? or did you make it yourself? i did see you post multiple times in various Jow Forums threads

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Best PC-98 boss, Yume.

Attached: 6999471i.jpg (533x600, 126K)

she will be back and you will regret your statement
aocf works just fine without needing to do anything, in case you're interested

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>can you give me a link to that program
i belive its this one
>i did see you post multiple times in various Jow Forums threads
i do post on Jow Forums semi often but im 80% sure im not recongnizable and you mistook the wrong person for me

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I prefer Mima, but Yumemi does come close desu
i`ll be around sometime in the evening desu
good naitto
im a poorfag though

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But she's my favorite PC-98 character. Yumemi will be the best. Mima is the worst mother.

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Die in a pit OP

Get run over and eaten alive by dogs OP

stop posting in the morning I want to post with you sometimes

okay, but i have a question
why do you keep necrobumping my threads
it was evening for me
but it's okay, i don't have a sleep schedule anymore and i am now wide awake at 4am

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did you become neet you absolute champ

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Based sleep-deprived Fransk.

god i wish
but instead i have to "wake up" in 2 hours
shitpost earlier please, i don't want to stay awake until 6am anymore
shsh up

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Tfw my sleep schedule is 11PM/12AM to 6/7/8/9AM

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Shut up faggot

but that's an okay-ish sleep schedule, as long as you get ~8 hours of sleep
since you don't avatarfig as remi anymore, could you dump your extra rare remimins?

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>anime in a box

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Fagmark on suicide watch

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twice in a day

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Ok I don’t want to get b& for spam

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