Thats right

The mystery sects at the heart of all major religions can give you godlike powers

Iv been knee deep in this shit for years and trust me, it pays off

Sure, iv had to do some compromising things on camera to prove that im ready to be showered with the white seed of Gnosis...but hey, its worth it

I currently have access to a really cool network who help me create my own reality in all kinds of ways. Example, i get offers for all kinds of well paying cushy jobs. My band gets really good gigs. I get offered great downtown apartments for major discounts. You see once you learn to take control of your own mind all this stuff becomes available. Its what the average pleb doesnt know, because hes a slave to epistemological dualism (and probably Christian ethics). What are you interested in ? with the kind of connections afforded to you by having the right mindset you can make it happen. We know where the best parties are kid, and drugs ? dont waste money on that shit you get on the street, we can get you pharma grade whatever. But you dont look like that, you look like a smart guy, you want more that good deals, a step up the ladder...your not like most of these guys, no. You want knowledge, wisdom, that what floats your boat. You a cut above the rest, the boss would like you. You wanna help people right ? you know the ancient mystics wrote allot of secret knowledge about how to use the mind to effect outcomes. You can cure people at a distance, even predict a few numbers..You can even make things appear from thin air, seriously. Trust us kid, this is the real deal

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Other urls found in this thread:


~Mike Pompeo

>ready to be showered with the white seed of Gnosis
Remove A A A

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You have no idea who's reading this.
You want to talk reality manipulation?
Get up, close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your eyes, look at your closest window.
Yes, that was me. Everything is me. I AM ALL

>Get up, close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your eyes, look at your closest window.
Imagine the smell.

>Sure, iv had to do some compromising things on camera to prove that im ready to be showered with the white seed of Gnosis...but hey, its worth it
kike shill kys

We are promised that God will answer all our prayers if we have faith. Thus we essentially can call on the allmight of God. Why then would i forsake the Gods allmight for the puny power of gay sex orgies and faggy scribbles? The only reason would be when you cant call on Gods help because you know you are going against him meaning that this occult bullshit is only for you if you are fucking retarded
Here is a collection of stuff on satanism and occultism

he wrote it specifically all for me. this is my reality

Altho just to amend one issue with that graph (a clever piece of subversion in an otherwise accurate info-graphic) - Abrahmaic religion originally began as the only known juxtaposition to this vile social control complex (before becoming re-integrated back into it)

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>We are promised that God will answer all our prayers if we have faith
Which god? YHVH the semitic desert demon? No thanks m8, I'm not praying to that

No you’re a product of the environment you were born in kike


and remember

you make your own universe

other people dont really exist, at least not in the sense that you exist ;-)

First of israelites are whites and became the europeans. Kikes are edomites that were forcefully converted and LARPed as descendents of Judah ever since. The Bible is neither from nor about the kikes and only mentions them when calling them brood of vipers, hypocrites and children of the devil
Second back at the time the stories are from it wasnt a dessert. Its called „fertile crescent“ for a reason. Joseph survived on honey for a while which you wouldnt find in a dessert

I hope you’re not referring to Christ

>you make your own universe
>other people dont really exist, at least not in the sense that you exist ;-)
i already knew that but its meaningless unless i have the power to explode random people at will for fun

>you make your own universe
So why can’t I dream a haram of women’s and s mansion and have it come to fruition instsntly?

the manipulation of consciousness is an extremely knowable science, and 'magic' that can be observed within the holographic universe is just the application of math

Cringe. Kys yourself and your lodge, mason.

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Nobody can give you what you already have.

>listen to Jews talk about Kabbalah
>at the very start they say that people studdying Kabbalah have a tendency to die early and lose their minds.

Fuck off with this kike magic

its because despite how much you want it, you truly believe deep down that it would be impossible for that to happen. we are stopping ourselves from getting what we want

So here is the general gestalt.
Most of the magic practices are self MKUltra, meant to dissociate yourself. They force you to do abhorent and disgusting stuff where the only way to cope is by telling yourself it wasnt you really but this other guy inside you. Wethet its torture, gay sex orgies, forcing you to kill a child, preferably your own etc.
Eventually you are an emotionless meet puppet void of any morals or ethics, as these are merely limitations put upon yourself that hold you back from realizing your potential. Once this is done you can screw others over, lie, deceit, kill or whatever else it is that brings you forward. You become willing to do crimes for the sole purpose of gaining the trust of the (((others))) which in turn give you some more beneficient position, some more money, fame, „control“ or child sexslaves.
That is their greatest power, abolishing their morals in the pursuit of materialism and egoism

Most of the lore doesnt seem to be exclusive to kikedom

The esoteric crap seems to be strewn about everywhere, non jewish, sometimes even non western too. Why would I do degenerate shit to get to that knowledge if I already have access to it?

The only thing of value is your real life, monetary networks lol, thats it.

It looks cool but trust me man, this shit turns you mentally ill, if you want to be edgy get into rosicrucian stuff but don't go any further than that

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I'm currently shoveling 99.99% meth crystal in my asshole

well, it doesnt work like that exactly, but if you join our secret club we will teach you how to change your mind in a way that will let you easily manifest those things

and our guys in the sciences are working on technology that will allow us to materialize things we want more directly

You know, its not that we hate Christ. I mean sure, i get it, your wondering why we dont seem to have trouble with most religions but constantly rail against the premise of judeo-christianity...and this notion of an objective god with an ''objective'' set of universal morals. And thats a good observation. But understand its not Christ we have an issue with. You can have your Christ, dont get us fact we can teach you about the real christ...we actually know allot about Christianity and how it was subverted. Christ was a great teacher, dont get us wrong, but he wasnt the arbiter of some great universal promise or God in the flesh...those are just silly stories made up by desert people to help them understand (and we arnt blaming them...theres no blame here). Yes christ was a great teacher, a son of god yes, who taught humanity to unite and live in peace with all beings ect. And you know what...he knew all about the mysteries

Oh yes

Oh yes he did

stop casting pearls to swine

Wow that's so cool. I wish I had a band

Since kabbalah is basically freemasonry

What is freemasonry? It is basically a good goy club coming under the guise of christianity to gain trust while the doctrines are leading you directly away from it. It promises to be able to ascend through works and knowledge even though Christ is the only way, and as such tries to seperate man from God, claiming its about liberation when its just rebellion freeing us from the "oppression" of God and becoming gods themselves free from any foreign restrictions, basically
>Why do the nations ragea and the peoples plot in vain?
>2The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One:
>3“Let us break Their chains and cast away Their cords.”
The chains and cords being the morals and laws that restrict us.

Crowley believed to reach the most high you must first sink to the lowest. You do this by doing everything you dont want to do, as things that disgust or repell you are merely chains that bind you and keep you from doing something, thus limiting your potential. Morals and Ethics, the little voice in your head, are merely obstacles you need to overcome, you need to silence.
You dont like seafood? better eat oysters and such until you dont mind anymore. You really dont want to hurt that little child? that feeling too is just an obstacle, overcome it, rape it and kill it. You like vaginas? Better engage in gay sex orgies all day long until its normal for you. By this you free yourself from the selfimposed "limitations" and unlock your "true potential"

Also there are 2 type of Masons:
First type are usefull idiots. They came to make some connections, get some knowledge and/or have some gentlemens club. They unknowingly disguise it as such gentlemens club while their higher ups are fucking over the world

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The checkers board is meant to symbolize the duality of this world, black and white, good and evil, heaven and earth, sun and moon, and by extent stands for this (material) world. Just like the 2 pillars Boaz and Jachin do too you always see in such imagery.
However it also represents a playing field in the literal sense. They see the world as a game they play to win, with us as their pawns and themselves as the players that ascended the playing field, the duality of this world, even out of the vision of the pawns they control.

Kaballa is basically about ascention, how to raise beyond the mortal plane. In freemasonic symbolism you see this by the checkered board with a (jacobs) ladder going out of it, symbolizing the ascention. And they rise above this state, out of the duality of the world (with the help of moral relativism, not being held back by morals and ethics anymore) and become gods by abolishing their care for others and this world (see Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove), player unseen by the pawns they controll.

Some related the kaballah to different planets similar to how different deities are attributed to the planets. In this interpretation I heard the theory that the hidden sephiroth (the connection points in the kabbalah), daarth is the equivalent of the black sun which is the connection point between this world and the other world, from where our spirits come and which is used to communicate with other spirits aka demons.

Book of the secrets of Enoch also gives another account of creation. He for example says God took from the invisible (primal matter i guess) the light, and fixed it at the highest point, then took from the same invisible the solid/matter, and put it on the lowest point. In between, iirc, he puts the water and the air too. which you see in pic related too, with the material fixed on the bottom and the realm of light on top which they usually attribute to Lucifer.

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Are you in a band?

Oh, and whatever you do, dont waste energy feeling bad about bad things youv done/failed to do. It only gets you down, it accomplishes nothing. Look, guilt is for loosers. No wait, that was a little harsh, let me reframe that - guilt just puts you into a negative spiral, it stops you doing better things...things that could actually help other want to help other people right ? sure you do, your a good dont deserve to feel this way. We can teach you to reformat your mind kid, to take you can manifest the reality you want



interesting but you have a memeflag on so im assuming this one is fake/propaganda

Those aren't powers. It's basically like Freemasonry: join our special degenerate club, let us get leverage over you, and then we'll give you benefits because we run the world.

Only instead of the Freemasons it's Jews.

Some links between Masons, MKUltra and Occultism (the whole thing I believe to be just ancient satanic brainwashing techniques refined with modern psychology and drugs)
(will go into the connection of MKUltra and Satanism in a bit where also probably come the stories of demons influencing people to do that bullshit comes from).

Lanza was on psycho drugs, which is a common theme and we know LSD was used for MKUltra, so why wouldnt other drugs have more subtle effects towards this regard?
and it was a false flag farily obviously (the linked and next post)
And drugs are also involved in the satanic bullshit
>After his arrest, Dalton confessed to committing the shootings.[34] However, he blamed his actions on his Uber mobile app, claiming that its symbol resembled that of the Order of the Eastern Star, and that it took over his body during the events after he pressed the button of a new app resembling the Devil when it abruptly popped up
appearently his grandfather was a mason and his grandmother in the order of the eastern star which is the thot offshoot of the masons
>"After Dalton's arrest, police quoted him as saying a 'devil figure' on Uber's app was controlling him on the day of the shootings," the AP said.
again some evil spiritual entity (demon/devil) took over and made him do it.
So satanic masons, a devil/demon controlling and occult symbolism involved.

this thread from another user mentions some more on this case.

cant tell on the other instances, but chances are they were

Pic related, the second one is how the order of the eastern star has their pentagram set

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You talk like these scam of the law of attraction, manifest and shit doesnt work

i have the most powerful number

Connection between Sodomy, MKUltra, satanic ritual abuse, ayys, demons and the like. Why occultist are mostly faggots and pedos
The stories of alien abductions and demonic possessions are all pretty similar They often run in the family, include violent sexual acts (like anal probing), unableness to move or speak and a general sense of being scared. Also both are reported to just stop when calling out to Christ for help
Now there are people that claim aliens come around and give us knowledge and technology. Think of Paul Hellyer, former minister of defense of canada
or Podesta rambling on about alien disclosure. Now I assume everyone knows about Pizzagate here, which brings me to the next person talking a lot about ayys giving us technology, Boyd Bushman
at 2:36 you can see the pedotriangle dangling in the background.
What did the demons and fallen angels do in the past? They gave humanity knowledge we arent supposed to have yet, same the ayys do now.
And if you know about Pizzagate you also know how its all about satanism
So we have satanic sodomizers talking about (((ayys))) giving us technology. The sodomy supposedly makes one also more receptive to the spiritual, kind of a shortcut, but probably like falling off a cliff is the shortcut of getting down from a mountain. You can be sure that the higher ups underwent the same practices as their victims (just without the murder at the end) which results in
a) Brainwashing, they will eventually thing this is normal behavior, especially the kids, and later will continue the practice
2. Blackmail, one steps out of line you expose the crimes they did during those rituals
III: Shortcut to spirituality.
>cruz said demons told him to shoot up the school

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this is not a movie user

I believe:
Grey Alien= Demons aka spirits of dead Nephilim
Reptillian=Fallen Angels, like Satan, the fallen angel that appeared in Eden in form of a serpent (reptile) and later the dragon
Nordics/Tall whites/Pleiadians=angels/inner earthers
Remember that the UFO community claims Reptillians created the grays. In this case it would be the case too as the fallen angels mated with humans, creating the nephillim whose spirit traditionally are the Demons. Thus the reptillians created them by mating with humans.
Others i have no idea about

Interestingly ritual abuse, as well as demonic possessions, as well as ayy abductions, all feature sodomy
"Coincidently" around the area of the anus there is the rootchakra located. What is the purpose of this one?
>Security, safety
>Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
>Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
>Support and foundation for living our lives

Remember how rapevictims often are left Traumatized their whole life? Same area.
They trap their victims in an endless feeling of being insecure and vulnarable to have them controllable by corrupting their Root Chakra, and do this by sodomizing them as well as other forms of torture. This seems to be specifically done in satanic brainwashings where the subjects also are forced to be fucked and get fucked by animals

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ive liked 23 long before that movie came out

the root chakra is your survival instincts. only if you rose above the constant fear of death you are able to actually process new experiences and evaluate them, see them from all angles outside of the threat they pose (sacral chakra), after that comes the solar plexus chakra responsible for our self esteem and self worth for which we have to see us in context of the new experiences and how we handle those. only once you love and value yourself you can start loving others (heart chakra), and love goes through the stomach, solar plexus>heart. next comes the throat chakra and the best speaches are those done by talking from your heart, what you truely care about and communication is the job of the throat chakra. Once you can formulate the truth properly there comes understanding and insight, the third eye chakra, and from this understanding you realize that everything is connected with another, the crown chakra

by putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness, occupied only with survival unable to really process any experiences. Early traumata like circumcission can alter your brain enough to effect your entire life.
All the fear propaganda all around merely is there to lock you into the lowest state of conciousness controlled by fear.

There is also the reptillian brain in charge of pretty much the same as the root chakra, survival instinct. Some people are "entirely" controlled by this area in the brain with every act only being there for survival. Stealing money from some guy, or even murdering people that threaten your lifestyle. The temptations of the flesh. The abuse and sodomy affecting the lowest chakra which is the easiest effected (iE through sodomy) due to its connection with the material.

The Serpent is a common symbol for evil because just as this chakra and conciousness is the lowest so is the snake crawling at the lowest on the ground representing the conciousness of the individual

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What is MKUltra? It is the CIA program working on mindcontrol methods which (((officially))) was stopped in 1973. They kidnapped drunks, prostitutes, homeless, and whoever else they could find from the streets to perform these experiments on them (next time you see a crazy hobo, maybe you realize why he is so crazy)
How is it performed? Basically they torture and stress you until your personality breaks into multiple people and you develop a dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personality disorder. These methods include outright torture, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, being forced to look at strobing lights
and basically everything else that induces stress and Trauma. They furthermore aid it with the use of drugs (likely LSD or something similar). Eventually they build in some trigger, like always having a certain picture (like the monarch butterfly) on the wall during the process or making the subject wear a special shirt making it aware that the torture starts resulting in a certain personality they desire to come to the front. These new personalities can be then shaped pretty much freely and often dont know about the other personalities. It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works.

Is this still being done? You tell me
Some possibly are just druguse or fake (like the first one possibly is) but I advice to check the Britney Spears one at 7:25

Pic related an artwork of Kim Noble who underwent heavy abuse resulting in her personality being split. Extra attention on the Handkerchief below the kid, likely "drawing" the Pizza related map on it right now
Catching fluids as kind of a souvenir

Some more on MKUltra

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>Also both are reported to just stop when calling out to Christ for help

yeah, dude's at war with the ayys and the pedos. he's out axe murdering them as I write this post. you can't catch him for doing it, he's too damn fast

This can all be summerized to "weakening ones mental and spiritual fortitude in whatever possible way" to make them controllable. If they are controllable to humans they also are to spirits and at that point the rituals and symbols come into play to call demons, as they are not omnipresent and otherwise would just miss the opportunity to take control

Some anons account on something related
>I have this early childhood memory and I am swarmed with fear currently when I write this. It's hard. I remember that it was night and I was probably 3-4 and I was in my room alone. I saw this classic flyng alien plate stop in front of my window.
>I also have another memory. An alien pictured on the wardrobe again in the middle of the night, it was only made from light.
>Also around this time I started wanting to be alone and perform this weird sexual thing where I would prostrate so that my ass is up and vulnerable.
>I am not gay to this day and I remember doing this once.
>WHAT THE FUCK totally mindfucked atm.

>Last year I have this weird dull pain between my scrotum and anus, couldn't sit without a donut pillow. 6 weeks of antiobiotics, lot of painkillers, nothing works. In january I had an Ayahuasca ceremony, in the deepest of the journey had this strong urge to pee, I don't know how I reached the bathroom but remember that the urine was dark green almost black. Since that the pain disappear. Weirder part is that the day before the ceremony I had lot of synchronicities and strange things happened. I think that root chakra was retaining some emotional stuff and Ayahuasca help me to release it.
>So, I think there's some truth in the chakra thing.

also in >It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works
pic related

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do you really think that jews who are ever adapting care even one once about what is a meme flag and what is not? They post alongside all flags. I am telling you that I have delved mediocre into buddhism, and lightly into other esoteric things and at least on these light, basic levels of sorts I have found more of the content to be coming from buddhism, than of them. Evola's introduction to magic for example, it pretty much copy pastes "cutting through spiritual materialism" or as seen in that link which I provided for you.

And with Buddhism you get the additional benefit that if you avoid the too religious lore (I think the classics are still filled with bounty), you can let it fit in neatly with most modern scientific lore.

I have asked the kikes and the kaballists about this discrepancy many times, and none could really answer me. Why they copy paste so much from the Buddhists.

then why did god give the world the bible. shut
the fuck up swine.
in the kingdom of satan everything is fine until
he comes collecting for all those good times he
let you receive(kabbalah) hahahahaha.

What Dalton in a band?

Was Adam Lanza in a band?

>do you really think that jews who are ever adapting care even one once about what is a meme flag and what is not?
yes. its to manipulate others, like your retarded rhetorical question that was supposed to make me think what you want me to think. didnt read the rest of your post

The Jew's greatest trick was convincing people that they aren't Jews. They walk among us, pretending to be white people, holding positions of power. Naming the Jew is the only defence.

Its funny. Their previosly greatest trick was concincing the Descendents of Judah (what Jew actually refers to) that they are jews even though they are edomites. Now that whites forgot that they are the israelites kikes try to blend in as whites. Their whole history is a never ending „fellow white people“ sheme

well if you lack the skills to discern the jew from within your ranks, through long term knowledge, sure, go for it man. I was pretty much born on this board, and with each passing day I witnessed their tactics unfold, to give me a good idea what the fuck they are over long periods of time. If your only measure is "he uses a meme flag" well then. I am not sure how to say that this is not enough lol, but believe what you may.

yea I am sure the jew is mystical and never adapts. There is some rule in their kaballah thing that says "only use meme flags" like literally, this line of text. Oh you got me!

then again, this is a jewish thread and defense of their mystical nature of sorts perhaps comes in the form of an assault, which you two may be holding right now. Great skills I have acquired.

And again nothing was given to disprove the fact that jews just copy paste shit from the Buddhists lol

Yes, exactly this.

>I was pretty much born on this board
ah so you're an AI? you have a geoflag, which you are hiding for some reason. what reason could that be? would you geoflag change our perceptions on how to take your words? hmmm

This is the cover story. Note how they expose their own wrongdoing precisely in order to co-opt you back into their belief structure. The dark (left hand satanic) aspects of the Khablaistic control nexus engage in many functions, but their primary role is to create a negative polarity for the development of synthesis (via dialectics) in order to spur societal evolution. They believe that by dragging society through the motions of the seripot, we activate higher levels of the upper ladder. OP is a mere puppet of the overarching Kabbalah system, which is attempting to currently defend itself by presenting the negative aspects of the conspiracy as ''not of the true kabbalah''. Rest assured however that at the top the light faction and dark factions coalesce, each recognizing the other as mutually necessary. Its only at the lower levels that members of this complex express any genuine opposition to the other side (and this is usually expressed within the context of a narrative that suggests good and evil should reconcile rather than combat).

Never trust a Kabbalist, for their stairway to heaven is a tunnel to hell, and their tree of knowledge is the tree of death

Jesus said, ''ye will know them by their fruits'' in relation to this synagogue of satan, and we do

All ritual murder and rape rests at their doorstep, and this is no less true of the lightworkers as of the satanists (they are all members of the same generational cult complex). OP is likely one of them, and the fact they can post in such a flagrantly dishonest fashion speaks volumes

Praise Yahwah, and Yahshuah . The true God who incarnated in flesh to expose this cult

and we await his return, when he will end it at last

you mean this one? Like who cares lol. Compared to the fashes flag it is insignificant. A mere signpost on the pages of history. "here live the dutch, the people no one gave a shit about" Compared to the fashes flag, it has very little modern relevance as it has been gobbled up by the generic western modernity, its national character devoid of the traits that are useful to resist the jewry. The fashes is the opposite of that.

Nice nose-ops

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you dont understand why its weird that someone would hide their flag? and if you really believed "who cares" then you wouldnt hide it. every shill has an entire book of insults to throw at each flag. who cares

If you research ancient myths and legends and believes you fairly quickly realize that they all widely say the same.
Some supernatural being BTFOd an evil guy, usually a setpent with lightning. Michael/thror/zeus/jupiter/set/indra defeating satan/loki+jormungandr/chronus/jupiter/osiris
Buddhist teach karma traps us in this existence, just like sin brought us into it through the fall. Karma is ruled by Saturn, as sin comes from Satan (who is Saturn)
Prometheus brought the fire and as a result the woman pandora unleashed all evil just like the serpent brought knowledge which resulted in the woman eve bringing sin into the world.
Aztecs have quetzacoatl, the feathered serpent that brought them knowledge.
Now did everyone steal from everyone or were they reporting real events that happened globally and discovered objectively true teachings independently of another?
All roads lead to rome as all logic leads to God, and thus his teachings

why would you use a flag that you are ashamed of? There is literally nothing from the dutch that are even a little bit relevant to mental resistance to the jew, to the modernity and other ills that we face. I chose the flag that represents the struggle. Not the one that is decaying. You suffer from the case of "every meme flag I encountered so far has proven to be a faggot, therefore all of them are" and then you encountered someone who actually put some thought behind it, and well now you are wondering why your past observations were not correct. Shit like that happens often man.

there is nothing to be ashamed of friend. at the very least, you didnt choose to be born anywhere.
>You suffer from the case of "every meme flag I encountered so far has proven to be a faggot, therefore all of them are"
not exactly but i get what you mean

It's either power from Satan & Demons, or it's power from God & Jesus. The NASB bible makes no mention of "magical powers" from God except for instruments filled with the Holy Spirit.
Debate me and refute the NASB

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well I wont disagree, it just proves more to the point that the jews do not have a monopoly on esoteric knowledge, and/or magics. The idea that they have a monopoly is what promotes you picking a religion, which is a hugely competitive scene to get that right lel.

if not for people to join the ranks, then to instill a sense of fear still. Same shit really. "we are important, we know shit, we are the best" and that times x10 in this modern age. At least Buddhism isnt so totalitarian at points to declare it to be the best of all. As they allow for a "shit man we dont know just like shit just like bee yourself man or something"

and the others go like "if you are not part of us, you are ebil demons mans"

what if they DID all steal it from each other. then your whole argument is meaningless. basically jumping off a cliff since you see so many others doing it

The rood wit blauw represents a rebellion of a folk against a universalist empire.

it may seem hard to believe, but with enough time, your upbringing and national character can be completely removed and replaced with something else, even with your own free will. It takes a considerable amount of time and plenty of books too.

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Ok i misunderstood your position, apology. However my previous post is an accurate outline of they are currently operating to both ''expose'' their left hand/negative area of the control system and co-opt society into their light avenues (which are numerous but all connected and based in the same fundamental luciferian philosophy). However, i would posit that your incorrect in your overall understanding of how they use trauma. They do use it to control society to an extent, however they also use it to spur society to next phase of consciousness. They drown society in such complete trauma that it needs to ''break through'' - into their preconfigured ideological net (new age epistemology, the new world utopia ect). The people behind this place are heavily involved with this shit, its a wonder posts like this are even allowed.

hey im against democracy too. i was just talking with someone the other day how the only way humans could become united is by genociding everyone whos different that the major group. i think its hopeless at this point and i hope the nazis really did have secret UFOs and shit and left to live on another planet or something. its the only way humans will be united and care about each other.

does the flag, and the national character still have the characteristics to reject modernity, and set its course right for its people I wonder? The fashes has created stuff like

and one can argue that a lot of the self improvement generals /sig/ with the many subset like the nofap are part of that effort. For the hatred of degeneracy stems from the right, not of democracy or freedom, but a pure hatred of those that are mutated, misformed, ugly and shitty. And the desire to destroy those.

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But most what he says is true

Do not follow any of their movements. All movements are mind entrainment algorithms

Trust in God alone

It sounds crazy I know. And he is coming off as a bit of a self help douche but it really is all legit. If you are not steadfast your own success at what OP is saying can cause you to doubt yourself and you lose it all. Happened to me, currently rebuilding. I went to hard to fast, right for the advanced stuff without the proper foundation. Slow and steady, until it ain't.

its not just about genocide, the cult of physical prowess and healthiness is part of the fashes/natsoc worldview. There is just too much to go into detail about here. But I am honestly one of these people who has nothing left of the degenerate, shitty, mcdonalds eating, retarded filth that lives in these nations.

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>GNAA oasis

"Modernity" and "tradition" are a false dialectic. Both are two sides of the same jewish coin.
I reject democracy and libertinism of all kinds, and believe in a strong, good authority. Seems characteristic of fascism, right? But the degenerate past, the so-called "tradition" isn't a solution to it. Nietzsche and Evola were wrong about tradition and western civilisation.
There is a way to undo both while still retaining a folkish character, and I guide people to such a path.

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>iv had to do some compromising things on camera to prove that im ready to be showered with the white seed of Gnosis
is that what that group of 25 guys called it before cumming all over your face?

let me guess, it doesnt include modern science, and also not things like racial realism because those things made your modern sense feel uncomfortable.

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And a thing that many so-called "traditionalists" reject, despite calling out the degeneracy of the west is that entertainment as a concept is a part of the problem. I keep telling people that vidya, anime, and even other boards themselves (Jow Forums too to an extent) are just another shill front, yet people always call me out for moralfaggotry whenever I mention it. Indeed, they're hypocrites.

OP Bro, you posted pure cringe

terrible larp 0/10

>iv had to do some compromising things on camera

we draw the line at murder, shame on you


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>Yes, that was me. Everything is me. I AM ALL
“If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.
Leap clear of all that is corporeal, and make yourself grown to a like expanse with that greatness which is beyond all measure; rise above all time and become eternal; then you will apprehend God. Think that for you too nothing is impossible; deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought, to know every craft and science; find your home in the haunts of every living creature; make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths; bring together in yourself all opposites of quality, heat and cold, dryness and fluidity; think that you are everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven; think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave; grasp in your thought all of this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; then you can apprehend God.

But if you shut up your soul in your body, and abase yourself, and say “I know nothing, I can do nothing; I am afraid of earth and sea, I cannot mount to heaven; I know not what I was, nor what I shall be,” then what have you to do with God?”

the real secret... it's all bullshit!

it's a system of graduation towards some hidden great secret.

the great secret? ritual for the purpose of establishing mental dominance over others.

over complicated bs based on natural law... alpha/beta... dominant/submissive.

No, I am a race realist. However, I do reject much of modern science and even the modern eugenics movement as a masonic front. Instead, I'm a positive eugenicist.

Yes, when I look at the likes of Madonna I can clearly see that she has magic powers.


baby raper

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this board is a great communicative devise that has allowed the right wing to get connected and educated. Many still which I have encountered, which were noble and worthwhile of my flag, said the same, that in excess this place serves little purpose. I have not dismissed them, yet not followed their advise to heart.

Well my point is that 99% of the contributions to the latest potent effort against modern decay, and all of its agents, came from this board, not from the dutch nation. Therefore my statement that the netherlands is irrelevant is quite correct. They are not the cool kids, they are not relevant, they have not contributed. One does not need to seek them to advance in life, at least for knowledge.

1/3 of the kids in the US have our language in their heads, anti semitism has risen from a meager 0.2 to between 4 and 15% over there as well. In the netherlands we have approximately between 20 thousand to 50 thousand people as well. Much connectivity is being done, much memetics is being spread. And right now it is leading the world on anti degeneracy practices. So does the dutch nation do any of these things?

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oh boy, I bet there is some form of "I feel quite terrible for the negro's but I dont want to be naziieees because they stole muh bikes"

With one billion useless niggers on this planet, there is no positive outcome for them lol. That is perhaps one of the failings of the national dutch character, this generic bullshit western feeling of superiority which is completely unwarranted, and when tested against real world things, it pretty much has a 100% failure rate

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The esoteric teachings are pretty much universal. See them as „scientific“ descriptions of the metaphysical build up of reality and the hidden forces that work in it. If they werent match another it would mean they arent correct.
However the Bible describes these as well but focuses more on the direct revelations of God and his will which is missing in the others

How did the middle easterners steal from south america? :^)

Its alchemi. Destroying the old and molding the new from it. Creating the chaos from which they create the new (world) order. The phoenix rising from the ashes. They destroy what is, weather its the mind, culture or matter, being it into the alchemical base form, nigredo, from which everything can be reshaped. Nigredo is described as a uniform black mass (black cube anyone?) and Saturn, also associated with blackness, represents this lowest of states, satan
Same was done with 9/11, destroying the 2 pillars, boaz and jachin from which ruins they create a new singular towers (the 2 genders/opposites mixed into one like trannies or baphomet)
These are the things the kabbalist do. And if you thing the world they try to create is anything but a degenerate shitfest in which they can be open degenerate pedophiles, doing anything other than angering the lord you are gravely mistaken
The goal doesnt justify the means

I don't consider a flag a representative to a movement, but a folk. And besides, no such movement can match my ideal. They all either cling on to so-called "tradition", or on to degenerate modernism.
Yes, all Negroids should be removed outside their own land, in any preferable way. I wasn't talking about them at all when I was talking about eugenics, I was talking about internal eugenics within a race.

well perhaps you seek a means to integrate new sciences, with traditionalist desire to preserve goodness in one self, and folk, as do I. I think what you are referring to with your disgust is the fact that many traditionalists are not willing to use new methods, and new sciences to build upon? Dismissing the entirety of modernity as evil. Instead of seeing it as partly also a blessing of modern science that has opened many doors of new perceptions.

not sure if you mean that or something else still when you say two sides of the same coin, but yea. My own desire is not to dismiss our great new technologies, but to find a means to make it so that they less rampantly running out of control.

But as I was investigating, I was also trying to find new means inside of darwinism, to try to handle modern problems as in pic related. I noticed that in our book threads there was pretty much zero mention of modern sciences. So I sought them out myself.

many people perhaps dont realize that darwinism, and evolution theory, despite the societal decay, are also still advancing at a great pace. And as such we must use them as well, for they belong to the white race.

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I mean that the "tradition" we're trying to go back to was also degenerate to an extent, albeit less degenerate. The ideology that's being set today was created in ancient times, but the method to implement it, industrial technology, didn't. Basically, we have no restore points, and must start from scratch while still keeping our faith and the tribal, and folkish institutions from the past.

which one of you was the memeflagger? got any more cool videos about reality being fake?

I'm the Dutch flag from last thread, he's the Fascist flag.

Kabalah is Judaism user. You'd have jew powers.

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oh ok im the one who called u a shill for your meme flag lol

Not sure about video's, but plenty of nice stuff like that. Most of it I learned through "cutting through spiritual materialism", evola's introduction to magic also has similar stuff. If you read that crap you will get to a mediocre, but not high level of understanding of this reality is fake crap. There probably is more but I needed some time to process it (rewrite all the mental crap that goes into the different fake categories that language makes)

there is also this demigod called hanuman, who apparently (probably for religious numbers) apparently speaks with some tribe, the concepts in that book surrounding the...what is it called again, surrahs and ashuras or something like that (demons that dwell on positive and negative thoughts) can often help one another. The legitimacy of the many works is obviously questionable, but I have been approaching it from a conceptual framework and using these methods theoretically, and they seem to kinda work.

emotions are a bit dualistic like that it seems, if you seek the positive, you will also set the stage for the negative. But yea, no more video's I think, at least not at the top of my head, sorry. Just try the books.