I don't know how to code
what are these 2 github updates from 16 hours ago?
I don't know how to code
what are these 2 github updates from 16 hours ago?
It means half a cent eoy.
It looks like some form of testing the code
those links aren't actually updates, those are files in the repo affected by an update.
the commit to master 16 hours ago was a merge of this PR:
it adds an operation to the command line tool, which copies a file specified, allegedly containing a key of some sort, to a directory that is configured as the keystore location
by the way, this project looks like amateur hour. I thought it was for heavyweight financial institutions and shit?
this is like a trivial function. it copies a file. see pic related from the code review
and check the other code reviews.
multiple code review convos for a file copy function, and really grappling with the return values from a function to check if a dir is empty or whatever
this reads like two people who are trying to learn go. also, pathetic test coverage. no explanation of what the PR is. merge from one guys master to a diff master (not using normal branching semantics).
overall this would be subpar at my shop.
Oh God, you seem so smart. If only they had you on the team!
if you are following the pivitol tracker you will see that Hodges accepted story to allow for alternate keystore locations.
Nothing too big but I bet this was a request from linkpool or some other "client." It's not needed to run the testnet but I maybe the people actually running the node wanted to be able to keep the keystore somewhere else in their planned architecture.
agreed, seems iffy but just have to wait and see
he's just commenting on the code, what's your problem
Same with geth
stop shitting on the street.
>commenting on the code
you must be a pleasant guy to be around
>writes and pushes a function to source control to indicate whether a directory is empty
bruh dot png
>Jow Forums thinks this project is the chosen one
laughing girls dot jpg
Deluded linkies can't refute this FUD lmao.
The javascript has been hacked and now all LINK nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes,
Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline
LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops.
Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.
The price will TANK to at least 100 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network.
This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.
Sell now, or be stuck in NodeLimbo forever
---Sergey's solution is a cheap hack if you ask me. He could have solved the problem by swapping out some of the for loops for while loops in the affected nodes. Everyone knows that injected offline GO code only can do so much. Good catch op. Sold 100k
What I find interesting is that people don't generally constantly post in threads about projects they don't like, especially cosypasta FUD that's been around for months.
Makes me feel like all the people posting it have malicious intentions and it's definitely not to get you to buy.
Stale FUD
Please piss off
Kind regards,
Link McStink
Almost like coordinated action to try and suppress the price or at least the person FUDing trying to suppress the price.
whatsadebugger is a community dev, not someone from chainlink team
1k eoy
>Deluded linkies can't refute this FUD lmao.
Omg. Market sold all my 40k link
>this project looks like amateur hour. I thought it was for heavyweight financial institutions and shit?
Shows how much you know, lol.
Financial institutions don't care about the code. They're still on their Cobol backend from decades ago.
>this reads like two people who are trying to learn go
They kind of are. They switched from Ruby to Go a few months ago.
I'm sure you'd have no problem switching to a code you're not familiar with and getting all the details right first try, hmmm?
you are all unironically black people.
Why don't you make a chainlink then stupid cunt. Or is the idea too subpar for your gay ass shop
if I'm staking my link stack in a smart contract for a node is there a way to keep this link in the ledger nano s similar to the smart contract on etherdelta?
literally, just plain fucking BLACK, the fucking lot of you.
chainlink is a great idea
if that PR is representative of the team they are not doing so well
if that's just community ppl then no big deal
sorry I insulted your god or whatever
It's ok user. Neither does the dev of this token.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
ALRIGHT, time to talk about ChainLink's price.
I've been crunching some numbers, researching how much api providers charge right now, looking into Oraclize and other oracle services customer-base and how much are they paying...
And I've came to the conclusion that LINK holders are completely out of their mind. The network just WON'T have nowhere near the fee revenue to justify the price predictions that are thrown around in this board.
If we're LUCKY, we might see a 10MM USD a YEAR at the beginning at the network. It's fucking ridiculous.
Even if we the network eventually gets adopted by a few banks for derivatives trading purposes (which WON'T happen in less than 03 years, you idiots have no idea how far away smart contracts are from being actually usable) it'll be HARD to get over 100 MM usd a YEAR in network fees. Shit just isn't that profitable.
So yeah, LINK is basically overinflated in price because delusional neets bought into the non-sense from a group of LARPERS and didnt actually do any research.
That's the main run time code that glues it all together and runs the nodes and shit.
The other is a unit test for the main run time.
a good reply for once. Thank you
LOL brainlet linkies getting BTFO
> muh why dont u do it uself
> muh they just switched from ruby
> muh [insert yet another excuse for their fuck up]
There's literally 1000 red flags about chainlinks being a cashgrab and sirgey being a brainlet, but linkies just keep making excuses for all of them.
If it was only one red flag, sure give him the benefit of the doubt, but there's just too many. Fucking deluded linkies,
do you know, is there another codebase or something?
I skimmed through the chainlink codebase (DIDN"T TAKE LONG ITS VERY SMALL)
there's absolutely no capabilities to support the ideas of smart oracles. its only the most basic buildingblocks.
Mainly, you can define a job that will be a linear sequence of tasks
those tasks can be one of 7 primative operations so far: call an http endpoint with get or post, get data from eth a couple different ways, push data to eth a couple different ways
this is a middleware that could speed the process of hooking things up to the eth network... slightly.
it has some conveniences for scheduling cron style, logging etc.
is there a different private codebase where the magic happens?
there is a private repo, where they're close to finishing the consensus and validation part, they've been working for the last few months on those.
back to plebbit.
what? source? they said they are working in public now
You have no idea what Chainlink is supposed to be, do you?
ive heard glorious things, not seeing them in the public codebase. i'm ready to be enlightened. user above mentions private repo, that may be the answer
They already made smart oracles. Pic related is one, and it was done half a year ago.
I read the code review too. Any original thoughts or are you just a dumb nigger?
looks good, notice that this use case is trusted API connections though. chainlink nodes are just pass-throughs here to bind external data to smart contracts, or pull data points out of smart contracts and push them to APIs. the codebase as it stands can do this.
i've heard about a vision that included ideas like aggregating from a number of oracles, penalizing them for lies, and creating trustworthy synthesized data out of that kind of mechanism. that's what i don't see yet though may be private.
Maybe the market rate smart contract in this picture does all of that but i would be skeptical, writing anything that elaborate in solidity and paying the gas to execute it on the blockchain doesn't seem like the right architecture.
What is your problem man
What's wrong with commenting on code
criticizing the team for engaging with people who have said they are new to go and production programming is kind of dumb and obviously disingenuous, that'sthe problem with that "comment." This task was even labeled "good first issue."
oh come on, does it say that anywhere in the pull request? i'm not up to speed with the inner workings of the link team or their task tracker. I literally opened the last pull request as OP asked and commented on what is there.
if you followed it for any amount of time rather than just pulling it up glancing at it, obviously not reading the white paper as evidenced by a previous post, looking for things to criticize, and just parroting another code review without adding anything new, you'd know his story. He's been taking al lot of the "good first issue" tasks. So it's no surprise that they're going over basic shit.
why the fuck do i have to be an expert on this project to answer an user who asks for opinions on a pull request.
you don't have to be, but it's dumb to then chalk that up what you see automatically to incompetence when there are other explanations. And then getting angry when the real explanation is pointed out is pretty brainlet tier desu
whats clear to me is that this project has a lot of supporters who seem a bit desperate to spin even the most trivial details into a positive light
>i'm not up to speed with the inner workings of the link team or their task tracker.
You really sound like a fucking brainlet to be honest. Yeah, no fucking shit you're up to speed with the inner workings of the team and project when you literally just spent a few minutes looking at their source code.
Don't have a problem with people offering genuine criticism but you just sound like a fucking idiot.
As someone else pointed out he's not part of the main team. He has been chatting with the devs on gitter and he's taken up some of the open issues the team have opened on their repo.
None of these issues will be huge/show stoppers, just some backlog items that will be nice to get done. It's good stuff to see, good learning opportunity.
>i've heard about a vision that included ideas like aggregating from a number of oracles
Protip: this also involves trusted APIs/sources.
Oracles were NEVER meant to verify the source data, only the transposition of that data. Calling a variety of different sources/APIs ostensibly putting out the "same" data is merely a variation on this theme.
The responsibility for the trustworthiness of the source(s) lies with the sources themselves, and the party selecting that source for the smart contract.
Hey guys. Is ChainLink literally the key for all this shit to even work? More I look into this I can't see how any of it will be adopted mainstream unless you can get outside data onto the blockchain. I'm probably an idiot but this seems like the best investment in crypto right now.
While ChainLink is one of the most promising projects, you have to be really cautious because a few months back it was shadow forked so they may lose their first mover advantage if someone beats them to the punch.
What did he mean by this?
CL is the distraction (((they))) organised to make biztards buy useless coin
Oracle Solution will indeed be the 4th greatest tech revolution, but it won't be CL.
Shadow fork is not a meme. We will learn the name of the true Oracle Solution only when it is too late to buy in
Hello nootropic. gathering talking points for your next attack?
Thanks. Just reviewed 100k lines of code.