Okay anons I have started to learn to code
>I dropped out of highschool
>5-8 hours a day of JS/html/css and Python
>blocking Jow Forums
>I will come back in 6 months when I am ready to "make it"
Okay anons I have started to learn to code
>I dropped out of highschool
>5-8 hours a day of JS/html/css and Python
>blocking Jow Forums
>I will come back in 6 months when I am ready to "make it"
Other urls found in this thread:
Lol faggot
>5-8 hours a day of JS
You'll be hanging from the rafters by week's end.
Im a professional Developer and you wont ever make it with languages that are as pajeet tier as JS/html/css and Python.
Literally everybody is a "fullstack" developer these days. If you want fast money and dont care about doing illegal stuff go that road but dont try to "make it" by being a web dev, you wont succeed.
so you lost your 2nd best chance at learning to socialize for a self taught resume with no friends to back you up?
Take a free online course faget
Good work, user. Stay the course and be careful with your money and you will do very well.
Remember to learn key meme JS stuff for a leg-up.
js is not 'rich and a mess'
it is crap, as in, the initial design was crap, and it did not get scrapped.
>If you want fast money and dont care about doing illegal stuff go that road
Not gonna make it.
blackhat Internet marketing
Blackhat internet marketing is not illegal at all.
I was doing the same thing, but I was learning Swift and Objective-C. Then my Mac broke and I am not replacing it. I need to buy more LINKs. We'll make it man.
While I don’t disagree, it doesn’t matter. The web is going to be where all of the action is in the very near future. No one is downloading apps anymore, and with WebAssembly, big companies are going to start moving their whole app into the browser to prevent pirates. Javascript sucks, there’s tooling to make it more bearable, TypeScript, for example, but I know where the future is heading. It’s not a future I like, but it’s the future nonetheless.
the absolute worse. fuck that shit.
>Literally everybody is a "fullstack" developer these days. If you want fast money and dont care about doing illegal stuff go that road
What did he mean by this?
see you tomorrow
also a major pain in the ass. it's not easy. at least for me. i can program/make sites but i can't make shit with my bh attempts
Stopped reading right there.
you wont do shit if you feel the need to say it here
How do you make it?
good job user ignore these sore losers
you have a game plan...
keep it flexible and always remember why you made it and why you started this...
the toxic answers here should show you that this might be your right path because the faggots here are allergic to things like ambition and success...
fucking faggot cucks... lel
well i guess js is pretty powerful and you can do alot with it but besides that html and css is for designers and not coders. thats not coding imo
python is very powerful if you want to do something with maths but. people in physics use it alot. wont recommend it for other problems tho
go learn c/c++, c# and sql and you should be fine with everything. its easy do adapt if you know those languages and sql is obviously useful since you always will have do store data somehow
You need to go to school user. You can learn all the code you want but building structures and shit. Building udp tcp servers. Goodluck faggot
Learn simple languages like Python, linux system and devops tools.
Pay is great as devops engineer and you don't even need to be good at coding, just a good logical brain.
Same. My shit mac keeps restarting. I think it would be easier to run one of those virtual mac os’ on my desktop to develop aps
Read the book "you dont know javascript". Learn Vue.js and dive into making singe page apps. Learn node.js . Read about letsencrypt. Dismiss python for anything more than reading sensor data, prototyping and formating data. Do not learn django.
Get a (empty)prepaid credit card and use the free trial period on lynda.com and when the trial expires just make another acc using the exact same card.
The payment for a fullstack spa is good. If you dont know university mathematics you will be seen as a pleb by every comp sci fag.
Your welcome
>Dismiss python for anything more than reading sensor data, prototyping and formating data. Do not learn django.
you're clueless
I can tell that you're retarded because web dev positions are one of the most demanded and well paid positions in the field right now.
This is good advice.
are you fucking mentally retarded? html and css are not programming languages.
>lern to kode
I'm not, I've worked with all of it. djangos channel model for spa's fucking sucks. Simple async post/get request pages will die. Also, enjoy writing your input validation for front and backend twice, asshole. Don't forget the mental gymnastics one have to do by switching between 2 languages all the time.
I also wrote a Genetic trading strategy finder and a billiard ball computer inside a cellular automaton using toffoli gates in python and then in ansi c. Python is at least 10x slower I know exactly what im talking about
Why chinese React clone and not the daddy himself?
because React and Angular each have big teams developing them and Vue only has a small team , this results in a more compact lib (and less functionality).
So for newcomers Vue is faster and easier to learn.
Probably a lazy brainlet NEET who has done nothing productive aside chase moon missions on Jow Forums. I'm surprised you think you can devote full time effort in learning to code.
>Don't forget the mental gymnastics one have to do by switching between 2 languages all the time.
Programming noobfag detected...
literally what i did when i dropped out of college and i make $125k
Is python really that useless? I think some people are biased. When i look at indeed com for jobs there is fuckloads of high paying python jobs. Also web is the shit, everything is on the web, pwa's are literally the future but i hate javascript. Will js get replaced? Give me hope.