It is the most fundamental discipline. Stop being an impulsive dopamine-addicted little faggot. No man can call himself such until this is accomplished.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok, dad.

Enjoy your prostate cancer cuck.

Pic related didn't become this by touching his dick all day son

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fuck off cuck

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Emptying your sack into women has the same benefits little boy

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Kicked 3D porn a long time ago.
Still addicted to hentai, not even fapping to it.

It's a COOMSPIRACY. The mods are deleting all threads on this.

Perform coitus.

Can I touch your dick instead?

You sound like a German sitzpinkler faggot. I am ashamed you are my countryman and can only hope that you're some mountain jew on vacation in Las Vegas

What if I just want to scratch it though?

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It also can cost you 15 to 45% of your pay for the next 18 years

A tattooed degenerate try hard, I'll start caring what he thinks when he stops applying artificial tan.

Übernimm die Kontrolle über deine Macht!!!

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>hipster hair/beard
>niggerball jersey
>unironically posting this as something to emulate


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what did you say?

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Dad is right, in this case.

Porn and masturbation are the easiest and most effective propaganda methods to instill that the purpose of sex is for hedonistic pleasure not reproduction

It's been 4 days, trying to beat my 2 week record

Thanks for the encouragement, fren

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manhood is worth any cost

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The whole point of life is to spread your seed with the highest genetic potential specimen you can find. If you plow a fat slag, or a tattooed whore and knock her up that's on you. For me, I only have sex with genetic perfection or at the very least a woman I wouldn't mind paying child support to so long as she gave me a Chad son or Stacy daughter.

Keep it up. You will ascend.

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Keep it up my dude. 15 days here, trying to accomplish NoFapSeptember

He still touches his dick less than you have to user

porn jew detected

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gene pilled

It is a big struggle for me... I have blocked porn on PC, but on my phone I can't really reliably block it.
I know too much for my own good and would bypass any restraint in minutes :\

> masturbating has the same benefits as sex
> but it's bad for you because there was no chance of impregnation
Fuckin' retards.

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Very based

stop shitposting, you can't call yourself a man if you spend all day looking up pictures of "real men" to post

what if it's into another male's ass?

>finding people to look up to is unmanly
Yeah man... we should have absolutely no role models and emulate whatever popular culture is telling us.

there is no point of life, there just is life and that's how it works, yes, 8/8 if you quit masterb8, people totally didn't jerk their dicks back in the day, evolution intended for you not jerk off so nobody did back in the day since its so damaging and unatural, but now because of porn we all jerk it so much moar and we need asceticism lest we will not be as vigorous, yes, this is great, this is science

Prostate cancer is higher in young men who masturbate, masturbation and the lowering rate of prostate cancer is only seen in old men.

I know, I pay a lot for manhood. It's cheaper to be a power bottom.

I can ejaculate without stimulation

Then how do I pee?

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Sit down

Follow instructions carefully

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You have to change your philosophy. Embrace the fact there are rules of behavior which lead to superior results, like laws of physics lead to the universe.

Hi, I'm a woman

real talk, for what? give me one reason not to jerk of right now. you have 10 minutes

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Porn used to be a product people paid for.

When something is free and easily available, it’s not a product. You’re the product.

i tried this once.
went to the club on week 3 of nofap.
Some older lady came on to me hard and because of my nofap i went with her to her hotel and smashed her holes in.
i think fapping from past experiences in the mind is the best method, failing that 2d girls.
but definitely not porn.

this. we're being gamed...nothing is really for free

You might not raise a son and You'll make Jesus cry

Impulsive behavior is destructive. Become mindful of the impulse. This allows to step outside of it, instead of caught up in it. Then you will see it for the horrible little troll it is, a demon which seeks to dominate you. Then kill it.

The troll speaks.

kek, don't let your mother hear you

why would I want to put a son into this cursed world, thats fucking sick and sadistic.
Jesus doesnt cry, he sees the reason behind everything, thats why he died for our sins.

everything is destructive, eating packaged food, walking near a street, drinking tap water etc.
I am mindful of the impulse and I enjoy getting horny and jerk one off, it takes stress away and is relaxing, it improves my quality of life.
>Then you will see it for the horrible little troll it is
depends on what you are jerking off to, seems like you only jerked off to degenerate shit and felt bad, but there are alot of wholesome materials
also demons are bitches, like I said, if its degenerate and doesnt feel right its shit, if it feels good its ok

daily reminder there is absolutely no point in nofap unless you've found an outlet to spend your sexual energy in

if you do nothing but play video games/stay at home ALL day besides going to work every couple days or school, you WILL fail nofap every single time and even by some miracle you succeed, you will accomplish nothing

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Chicken and egg fallacy. You have to bootstrap yourself up user.

can confirm I've failed multiple times without an activity to invest in.

can confirm I've also failed multiple times by trying to focus myself on GYM + learning about ML.

I have obtained 70%+ adherence to my positive habits though...tracking everything with OneDrive

besides feeling a bit sad about not having contact with females, I'm doing pretty good.

I probably am in depression though, as bouts of loneliness arise from time to time...

to fight our urges is to fight sin itself, as we are sinful creatures, it is a fight we can never really win
the only thing we can do is fight it, ask forgiveness when we do fail, and pick ourselves up and fight it again

>laws of physics
Holographic universe, string theory, or soap bubble multiverse, who would dare question science?

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>You have to bootstrap yourself up user.
Look him in the eye and firm handshake

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Not trying to sound like a schizo, but it is quite disheartening to see how little control I have over myself. As I'm writing this, I've closed the porn tabs on my phone, but if I stay awake much longer, I'll fail even my two day no porn streak.

I can hear myself thinking - "I can always stop, I don't need to worry, I'll just have this fantasy, I'll just stroke myself and enjoy."

It just makes no sense... I believe I'm in control because I am functional and following through with my plans - but I'm failing so hard with stopping my porn addiction.

the human element plays a great role in the benefits of releasing into a woman as opposed as to releasing into your sock. it's simply not the same thing.

15 days nofap going strong!

Fuck you kike

the important thing to remember is we are not born with control
we are, for all intents and purposes, highly intelligent animals - animals have no control to start with, neither do we, but we can LEARN how to control ourselves
it takes time user, but it is possible, its inevitable, if you continue to try and not get disheartened along the way

no mayor porn company offers porn for free, most sites are full on piracy.

The key is to put porn into a philosophical context. Think about what it is, what is happening in biological terms when you think about it. You'll realize it is the enemy of your free will. It is the slaver of your rational mind. It must be dominated as it seeks to dominate you.

Why not to find gf/wife?

I had 3 months nofap, several times had, but now week is hard for me too.

You might stay calm cool and collected, and not go hogging and fuck anything with a pulse because your nuts are aching and anything will do when your this desperate for release.

> porn tabs on my phone

Way to be your own man.

literally fondling it right now

Why? So I can enjoy my lovely romp through Clown World?

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The main problem of nofap communities that they have people which write antisexual propagand. It's ok if they write that a person should choice with attention, but not when they say that the sex is bad even in marriage.

so jerking of prevents me from being a nigger. I dont see the downside


>Why not to find gf/wife?
I am pretty buffed Ruski frien but here the only way to get girls is to go to some generic party and make out while they are drunk or being a full time desperate faggot who begs for a pussy
Going to the gym is my only love idgaf if it sounds gay

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This thread is for those who are not mindful. I can argue with your philosophy, but I cannot claim you are a slave to sensation as men are when they are not mindful.

Nofap or noporn?

Thanks for motivating me anons.

By the glory of Gaius Octavius Thurinus Augustus, if I can understand and master Q-RL and RCNNs I can master myself too. I shan't find release to my sexual urges through false stimulations like porn. I shan't touch myself more than once a week.

I'm going to sleep anons... I wish you a fruitful session in this game of life we're all playing.

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>why would I want to bring a life into this world
do you think there weren't worse times in human history when children were being brought into the world? we actually live in one of the most prosperous and technologically advanced times ever in human history. this is not an excuse, you are a lazy faggot.

>everything is destructive
no, not everything is destructive. the opposite is construction, and humans spend a great deal of time and resources towards whatever goal that they are constructing to completion.

we as humans certainly have the potential to make things worse, a lot worse in our own lives alone for only ourselves. So, to avoid doing those things, would that not be an act of self-love? To deprive ourselves the opportunity of indulging in self-destructive pursuits, this would most certainly be a noble undertaking.

Say what you want about masturbation, but the fact of the matter is that it is instant gratification. I don't think you will fully understand the benefits until you accept that the mind and body are connected. They are not separate entities in any regard, and your physiological state will affect your mind state, and visa-versa. Now, when you accept that precept, you have to understand that fundamentally speaking abstinence of masturbation at the very least can be considered an act of denial of stress relief. You will eventually increase your tolerance, and I myself would rather not wire myself to be pleased by the emotions of others heavily invested in an intimate moment were my only role is some sort of bastardized voyeurism.

Ultimately, you should seek to improve yourself for, if only, the sake of seeing for yourself what you are capable of achieving.

I meant something serious. I also had no gf.

you start with noporn, and work your way into nofap, then noedge, then nofap hardmode.

Don't be a base animal

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I worked with a black dude from South Africa who used to brag about all the bitches he was knocking up... apparently he didn't know about this catch. Now he is severely depressed, and perpetually broke, paying child support to 4 Canadian women.

going to the gym doesn't sound gay, user.
going to the gym to look at guys workout? That's gay.
SigPill is best pill. It's the only way out of this mess.

Thanks, almost lost my streak the other day. These threads are always good encouragement to keep at it.

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I tried nofap several times, without sex. And it always ended with the stress problem. Neither "clean" or not very (I didn't watch porn, but I watched tv series with erotic moments).
But I doubt that it's possible to fap without porn if you have addiction.

I quit fapping and coffee. I'm almost a month in and there is a difference. I thought the no fap thing was bullshit but I'm in less pain, I have better control over my emotions and I simply just don't give a fuck anymore. Fewer things get under my skin and I can let things go that use to take up space in my head. Give it a try anons, what's one month?


Porn is every thing which you use for this.

>always ended with the stress problem
I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean to say that you were so stressed out to the point where you relapsed?
>But I doubt that it's possible to fap without porn if you have addiction
oh absolutely you can. one of the nice things about inevitably relapsing is that, as long as you avoid fapping while watching something, i.e. use your imagination, then you get rid of the urge more easily, and do less damage to yourself relapsing.

we've all had that moment when we finish beating off, and then we have to close right the fuck out of whatever we're watching right away. it's no longer interesting after the rush. the thing is, under the nofap mindset, everything becomes so much more novel, so much more interesting, that porn can seem super enticing. it's like fast food but for your libido. if you have to absolutely whack off, at least do it without porn first. it will help ease you into the transition of an ascetic life.

>going to the gym doesn't sound gay, user.
I understand that never implied lifting is gay but it seems that girls nowadays want emo sjw faggots as boyfriends and the only good alternative for me is finding a prostitute
The only way to escape from this clown world is to get buffed as hell i guess...

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its just a way of handling life in the modern world. the jew has ruined our women but also men, including myself.
its a substitute, but in lack of alternatives what else is there to do?
atleast my mind is clear and I can focus on calling out the jew after the deed is done. not perfect, but then, what is?

>we actually live in one of the most prosperous and technologically advanced times ever in human history.
the fuck is wrong with you, you deluded boomer. go back to 1900 and the world was a much better place, go even further and everything improves even more.

>I don't think you will fully understand the benefits until you accept that the mind and body are connected.
I am most connected after jerking off, I am disconnected when not.

>others heavily invested in an intimate moment were my only role is some sort of bastardized voyeurism.
I self insert, its your problem if you concentrate on the dick, for me its all about the girl, its mental. you might be gay and cant handle it and project it onto others.

>Ultimately, you should seek to improve yourself for, if only, the sake of seeing for yourself what you are capable of achieving.
I am everything that I want to be. there is nothing to improve, because the world doesnt deserve it

>I am everything that I want to be. there is nothing to improve, because the world doesnt deserve it
Unironically this

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Get into a fight/confrontation with another man, win and observe as women start to flock to you.