How much LINK for a girl like this?
How much LINK for a girl like this?
In 1 year?
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I want a trap wife NOW REEE
Where's the girl?
that's a nice jewess
go to reddit
>implying you wouldn't
Here you go op, should be able to afford with those stinky linkies
About triffidy coin
Doesn't look anything like her
You're gay if you don't wanna fuck traps nowadays desu
user I.........
Wow fellas please cool it with the transphobia. Transpersons are what they identify with and no one can doubt that. Sergey would agree with me because he's cool and progressive.
would marry sarina, full homo
Fake face, tits, ass and hips - it would be like grabbing a hard plastic doll. Disgusting. Not that any of you faggots care as you don't know the touch and feel of a real woman anyway.
I have paid for a girl like this 50€
would enter my fully erect nigger dick int xer butthole
You almost fucking got me till I did a jewgle searche It's a fucking tranny Sarina valetine you faggot fuck that Fuck trannies they all deserve to be gassed Trannies are a mental disease.
>you will never feed that brap a bowl of scrambled eggs.
fuck off niggerkike Trannies are an abomination against god and all that is holy. They are lower than fucking niggers. IMO
Wow that is not the progressive attitude I would expect from my fellow LINKbros.
>Wow fellas please cool it with the transphobia.
There's no phobia faggot.
Gays, transgenders, trannies, transsexualism and every other off-shoot that debaucherizes and worships the sodomization of society... disgusts me.
It's not phobia faggot. It's disgust!
It's not phobia faggot. It's repulsion.
Wow seriously? How can my fellow LINK marines hold such problematic, toxic views? We need to join the fight against hate speech, not promote it.
Fuck I am slow, that use to be a dude? What the fuck? B-bbut it's pretty hot, like if I didn't know it was a dude I would probably stick my penis in that, holy fuck anons, I am scared...... What the fuck....... Wait surely if some dude has had his equipment changed to a chick, surely they should have to tell you first before you put your pee pee in its fake pussy r-right? Yuk couldn't imagine a penis turned into a pussy wouldn't feeling any good sticking your weinner in... Yuk
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch square pan.
2) In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
3) Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
Her name is Sarina Valentina and she is the most beautiful WOMAN ever. I will give her all my linkies when I make it and have the best femdom orgasm ever.
sarina valentina.
Progressive hahaha fuck you. We literally had thread full of nazi alters of chainlink logo.
This takes the cake.
its said everyone responds to BAIT posts in a serious way
what happened to ''do not feed the trolls''?
>saying that a dude that cut off his dick is a dude is Jow Forums behavior
Ok soy boy
Pretty much this, I agree. And fucking sick of having the degrading shit being all fucking well with the public, fuck it's embraced, it's fucking horrible. They need to learn they are the minority and I should not have to accept that shit. Now I don't give a shit if you are a guy and you like to fuck guys, just keep it in doors. Hate fucking seeing gays and lesbians (which are the worst for it) all over each other, do you see straight couples dry humping and eating each other's face in public? And if you do it's still looked down on so why shouldn't it be the same for homos. And don't get me started on transgenders, they are out of control these days, it's fucked up
Sarina Valentina is hot. gtfo faggot
Linkies and Jow Forums are so easy to troll a literal retard could do it. Sage away fellas this thread can die now. My keks have been had.
>seventh son
That guy is a hypocrite, he has a huge thing for Blair White
Fuck you user, but in a respectful way
You son of a bitch don't you dare talk shit about Svenpai you cripplechan CIA operative
No girls whith pennis they are boys whit boobs and paint
Damn. I had no idea she was a Tranny. That pic fooled me. :/
now you know, you think trannies are hot
It's ok user, I was the same, this thing does porn, does this fucking thing have its bits removed yeah?