
How would a hitman smart contract work? I remember there was some discussion about it, but I can't remember the logic behind it. Like how would the smart contract know that X killed Y and not Z killed Y?

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probably by checking a news webservice or whatev

like you could make a webservcie that reads multiple news websites, and just look for specific keywords or names or whatevs. 1000$ EOY boys

From the news you can confirm that Y was killed, but how do you confirm X killed Y without X getting caught?

would it even matter who carried out the killing? if the contract pays X to kill Y, and X sub-smartcontracts Z to kill Y, and Z kills Y, X gets paid and in turn pays Z. Could just check an obituary service.

Why is subject ChainLink and pic related ChainLink when this has absolutely nothing to do with ChainLink ou absolute fucking brainlet

Attached: IMG_1411.png (669x514, 25K)

In essence that wouldn't matter really, since the point of a good hitman is to not get caught. You wanted someone dead, offer x amount. Person is now dead, x amount paid.
Also probably selling some Linkies today this bear is demoralizing me too much.

You need a fucking trusted third party for this.

Smart 'contracts' aren't contracts and there's nothing smart about them.

What if the contract is made and some "anti hitman" bots automatically accept the contract and don't carry out the killing? Then another contract needs to be made which might lead to multiple contracts of the hit and when the target is killed, every single one of them gets the reward when in reality only one of them did the hit.

the hitman would have to upload the victim’s nectome to fulfill his end of the contract, obviously

who cares?
I mean, we PnD

The smart contract isn't written so that anybody can accept it. It would be between two people and the payment is sent from the escrow account to the person contracted to do the killing once the obituary APIs (which already exist) confirm that the person has died. It doesn't matter who kills them.

Two anonymous people? If so how does the one offering the contract confirm that the other end is a person and not some "anti hitman" bot? A timer like 1 week could be put, but then you cancel and create another contract. Same thing happens.

the fuck you are talking about retard? you just make your own webservice, and have a smart contract plugged on it, and your webservice will check on the news....this is fkin retarded

The same way you ensure you aren't just paying a cop or a troll or whoever to kill someone and get fucked. It can happen but presumably if you're interested in hiring a hit man you know who to go to get the job done. Blockchain doesn't fundamentally change the assassin market by connecting you to hitmen or women anonymously, yet, though this would perhaps be possible in the future with tokenized hitmen and a reputation system. All the smart contract does in this case is ensure payment by holding it in escrow in a contract that ensures the payee cannot renege. Obviously there would be a time limit and stuff like that.

This is a retarded thread. Stop posting

I can't tell if you're just being intentionally dense or not, but what you're concerned about there is not an issue chainlink is trying to solve, which is what I guess you're asking about. Chainlink doesn't enable random people to accept jobs to fulfill the actual contract requirements. What you're describing, an anonymous hitman marketplace, would be possible on the blockchain, which could use chainlink to confirm the kill via obituary apis, but that would be an entirely seperate service, similar to how hashletes or req is using the chainlink network.

I think there would need to be a verified one-use IOT device like a button that sends an ETH address and GPS coordinates to the smart contract. The hitman would press the button, which only transmits once, at the time of death.

Once the death is confirmed by news, the contract takes the GPS coordinates and time of death and compares them to the coordinates sent by any devices recently. When it gets a near enough match, it releases funds to the ETH address.

The device would need to be costly enough to make it prohibitive to use at random to try to game the system.

The only issue with this setup is that you'd need a centralized manufacturing and sales platform to build and market the transmitter.

I was thinking about the solely on the way hits would work, not ChainLink capabilities or so. And yea your reputation system and assassin market thing makes sense.

The hitman will have to leave something that will identify him and will be mentioned in the news. Like write his eth address on the victim or something else that will uniquely identify him for the contract