>mfw i know three coins that will make it big in 2018 and even bigger in 2019-2020
anyone else ever feel like this
Mfw i know three coins that will make it big in 2018 and even bigger in 2019-2020
ric ufr and 1st
>not a single one of those are true
eos, omg, bat
I know one existing coin, and one upcoming ico that will each minimally 200x over the next 2 years. I've given hints on this board before but hardly anyone took it seriously. Might stop by and give some hints in the future.
Like anyone cares
unless you're already rich you should care. The upcoming ICO will definitely 200x but the existing coin is the only crypto to have true 1000x potential. It's actually scary and would not benefit me at all to disclose. I've told one person in my life about it and don't plan on telling anyone else but I may drop more hints. I know it sounds retarded and I'm not even a crypto bull short term or long term but this is the most definite investment of my life. I would love to give out shady hints in the future and have an astute person discover it an make millions
>inb4 vechain
That's the way I fell about LINK, I don't anyone IRL because they know I'm intelligent and would take it seriously, but on Jow Forums I'm just a deluded stinky linky
Is it an Yuri approved coin?
one of them is at least
>one of them is at least
The non-ico one, got it
Curious about the ICO, is it coming in an already crowded market? Supply chain for example (VEN WTC AMB...)
Or is it a new problem that can benefit from blockchain? Not many problems do, despite the hype... Accounting is one of them, and I'm counting on REQ to take that niche
its not an unknown market but i dont think i've ever seen a coin specifically target it before
req is a good coin overall but not in my list of 3
I am bullish on Vechain but don't consider it to have 100x potential anytime soon.
The two coins I'm talking about have not been shilled on any forum to my knowledge (maybe one of them on a random bitcointalk post), but I have seen someone mention the upcoming ICO on twitter which surprised me.
It is not supply chain, but can completely change how the real world interacts with blockchain
Come on boys drop tips this is a /comfy/ thread
it's OK if you don't want to spell out the name of the coin though
Breyer's no dummy but I think it's a long-term play and I already have LINK for that (no bully)
lol this thread is a joke. Next, you're going to tell me it's EVE. hahahahahha
is it ELIX?
i know that feeling op
>mfw holding ETH, MKR and DGD
>It is not supply chain
Yeah I used supply chain as an example of an application that can benefit from multi-party trustless tamper-proof registry
tfw i'm actually satoshi and i've been cashing out my btc for over 3 months now
Thanks for holding my bags you dumb shits.
you post this shit everyday
you don't know anything