Would selling now be a mistake? Things have never seemed more bleak.
Would selling now be a mistake? Things have never seemed more bleak
I care about you, OP. So more your whole portfolio over into LINK and suffer for a couple of years. Things will get better after that.
PoWM is your best bet to make money right now.
Keep out the thoughts of losing and making money. Now imagine selling, and imagine holding. Do what feels best!
Buy and sell because you want to.
Never buy and sell because you have to.
Billionaire here.
You know how the saying goes, sell when there's blood in the streets :^ )
The best solution is to step away and do something else for half a year. Don't sell, just don't worry about it. You can't play crypto trader in this bear market.
If you haven't sold by now you are literally retarded.
>Billionaire here
Don't want to get left in the dust if the powers that be say "pomp it"
Just going to hold and forget. Maybe take a crypto vacation. Thanks Mr.Billionaire.
Not at all. you need to exit crypto if this is the question you have.
sell now buy back in 6 months
Buy high sell low
dude gtfo out of here with your retarded ass comments. If you invested the way your supposed to., You already recouped your inital investment and a shitload of profits. Anything else is still left in play for when the market inevitably booms. You only sold because you invested all of the 200$ your poor ass had.
I don't think it's too late to sell alt bags with no bottom in sight, leaving the market completely is harder to say but looks ugly.
We're going to $5500 short term so better off selling before that dump. Might bounce from there but we're still going to 2-4k so just buy back then
woah that pepe is pretty hardcore
>Buying High, Selling Low: The Jow Forums Story
it will drop lower, you will puke up your btc, and I will scoop them up
Its a wojack nice try pajeet
>buy signal
lol at the samefagging that's going on in here.
also OP, I'm just ignoring this shit for now. I don't much care if it goes up or down, in fact I might even buy more at the end of the month if it's down.
Nigga BTC ain't going nowhere until G20 comes up with regulations in July.
We haven't even hit capitulation yet. Selling now is good. If I'm wrong worse case scenario is you buy back in a bit higher. If we do capitulate make sure you don't pussy out and remember to buy back in when its low.
>anons too depressed to even post pink wojaks
>half the board on suicide watch
>w-we're still in denial phase haha amirite? xD
BTC is going to be worth less than $100 in a year. Lightning is hopelessly fucked and BCH is getting adopted left and right. Exchanges are going to start listing BCH/ALT coin pairings and then it's over
>BCH is
fucking hilarious man
OP its highly unlikely that at no point in the future will the price of bitcoin be higher than what you bought at. I hope that makes you feel better.
Unironically sell everything for ETH and go all in powm. 1000 eth in contract. Watch it go to 20k
Hey guys I'm new here.
My son told me about this place and said I could learn how to sell bitcoin without buying it.
Can someone tell me how to become a bear?
I'm kind of new to all this stuff.
i got you senpai