Bcash now trading sub 0.1 Bitcoin

r.i.p. in pepperongi

press B to BRRAAAAAAAAAAPPPP on its' grave

Attached: btrash.png (777x81, 12K)

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How is it even this high?? Like who brought it in the 1st place?

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Futures in China going for 1/3 of a BTC anchored the price in the minds of bag holders. If they hadn't done all that greasy shit last year (wash trading ~1000 coins on Bittrex at a billion transaction volume to go from $8 to $1200), it'd be top 50 at best.

still in 2nd place as far as ticker price, not worried in the least here

He obviously meant bought. Use a little brain power


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It's been steadily declining under 0.1. It's ~0.95.
It's only a matter of time before it's 0.9, 0.85, 0.8...

Pretty much going the way of ETC which is 0.03586 of ETH price.

worse has yet to come
can't wait for real panic and massive dumping

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bcash more like bitconnect crash xD

>only 21 million bitcoins
kek, muh infinite forks have made linited supply a meme


Not gonna lie, former cashie here. This is fucking hilarious watching bcash crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this coin get the op codes.

Hey guys I'm new here.

My son told me about this place and said I could learn how to sell bitcoin without buying it.

Can someone tell me how to become a bear?

I'm kind of new to all this stuff.


>BCH trading pairs are on the way at every major exchange.
>BCH adoption is increasing globally.
>BTC adoption is decreasing
>BTC price dropping like a stone
>Lightning Network is dead on arrival, no one has even demonstrated that it might work. It's extrememly vulnerable to DDos and multiple other attack vectors.

Hmmm...which one to buy? Tough decision. One functions like the original Bitcoin and the other is a franken-segwit-shitcoin with a bogus 2nd layer built on top of a choked 1MB blockchain

>BCH trading pairs are on the way at every major exchange.
Every major exchange lmao. Whose ass did you pull this out from?

>BCH adoption is increasing globally.
>BTC adoption is decreasing
By what metric? If you look at # of transactions, or # of active addresses in past 24 hrs, the ratio of BCH to BTC since January has dropped more than 5x. If anything these are signs that adoption of BCH is dramatically decreasing.

>BTC price dropping like a stone
If BTC price is dropping like a stone. BCH price is dropping like a hammer attached to an anvil plus five grand pianos.

>Lightning Network is dead on arrival, no one has even demonstrated that it might work. It's extrememly vulnerable to DDos and multiple other attack vectors.
It's not dead on arrival, it's currently working and it's in beta. Every new technology, especially one that's still being developed won't be perfect at the start.

The only thing you dumb as fuck bcashers can hope for is hope and pray that LN won't work or gain mass adoption. But it will, and bcash price will drop to zero.

I can't be fucked rebutting all your retarded non-points but you're clearly fearful of Bitcoin Cash and that makes my dick hard. So fearful you can't even say the name. Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

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Usually I hate when cashies try to slide losing threads, but Im gona need that sauce

>muh trading pairs
exchanges are dropping trading pairs in actuality, anything else is a rumour started by delusional cashies

The best thing about Brappcash is that roger spent millions desperately trying to stop the bleeding.


wtf I love Jihan now

ive always loved jihan. hes xi jinping's darling and believe me it will definitely pump to ridiculous highs in the future
>inb4 retarded jack

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All news for bitcoin cash is bullish. Rebound is inevitable

Unironically is the best buy in the whole market right now at this price. With the exception of some shitcoin that could suddenly skyrocket 100x that no one can really predict with any real certainty


You know what's going to be great? Watching bitcoin cash bleed out to nothing in 2019 and 2020 before the great BTC bull run in 2021.

All of the cashies here will literally have NO MONEY LEFT.

Imagine getting mad at people calling a movie a movie instead of a moving picture

>3 absolute pajeetcoins paired with bch
gee i wonder why??


This is how delusional your average Cashie is.

kucoin is shit and nobody cares... BCH will win big

I like how I provide an example of an exchange delisting bch

but cashie retards just get to claim "i-it's getting pairings on all major exchanges" with no proof and you don't care

eat shit retard, you're going to kys in 2021 when bitcoin cash goes the way of other shitforks and BTC moons.

capped for future lulz

I cant trust a leader and influencer who fucks thai ladyboys.