Another bull run will start after April

Another bull run will start after April.

A huge reason behind this dumping is the end of tax years in April for Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the UK.

There are more than enough personal and institutional investors in those countries combined to crash the BTC and alt prices by realizing taxable losses and cashing out to cover the tax bill for the 17-18 fiscal year.

Once that's done, there are no more tax concerns for any major crypto country until January. Prepare your almonds gentlemen.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is unironically correct

yeah sure

people are buying christmas presents
this happens every january
chinese new year
wall street bonus

nujak anal support @6.7k


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sub 1k end of april checkem

It's true. People made huge, huge gains up until January. Way more than any other year. People realizing taxable losses if their fiscal years end in January started the dump, and now it's the turn of countries with fiscal years ending in April.

Plus, there will be plenty of people with fiscal years ending in January (USA etc) who calculated their tax bills, decided not to cash out, and were then forced to when prices crashed so low that it started to threaten whether they had the money to cover the tax bills.

That will even be continuing now across the world, but eventually they will clear out and then the sell pressure will drop dramatically.

The fact is, most people in this space are willing to gamble most, if not all, they have for a shot of riches. But even the biggest bull will have no choice but to sell if they don't want to be fucked by Tyrone in jail.

A greater bear market will take effect as taxes are due mid-April.
Another drop will occur when people who thought they would fly under the radar get caught. This will be a massive sell off where bitcoin will reach a low that it will never recover from.
Screencap this.

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It's probably already happened. Most of those who had to sell soon would have probably already done so, as the price was dumping and it seemed unlikely the trend would reverse quickly enough to make it worth the risk waiting.

Take a look at the global marketcap chart on CMC in 2017. The market was moving sideways and then started its epic bull run around the middle of April. The same thing happened in 2016 as well.

Self shill

how can white bois compete with THIS

Yeah this is literally what happened last year. April to Decmber was the bull market, and it seems to have bottomed out more or less by now. I doubt we see BTC 5K ever.

who wears a fucking catus shirt

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that dude on reddit who owes $50k in taxes and just sold his last $20k worth is going to kill himself

>Another bull run at the end of April

Which year tho? 2022?

double bottom at 6k, bullrun starting now

It’s got to hit 6k to double bottom

>people cashing out for Chinese New Years
>people cashing out for Easter
>people cashing out for Tax day
>people cashing out for Memorial day

when will it end

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>wallstreet will buy back in when they get their bonuses
>chinks are cashing out for chinese new year
>christians are cashing out for easter

You forgot people cashing out for summer vacations

why are they cashing out at a loss?

>A huge reason behind this dumping is the end of tax years in April for Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the UK.

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krown's live for those who care
