Trying to learn Russian. Like REALLY learn it, everything, grammar vocabulary, writing and all. Truthfully we will probably never not need someone to know this language who isn't a Russian, any good programs that has everything? Price isn't a problem
Other urls found in this thread:
this program is really good, you should try it
I don't trust that at all
Are you girl or boy?
We have:
Penguin Russian course:
Princeton Russian course:
Learn Russian with RT:
Memrise (Beginner's Russian list, Princeton Russia Course list)
Which is the ultimate best one that has everything in one buy though?
I'm trying to learn it too. It's such a beautiful language and i'd like to live there someday.
fuck off pooftahs
Russian shouldn't be too hard, at least when compared to German/Chinese
Are you sure, friend? Deutsch has four cases compared to six in Russian.
German is really easy honestly
you probably already know the non meme answer
you won't ever be fluent in a language like russian
and many more declension types, and a lot more complicated grammar, like verb aspects, and tons of exceptions.
the algorithm was developed by a nuclear physicist who found work at CERN too boring
*hand rubbing intensifies*
Start posting /ruslan/ more often, please.
Check out Readlang
>German is really easy honestly
Russian is just a bit harder than German if anything.
>and many more declension types, and a lot more complicated grammar, like verb aspects, and tons of exceptions.
But russian verbs have aspects, like perfective and imperfective, or whatever the names are?
yбить - yбивaть
cмoтpeть - пocмoтpeть
pиcoвaть - нapиcoвaть
That's what I said?
>comarping germanic langauges to slavic ones
Ah sorry it looked confusing, as if I meant German. I meant to explain why Russian is more complicated than German
i see
>tfw handsome african who is learning Russian
what are my odds of finding love in rossiya?
0 if you keep hanging out on Jow Forums
What do Russians on here know about Yakutsk? I have the opportunity to study abroad there from January-May. I know it's fucking cold but what else can you tell me about the city?
Well, majority of people there are yakuts (A mix between asians and native americans)
It is one of the worst regions by violent crime statistics and
>I know it's fucking cold
Its not just fucking cold
Its motherfucking cyka blyad' pizdec -50c cold
And you can check the infrastructure and shiet yourself on google maps
>It is one of the worst regions by violent crime statistics
Should it be safe walking alone in the streets after dark? What are some stereotypes of Yakuts people?
>Should it be safe walking alone in the streets after dark?
>What are some stereotypes of Yakuts people?
Well it doesnt seem like I'll be homesick. It just seems like an extreme version of my hometown. cold and full of violent mongoloid natives.
But I havent read anything about violence in yakutsk. from what ive read it seems like a pretty safe place.
I studied Russian for a several months, stopped for two months, and came back to it two weeks again and wew boy this language is easy as fuck.
I don't know why I thought some of this shit was difficult.
for several months*
two weeks ago*
just woke up, forgive me.
>Well it doesnt seem like I'll be homesick. It just seems like an extreme version of my hometown. cold and full of violent mongoloid natives.
Where are you living right now?
>But I havent read anything about violence in yakutsk. from what ive read it seems like a pretty safe place.
>Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 17,4
Compare it to Moscow
And Moscow aint that safe either, even here you shouldnt visit some parks and districts at night, if you dont have any friends in the hood.
Man i live in Yakutsk. There are pretty decent university. Yakutsk is quite normal comfy town. Do not listen to anyone, many Russians do not even know what life is here. I can answer any questions.
get in my level!
Impressive. Love Campuchia
>Price isn't a problem
kill yourself oligarch wife
>even here you shouldnt visit some parks and districts at night
he has no idea what he is talking about
>I can answer any questions.
Пoчeмy вceлeннaя cлyчaйнa и нecпpeвeдливa?!
Russian is easy as fuck. Just start speaking Polish like a village retard and suddenly all Russians understand you
He знaю, пoчeмy нecпpeвeдливa.
>implying polack language is not village retard language
>implying Poland wasn't bumpkin shithole of Russian Empire for more than a century
Пидop cyкa я тeбя нoчью в Кoптeвo yвижy нa пepo пocaжy пoнял мpaзь?
Keep Russian language threads up...
Кaкoй cмeшнoй мeмный шкoльник из кoлхoзa Hижниe Дpищи.
No shock, the autistic physicist made something that isn't super user friendly.
There's no reason to even spend money, OP. Memrise free version works great for starting out. Can download the Penguin book and the Princeton course files.
Is this bait? There's a very clear categorisation of language difficulty for English speakers. Russian is much harder than German and a little easier than Chinese.
It's easy to get people understand you but pain in the ass in grammar.
What about understanding natives speaking in speaking and writing?
идк м8 тбх
>идк м8 тбх
ew this actually looks ugly in cyrillic. Speak english properly.
Are you a non-russki living in russia?
Learning to read is very easy. Just learn the Cyrillic alphabet. Understanding the speech is also quite simple, there are no territorial dialects (except some parts of Caucasus, Ukraine and Baltics)
Dat was a joke kid. Get yourself a sense of humour.
Okay you're definitely a native Russian, you guys have the worst banter. Stay in your lane Igor.
I think you misunderstood, I can read just fine. I'm just wondering how easy/hard is it to understand natives, to the point where you get an idea of what they're saying.
The hardest part of understanding native Russian speakers as a learner isn't accent or something like that, it's just the speech rate. Russians may speak quickly and reduce or drop some syllables, particularly in informal settings.
>you will never speak Russian as well as the Russians speaking English in this thread
Fug ur grammar
i'm not a native speaker, but i've learned Russian by my age of 4-5 and i don't remember how it was.
However i have Finnish and German friends who speaks relatively good in Russian and can communicate with anybody without any barriers, but they live here for 2-3 years.
No matter how hard I try, I'll never be good enough.
Not with that attitude, you won't.
English speakers do the same shit. It's just about listening practice.
I learned Russian in school for 12 years and still have problems when I talk to actual Russian peoples, but I can read well. I miss my teacher, she is a wife of the principal and her name is Galina, she is old but very flirty.
Speakers of most languages do it to some extent, but I feel Russians do it a little more, I dunno.
Add an extra L and you get "hen" in Spanish. Add an H instead and you get it in Portuguese.
It's a name of Greek origin. Nothing to do with spics.
How forgiving are russians with learners? I don't know if it's just my gf but she can get irritable if I don't learn things fast enough or have good pronunciation.
>English speakers do the same shit.
I think it's due to the accent, go to the rural parts of the north and even I won't understand what they're saying kek
It seems to me they are very forgiving. Right now I'm seeing two girls who don't speak English, and they both think it's adorable that I speak like a retard, never understand anything, and can never remember my words.
>learned Russian by
What is your native language then
Yakut (Sakha) turkic language.
>How forgiving are russians with learners?
I troll and humiliate dumb people and slow learners.
I mock them every time they forget something, I bully them if they start to mumble or to hesitate.
I also try to act aggressively when I deal with autistic people, I start to talk assertive, loud while keeping minimal possible distance. Always look directly to their eyes.
OMG so many shitskins
This is my nightmare
Just got tired of lazy people who better steal my time instead of handling their stuff on their own. Fuck them.
Being a slow learner doesn't mean the person is lazy. It literally means it takes them longer to learn the same concepts. And if they learn the concepts at the same rate as you then they're harder workers.
Polish sounds like an American is speaking in Russian.
Lol i get it. Btw Putin scored the least votes in Yakutia comparing to other regions.
Being mongoloid =/ being shitskin
What are they singing about?
for me it sounds like a brutal and archaical kind of Russian
same song in Polish and Russian, from the same singer
but his Polish not the same to polish in Poland
this man (a Pole) from Austria has a cool accent in Polish
t. polack
I'm not sure, but yes, I speak Polish a bit
>you won't ever be fluent in a language like russian
t. attractive chad
It's called "Osuokhai", traditional rite. It's not about politics.
Even for songs like this it has a sense to learn Russian. I translate it (as I can), but in Russian the lyrics are even more beautiful.
Technologia (Technology) - Weird Dances
An unsinged motive
I'll hear in a dream
Until the morning
I won't close my eyes
Not finally forgiving
All that you'd have with me
You aren't sleeping
As me now
In subway at midnight
In a round dance of lights
I'm watching on your shadow in a dream again
A crazy night, spended with her
And it's coming another day
And when we'll see each other again
A night wind will quiety sing about his business
And neglecting for a moment what is love
We will starting together
Dacing togher, weird dances
We'll wait for a day, won't say goodbye
And at night we'll start
Weird dances
Dance under the rain
In a underground passages
You'll forget the question
But I remember the answer
Without each other we won't die
By the light of morning starts
Our last dawn
It calls as and we'll start
refren x2
Slow learners are inefficient these days when everything evolves, new technologies are popping up like mushrooms, projects life cycles is becoming more critical as lengthy time to market could easily kill a project or a start up.
It's hard to effectively utilize these guys, they are usually fine at doing monotonic stuff over and over again but that's it. Often there aren't much positions that are suitable for that type of people.
Lazy people are just as efficient as slow learners who work overtime. Fuck them.
Some autists tend to shrivel up while being put under social pressure. Somehow I found it funny.
Especially when one starts to LAPR a turtle and starts to kind of retract their head and shrivel up. Every time you try to provoke or challenge them they flee. Dummies.
Russian is village language.
we have dialects which have the same things as Polish
Villain language.
t. Polack
Polish is not a language in any means, it's just uncomprehensible pile of hissing.
Belarussian is literally closer to many dialects of Russian rather than standart language.
Hladzi siudy, popieł i pył
Usio heta ja adzin stvaryŭ
Sprabuj udychnuć
Adčujes chimija
Russian sounds like village language to me. Sometimes when I hear village people speaking, it reminds me Russian language.
Polish is nobel language. Russian elites were speaking Polish years ago.
I have no idea what the fuck that guy is saying but he seems to be having a good time