Implement wh*te man's culture

>implement wh*te man's culture
>start going extinct just like wh*te

makes you think

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>16 hours

why even go home at this point? what do these japs do the whole day anyway?

Who cares. Japan is First World, that's all that matters.

>Wh*te man's culture
Ummm sweetie being a hivemind of worker ants is g**k culture

They have no choice but to import a few hundred mandingos to fix the problem

make animu and vidya for gaijin and domestic outcasts

Japs are pathetic

>they do a better job at being white than the actual whites

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better idea: bitch gyarus sent to Europe to be impregnated by gaijins

Are you sure, snookums? Isn't being both a hive and a mind a JEWISH thing???

Work or at least pretend to. Being the last one to go home in Japan is considered praiseworthy, so stretching out your work or getting nothing done is preferable to leaving at 5 PM.

White people’s cultures are really degenerate.

What's the point in work if you've got no leisure time? It's not like these guys are supporting their families either since so many of them never have kids.

Don't know about Japan, but when I worked in China we would take 2-2.5 hour lunch breaks.

They're smart enough to realize their children will be samsung/mitsubishi worker drones and go through the same arduous hell as they go through. No mammals do really well in captivity even something as fundamental to biological life as procreation becomes undesirable.

Some people are retarded. I know some people who are trying to be become bankers in the City of London and they all pride themselves on the fact they have to show up early and leave incredibly late.

for capitalism to work,you do need hive structure on one level or can't maintain good competition on market if you don't work your ass off in maintaining quality as collective making enterprise. and until robots take over fully,well you're fucked.

Hmm yes that explains why the Chinese have always been a worker ant hivemind who's greatest philosopher is a guy who says "Dude do everything the government says lmao"

Do they take siestas?

Except that's literally not true. Capitalism works because of innovation. Technological progress makes economic growth via increased efficiency possible. Labor is necessary but overutilizing labor is a symptom of an overheating economy.

The reason why Japan seems so single-minded is that they've literally had labor surpluses for their entire history except for the last two decades. It creates a hyper-competitive society where you have to work yourself to death to stay afloat.

Working extra hours and corporate devotion is a Japanese cultural thing, actually. Usually Japs work at the same company all their life it's that serious, and if they leave when they're scheduled to it's shameful or something. They're insane.

>tfw no gf

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I hate how their last trains were like 1:30 at the very latest.

You sound like Trump; rambling a few half cooked, non fact checked comments with incorrect grammar to link them all.

My gf redpilled me pretty badly on japan.
The guys work all day, if they have a wife she gets all the money and gets to decide what to spent it on. The guy has to ask permission if he wants to spend it on something.
The wifes usually cheat on the guys because they're home all day an the husband is never around

You Sound like a fag

They unironically do. My company has a big China division, and every day after lunch, they turn off the lights, everyone pulls a pillow out of their desk, and they all take a nap.

but i stated that robots will take over,and that's where things are headed. techonology is aimed to increase comfort in some aspects. but when machines become main source of work,human is no longer needed as part of working place,cause their numbers in enterprise will reduce.

Machines aren't going to 'take over.' That's literally a futurist pipe dream. For the forseeable future, there's going to be work that requires human input on some level.

t. guy who writes industrial automation software

Communist and Islamist societies are the best for those with low aspirations desu

They also work longer hours to compensate though.

>No mammals do really well in captivity

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the qt couple does not deserve this

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i never said human factor and usage of human resources will disappear,not during our will just periodically reduce or change it's place in structure but it will remain. also machine take over is figurative to show certain aspects.

Same here.
8 to 6 jobs, fuck around for 3 hours

Is there anything more sad than weebs obssessed with Japan while ignoring that almost European country has the same birthrates as Japan? And the few 'western' countries with 'high' birthrates like the US/UK/France/etc are those with high migrant & immigrant populations meaning it are the non-Whites in those countries having the babies rather than the native population. And the native 'white' population in those European countries continue to get older-and-older while the younger population continue to get young-and-younger.

1) Japan = In 50 yrs, their population will be lower but it will still be ethnic Japanese
2) Eastern Europe = Will see its populations crash lower than Japan
3) The rest of Europe = Will be swamped by refugees. Countries like France and UK will be 1/3rd non-White.
4) US = The US is already 1/3rd non-white today in 2018 and it will continue that demographic shift to become a Brazil-like nation.

Attached: european birthrate_01.jpg (729x754, 340K)

Japan is overpopulated. Has been for decades. I don't see the problem.

Has it correct. Immigrants are making kids, meaning many ethnic euros probably have even less kids than japanese.

Whites in the US, Sweden, Denmark, etc. have fertility rates around 1.8, so it's nowhere near as bad as Japan.

White birthrates in the US are odd in general, and tend to be cyclical. If you look at the data, American whites are having more kids than they were ten years ago.

That made Japan first world to be honest

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sounds like your gf is perfect for you, because you're both retarded

>immediately jumps to defend japan


this happens in every country with improving living conditions

hell, chile has 1.75 childs per woman

so, if you want africans to stop fucking, improving their living conditions is actually a good start

This Japanese overworking culture is a rather recent invention.
All the documents indicate that Japanese people were quite lazy and laid-back back in the Edo period.

>The Japanese man is out at work for 12 hours in his company office, slaving away for the mightily corporations of Japan
>Meanwhile, his wife is lonely. She is lonely because her husband leaves her alone at home in the morning and only arrives late in the night with the stench of Sake in his breath
>and on the weekends he spends every minute on watching his animes and playing the latest Nintendo products, leaving the beautiful Japanese flower alone and sad in the kitchen to prepare meals for her husband who is a total asexual autist
>One day, a stranger comes into town. He is a dark handsome man with a daring and passionate look in his eyes
>He notices lonely Satomi staring at cherries blooming in the garden
>The charming man aproaches her and she can feel herself heating up like if she was in the mediterranean
>"Querida Satomi, te voy a dar el placer que tu esposo antisocial nunca te podera dar para que pudas vivir en paz por toda tu vida" - whispered the handsome man
>Suddenly, Japanese woman couldn't take it anymore. The passion of Andalusia, the charm of Milan and the nostalgia of Portugal were all combined in the deity that was in front of her
>She takes of her clothes and proceeds to have the most "caliente" sex she ever had in her life
>As she reaches the climax and the epithome of human pleasure she thanks the gods of the Mediterranean for sending this angel of lust
>After passing out she could hear a lonesome guitar sound fading in the distance
>When she waked up her husband was still in the bar drinking Sake with his male friends but now she had a memory of love to cherish in her lonely Japanese days
>and that memory was:
>Fernando Martinez

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japanese men are smart, you would think they dont like sex but in fact they go a lot to prostitutes.
they do enjoy like chads without being chads.

Paying for sex is the most beta thing you can imagine though.

>Whites in the US, Sweden, Denmark, etc. have fertility rates around 1.8, so it's nowhere near as bad as Japan.
No, they don't, let's remember that Japan has a higher fertility rate than the Eurpoean Union, Sweden is around 1.8 but a lot of that is also because of immigrants, all of those countries are at around 15% foreign born and yet their fertility rates are similar to Japan's, which only has around 2% foreign born, one exception would be the US indeed but still the "white non-hispanic" fertility rate is only at 1.7

We still have hope then.


No, being America's bitch made Japan first world. That's what first world means.

There aren't enough immigrants in Sweden to artificially prop up the fertility rate like that, Mexanon.

And it depends on what definition you use. Pew has a really excellent article on the subject:

are you kidding? the industrial revolution was pretty much just the British acting like bugmen

>imrpoving african's living condition
Yeah good luck. That's like giving a child a million bucks and expecting it to invest it so that it's net worth grows.

We just Gotta stop feeling and medicating them

holy shit. the white race dying isnt actually a meme lmao

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its because they are too dumb to reproduce.

The drop off in birth rates has actually hit the developing world outside of Africa even harder than the developed world. In the short-term, the white population of the world wll decrease, but in the long-term, things will stabilize.

Especially if another global famine happens. Then whites will be fine.

I've read that Pew Research article, I'm not talking about semantics I always used the term "fertility rate", the point that I want to make is that the claim that the Japanese fertility rate is incredibly low (relative to other developed countries) is bogus.

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the face if a nippon idol girl when real men from europe and middle east come to japan

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Even hispanics are barely at a sustainable rate in the US. That number will probably go down.

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Japan's industries are plagued by swath of brown-nosing middlemen with no talents other than etiquette who get all their more qualified subordinates to slave away.

I need to go find an injun qt to impregnate

if there's a "fertility crisis" then JUST START FUCKING MORE. have more kids, it's that simple.

but you know what's the truth about this? there is no "crisis" going on. japanese citizen do know that. there is nothing wrong with fertility in japan.
it's the JEWS controlling the MEDIA to spew out this "japan is running out of population"HOAX.

they want YOU to think that people around the world should be entering japan to stain its civilization with gaikokujin blood. this is what the JEW wants.

the JEW does know that he can't fuck with The Origin of the Sun. he know's he can't rat there. so what he does is use propaganda to convince everyone that japan should take people from everywhere on the world because of stupid ass made up, invented reasons.

they know they can't rat there and wreck the shit of The Origin of the Sun's culture. it's just too sturdy. the JEW can't corrupt it.
so what they want to do instead is try to get as many gaikokujin as possible inside The Origin of the Sun, so it would slowly but steadily rot The Origin of the Sun's culture, because what gaikokujins love the most is thinking that the country they are in should adapt and adopt the gaikokujin's culture, instead of the gaikokujin adapt and adopt the country they are in's culture. fucking rats.

gonna beat the shit out of a rat if i ever identify one. kill them asap.

Hopefully you can chill and get yourself to a state of proper balance between work and private life.

Christ, the Indians are going to go extinct at this rate. There are hardly any pureblood Indians left at this point, most of the tribes are all half white.

What are free days like in Japan? DO you get all the weekends off in regular jobs? Can you enjoy that time with your families/friends?

só tem mulher feia em lisboa otário

>The wifes usually cheat on the guys because they're home all day an the husband is never around

NEETs win again

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you can't even do that in japan lmao.
it's against the law to pay or receive money/goods in exchange of sex

matter of fact, a jap talking about "muh that's a beta thing"? lol

Amazing. The people of Mediterranean decent are truly gods.

>The wifes usually cheat on the guys because they're home all day an the husband is never aroun
brb being unemployed in Japan

garbage work mentality, they literally deserve to go extinct

kiss your cartoons goodbye, weebs

Oh yeah, I heard they happen to fall in love and have sex in a soapland, thus not an exchange of sex for money right?

Some people? Almost all people are retarded. Nothing in better than free time, not events money.

>so, if you want africans to stop fucking, improving their living conditions is actually a good start

African fertility rate is decreasing though. It's hard talking about the consent when many people on Jow Forums just sperg out and go into hysterics.

>Sven left his wife, Ingrid, in order to attend another pro-immigrant rally
>Once again, the poor Ingird was left alone while her husband contributed to the decay of her country and culture
>She usually would go to the forest and write poetry of her own, it was in a forest that she had the most astonishing encounter of her life
>After a while, she started to feel warm and heated up, it seemed impossible since everything was covered in snow...
>"What's happening" - tought Ingrid
>Suddenly a lascive Em chord echoed troughout the pinetrees
>A dark handsome man appeared in front of her holding a rose in his teeth and in a exquisite and gracious way he offered her his most precious flower
>"Como tu, esta flor es la inspiracion para mis canciones de amor, dolor y pasion, querida Ingrid" - said the luxurious man
>Ingrid was mesmerized... Never she witnessed such demonstration of "amor ardente" in the frozen cucked lands of Sweden
>The man, filled with lust and pasion embraced Ingrid like a passionate, strong and gracious bull from the warm plains of the mediterranean
>Ingrid just let herself be possessed by the angel of luxury and her orgasms became a perfect simbyose with the pro-immigration rally portests
>Ingrid passed out after such pleasure and was now riding with the valkyries in the chariot of joy
>As the immigrants raped inocent swedish women a single girl was left pleased and satisfied in the snows of Sweden
>Her name was Ingrid and her lover was
>Fernando Martinez

Attached: they all love Fernando.jpg (2472x3264, 816K)

Yes, but the Japanese fertility rate has been going up lately while keeping the proportion of foreign-borns at 2%, meanwhile in other developed countries the fertility rate is still going down even though the immigrants are increasing.

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this will not solve things because contraception methods exists.


well man that's against the law so if you wanna be an outlaw that's your thing

They were in the stages of industrialization and adopting westernization way before the war dumbass.

>garbage work mentality, they literally deserve to go extinct
>kiss your cartoons goodbye, weebs

what m・o・m name?

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It depends on company/workplace/occupation/etc. There are many jobs you take days off on weekdays and work on weekends.

how many days per week do you usually have off then?

>Yeah good luck. That's like giving a child a million bucks and expecting it to invest it so that it's net worth grows.

botswana made it, its all about good leadership, albeit thats certainly a rarity in the region

>We just Gotta stop feeling and medicating them

that is going to result in the opposite effect, shittier living conditions lead to more deaths but also more births, shit i think medieval europe made that abundantly clear

yeah and i bet (slowly) improving better conditions are part of the reason

In most case people take 2 days off per week. I think it’s regulated by the law and employers have to give the employees 2 days off a week.

Why are Europeans too stupid to breed?


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Important North Korean cock

This is why Japan needs immigrants.

>create an even bigger labor market
You'll have a nation of NEETs


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>dat 2005
Based Abenomic.



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we do that too and still leave at 7pm tops

I'm pretty sure the main problem is that people can't afford houses anymore and start working later these days.
So they live with their parents, hook up less and certainly don't get children while they live with their parents.

Dunno why people make such a hassle out of it. It's simply normalization to the current socio-economic boom that has never been present in history of humankind before. It will stabilize eventually all around the world.

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Yeah, if I had 1 dollar a month I would get 7,8 children. If I get 3000 dollars I get 1,7 children.

It's just common sense bro.

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Japan has plenty of foreigners though and that number is increasing.