Do Middle Easterners belong to the same race as Europeans?
Do Middle Easterners belong to the same race as Europeans?
those two yes
Europeans are just Middle Easterners who walked too far north and inbred so much that they started growing orange hair
>Do Middle Easterners belong to the same race as Europeans?
Why do you ask that?
just as much as people in India are
Why do you think that? They look like they are from the Levant
They're from Lebanon
The concept of race is terribly arbitrary and antiquated. Genetics don't magically completely change when you cross a border. Sure, a native inhabitant of northern Europe is drastically different from a native inhabitant of southern Africa, but southern Europe and northern Africa? They're pretty similiar. Where exactly are you supposed to draw the line between race 1 and race 2?
I knew it
Who cares?
Muslim girls put a fuckton of makeup on to make themselves look white
t.went to senior school in london
Yes of course since every muslim looks like the pic you posted and not like they just crawled through a sewer
Muslims=! selfhating poos
yes they are caucasian
but there's different ethnicities.
Northern Middle easterners, yes
Nafri and southern arab world, no
>someone finds good looking people
>I think x are white
Hitler actually put middle easterners and europeans in the same race category, and Hitler was an expert on eugenics, so yes.
According to this, the line sounds like the Sahara
Pakis are not Middle Easterners.
Why the default/ideal is white?
>Hitler was an expert on eugenics
No. White people is just another term for Europeans.
>but southern Europe and northern Africa? They're pretty similiar.
Because this is a white supremacist board and the ideal here is white. If it was an asian board, then the ideal would be asian, latino if latino, etc.
Yes, they are Caucasoids.
>Because this is a white supremacist board and the ideal here is white. If it was an asian board, then the ideal would be asian
I don't think that it happened in asian board. They (asianmasculinity) won't admit it but even the most asian-centric board would idolised the white aesthetic, except they're not written in English.
Not true, arab girls usually wear super heavy black make up. It's traditional I think
Middle Easterner is not a race, and the area has been a melting pot since thousands of years - Phoenicians, Greeks, Arabs, Latins, Frankish settlers, even Celtic tribes who migrated and settled there. That's why you can find some white-looking people if you look hard enough.
Well culturally, being fair has been associated as a trait of beauty everywhere. A lot of skin whitening creams exist and makeup that lightens skin tone and all that. The reverse seems to happen for men, women prefer men that are not so pale and are a little bit more tanned and have more rough features. White has always been the aesthetic everywhere, but I think it's overrated imo every race has its beatiful people/ugly people, we're all pretty balanced.
No, we are not European
Maybe if we Levantines stayed Christian then you guys might consider us European? I dunno
>Because this is a white supremacist board
What? Really? I thought that was Jow Forums.
Middle Easterners aren't white any more than Africans are. Do you have colourblindness or something? They share few,if any, features with Europeans, skin colours especially.
I doubt that. It's more than religion. I don't think that the Christian Lebanese are considered European, for example.
We're Catholic yet some people consider us Arab.
Are East Asians and Southeast Asians the same race?
Incorrect. They are more closely related to Europeans than some Africans are to each other.
The more eastern ones have admixture of Melanesian/aboriginal looking people though.
Muhammed was a ginger.
>We're Catholic yet some people consider us Arab.
on Jow Forums or out in the real world?
Both. People hear the language and no matter what you say, we're still Arabs to them.
Jow Forumstards believe in based blacks, Jow Forums has jungle fever. We are pretty strange white supremacists.
I don't think so. The only arab people that get close enoigh to europeans are the ones from the Levant.
not sure about middle eastners but moroccans are white desu
Maybe pre-Islam Berbers. Modern Maghrebis are 15% negroid
My skin is darker than vantablack
In Europe there are 3 main contributors to our DNA
WHG are the indigenous Europeans (same people who wiped out neanderthals)
ENF are a mixture of WHG and Anatolian farmers who came here 12 000 years ago
ANE are proto-proto-Indo-Europeans
No, they're not part of the same group as us
I have been to Malta. What do you want me to say? I liked many people but they were kind of semitic
Your language is heavily influenced by Arabic. Even some of your cities have Arabic names like Medina which means "City".
Isn't Semitic a linguistic term?
No shit.
Yes my fellow Arab, you should accept who you are
You nafris want us to be like you sooo much.
Do you like maltesers?
Yes, I do.
>he's a nigger
my family is white and has brown hair, thank god for that
The ones in the OP look pretty white and European to me desu
>north european
croatian people are sarmatian
Based Korean eugenics expert.
no, muhammad.
Back to Jow Forums faggot
> Europeans are Middle Easterners who walked too far north and inbred so much that they started growing orange hair
We wuz
No middle east was black as africa until the wh*Te subhuman came there
>MENA(Middle east and NORTH AFRICA)
>Includes only Saudi, Bedouin, Palestinian, Syrian and Jordanian to represent Middle east and NORTH AFRICA
Can you please read what you post before posting it?
Does that mean Turks are white
t. syrian refugee
being light skinned (which most moroccans are not even) doesn't make you white
I'll murder your family for such a dirty accusation wh*Te pig.
What's that?
Meh there's a transition where people get darker. Sahel people are the transition.
generally yes. the middle east was literally depopulated and repopulated again by european and african slaves over 5 times. the joke about middle easterners is that they hide their women, eat shit cuisine and breed own sisters.
Same race? yes. All Europeans, Arabs, North Indians, Pakis, Afghanis, Middle Easterners’ are part of the same bloodline that originated in the Caucasus. Hence the name “Caucasian”Think of “White” as a branch of the Caucasian race with 99% Europeans being White.
The more population genetics you study the more interesting it gets but basically it’s useless to think in terms of self-described race in peer-reviewed science. We understand that humans are different but try and talk in terms of ancestry and blood. Hope that makes sense!
Looks like both belong to the West Eurasian race
Nobody irl uses Caucasian in that way, other than to classify skull types
People already get darker south of Spain
Only in North America desu. Most people in other countries just state their ethnicity like “hey I’m english” or “hey I’m Berber” or “hey, I’m west african”
>bloodline that originated in the Caucasus. Hence the name “Caucasian
Pretty sure that's wrong. The guy who named it Caucasian only did it because he liked the shape of a Georgian skull
People never identify by their race first, apart from turbo autists. They usually identity with their nationality first, then whatever ethnic group they belong to. In America it's the reverse.
Armenians, Georgians, and Pontic Greeks were pretty much always considered "white" and they're all genetically Middle Eastern. Same with Jews even (memes aside). So maybe.
Yeah, that’s what I meant lol.