I hate the Russian government but I don't necessarily hate Russian citizens

I hate the Russian government but I don't necessarily hate Russian citizens

What am I to do?

Attached: proof russia.png (1025x840, 62K)

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That doesn't really make sense, since Russian government is really popular with Russian people, meaning that Russians approve of what their government does

Citizens are responsible for their government

Never saw russians irl yeah?

Send money

Ok sören, take some muhammads and abduls with you, since you are responsible for all the shit refugees have done in the past 2 years

Not me personally, but German people in general are

>Russian government is really popular with Russian people

I hate the US gov but then I remember than only 60 mln americans voted for trump and are racist homophobic trash

idi naxui suka sam ti muxammad blja sören jebal twaju mat

You are too, and you will

>Citizens are responsible for their government
khokhols are responsible for all of the shit in Ukraine

objective truth

Attached: 20160206_woc909.png (1190x808, 187K)

> homophobic trash

Attached: 171219-allen-trump-inssuferable-lede_iiswah.jpg (1480x833, 123K)

Attached: unamused frog.jpg (250x241, 7K)

>Never saw russians irl yeah?
White Russians are more civilized and decent people than Khokhols.
No one likes Khokhols in Russia as they are often greedy bastards just like the jews

Just for lulz

Ich bin mir sicher deine mutti und schwester haben sich beim Empfang der ficklinge am bahnhof schön die feuchte, triefende möse gerieben lmao

Do whatever you want to do.You are an adult man.

> White Russians
Literally who?

I live in an area with mostly Eastern European immigrants, Lithuanians, Poles, Russians, etc.

The Russians are comedic and funny in a way that the other two groups aren't, but ultimately my perception of them is colored by their government

Putin isn't a Tsar and he doesn't represent the whole government.
You were talking first about Russian government then quickly change the topic.

Attached: government.jpg (1352x744, 85K)

Your bad when you start talking about politics with slavshits
Number one rule, do never talk about politics with strangers or people you do not know well

>I hate the US gov
That;s fine, I do too

>levada-center which is literally owned by putin

Nice unbiased sources you have there.

Russians are like hostages with Stockholm syndrome, also being brainwashed by propaganda 24/7 is a fucking bitch. I had a weekend where I stayed at my parent's house, had no internet and only TV, I started feeling some vatnik vibes already, imagine being bombarded non-stop for over 10 fucking years. Propaganda works

muhammads und iwans sind der selbe menschenmüll du lutscher. lustig dass ihr über die bahnhofsklatscher heult wenn ihr fast am russenschwanz erstickt ihr knechte tfu pidarasi blja

Get shot.

what are you talking about? wern't they being labeled as foreign agents consequently being prohibited to work on exit polls in this year's election?

Ja, muss so sehr lachen, dass mir die tränen kommen,sören

I would be it's 1/3rd the chance of being struck by lightning here

Our media has a bad habit of overstating our problems. I am fine with that though, because it's better than sweeping our problems under the rug

>b-but what about Ukraine

kek typical r*ssian trash

Attached: Typical_bidlo_trash[1].jpg (550x405, 44K)

Putin is a trained professional at what he does, I'm not surprised he's been so successful.

> ultimately my perception of them is colored by their government

in a what way?

Make some Russian friends? Plenty of them are smart, fun to hang with and even their food is nice.

>struck by lightning
Is it some murrican idiom for being shpongled by a nigger?

Get informed
Russian government deserves blame for being corrupt entitled fags that are extremely inefficient at doing their jobs and pouring money they stole in Russia into Western bank accounts or into UK schools for their rich kids' tuition

But you probably don't hate them for that, but for the only thing they do right, which is generally not being inefficient enough to entirely ignore security risks to Russia from decades of West bombing our allies and putting missiles and troops near our border.

Few Russians want war. But fewer want more 90es style unilateral disarmament when instead of a thank you Russia gets hate, Iraq-style

Attached: image (1).jpg (1024x683, 107K)

>but ultimately my perception of them is colored by their government
why ? who care about politics irl ?

Russians support the current Russian government more than any Western people has ever supported their government.

No, being shot in a school is something like 1 in 300,000 and being struck by lightning is something like 1 in 1,200,000.

Our media overemphasizes and sensationalizes the issue because it is juicy, but not because it is realistic. Most gun murder in the USA occurs with handguns between black people in gangs.

(((objective truth))) source:levada centre. There existing three kind of statistics: statistics, fake numbers, russian statistics

>why ? who care about politics irl ?
People who intervene in our elections and buy ads on Facebook for specific political parties. You should know, considering Le Pen accepted money from a Russian bank

>kek typical r*ssian trash
Typical behaviour of Ukrainian, blaming others while being unable to comprehend what the hell happens in their own country.
the fact that Ukraininan government not only decided to allow referendum in Crimea but also they literally disconnected Crimea from the grid and ukraininian citizens suffer for nothing says a lot.
Nor Ukraninians neither Ukraninian government cares about the citizens. The country is full of ditry animals who do not now what is honour, honesty and obligations.

>being shot in a school
What about being shot outside of a school? Or schools are designated shooting grounds now?

>Le Pen accepted money from a Russian bank
proven to be fake and even if it was true it doesn"t mean i would change my perception of people i know as friend. I don't make friend base on their government

>This friendship photo
Left is russian, right is ukrainian

>Russians support the current Russian government more than any Western people has ever supported their government.
Nope it's not, it was mostly older generations who were voting for Putin, they did that because they fear communists and the only reasonable choice left is Putin.
They just had to accept the lesser of two evils.

>they fear communists

>Or schools are designated shooting grounds now?
Yes, because it's assumed that the victims cannot fight back. Which is rational, because they are children

East chinks btfo

Attached: lmao.jpg (1920x804, 93K)

Does it justify to hate them or punish them for their political beliefs?
That's autistic


But, but, but in Europe there are refugees, arrrjaaa

Attached: vatnik.jpg (320x271, 20K)

>But fewer want more 90es style unilateral disarmament when instead of a thank you Russia gets hate, Iraq-style
bitch you wern't even able to walk upright in the 90s were you? we received a FUCKTON of goods in humanitarian aid from the west in the 90s, how is that hate?

Help them to escape in first world country.


>KPRF's target audience are old people.
> they fear communists
PS old people vote for putin because they have only Kremlin approved sources of disinformation, are on the verge of dementia and have next-to-none critical thinking left


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>give me money pls
typical r*ssian

> russian
> talking about honor, honesty, and duty

Attached: 1522089651266.png (650x650, 43K)

Soviet Union used to be a superpower, and in the 90s it was reduced to a shithole that dependet on humantarian aid to survive.
Had you been born in that time already, you wouldl have known the humiliation, and understand why most Russians support Putin

>and understand why most Russians support Putin
Not really.

I already posted a statistic showing that majority supports Putin

Statistics is just a tool in the hands of ideologists and propagandists.

this statistic was posted in western media though, which has no interest in depicting Putin as more popular than he is

The original source of that statistics comes from the russian propaganda apparatus anyway.

you are welcome to provide other statistics

am I going to compute it by myself?

if you don't have any statistics, what makes you sure that Putin is in fact unpopular?

>since you are responsible for all the shit refugees have done in the past 2 years
Why? For hating Russia? Fucking expat, even after you left Russia you still can't stop sucking Putin's cock.

I hate the US government but I don't necessarily hate US citizens

What am I to do?

your proofs?

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-29 number of people killed by a lightning in the us - Google Search.png (842x219, 30K)

make love

I hate the US government but I don't necessarily hate citizens

What do?

russian liberals couldn't even tell the population of their country, they would say something like there are 20 000 people live in Russia I hate Putin

Here are my proofs! So, it is more like 9.31 chance, not 1/3.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-29 number of people shot in the US - Google Search.png (800x150, 28K)

Ban assault lighting NOW!

>What am I to do?
Are you actually in a position where your decision will have an international impact or are you just wondering how to act towards Russian CS players?

The only solution to the lighting problem is a good guy with a lightning.

That is factually wrong. I am a Russian, a liberal and I know how many people live here.

listen boy, I lived through the 90s in Russia (not in Germany, where mommy and daddy took me when I was a child), I also have a top-notch education, several interesting hobbies and a gorgeous wife. In other words I'm a functional man. I don't need to some delusional Beличиe!!11 I need a country, where economy is stable, where judges are not bribed, where people consider police to be serving the people, not milking them, where you can plan ahead, not worrying about your savings being halved because of your currency dropping like shit. You know bretty much like in Germany, where you live

Attached: sebalsja.jpg (300x184, 29K)

Same here. Keep doing whatever you were doing before.

hey now. I'm pretty sure a german Jow Forums kid knows russia better than you! Your wages were cut by 2/3 in the past couple of years? Putin and friends, the super rich, stealing shit left and right and everyone else getting left by the wayside? Fake milk, fake cheese, fake meat? Who needs all those things, when you can live off of patriotism and putinworship alone.

And you think you will get any of that if Russia submits to USA?

>s being halved because of your currency dropping like shit. Yo
Кaкoгo хyя ты хpaнишь cбepeжeни в pyблях?!

>! Your wages were cut by 2/3 in the past couple of years? P

>Fake milk, fake cheese, fake meat?

Every single city has farms nearby and it gets fresh milk and dairy products that way. The amount of imported milk is nothing. Same applies for meat. Local farmers supply loads of meat

>> russian
>> talking about honor, honesty, and duty
don't try to understand that, niggers and spics aren't real humans.


I am not exactly sure what you are arguing for, since I was defending this anons original post