Just came back from a grocery store near a corner in pretty much backwater area of my small town...

Just came back from a grocery store near a corner in pretty much backwater area of my small town. There was a mulatto kid standing in line and a cashier was an Asian woman. She usually smiled at me before I paid for my stuff.

Sorry to shatter your delusions, racists. Russian future is BLACK and YELLOW.

Attached: BCE87AEB-C985-4BF1-95FD-B7E3DA0304D4.jpg (900x1126, 255K)

Which region? Siberia is rightfully Asian anyway.

There are tonns of n*ggers in Moscow actually.

there is barely any Chinese(sadly) in my Siberian city with over 1 mil population despite what memes say

My dream is to become a porn director from a Blacked type site, and film blonde females being fucked by black men, but I want to take it to the next level and pay her more so she let the black man impregnate her and being filmed again having sex while pregnant.
Like an before and after.

They look so happy :3

Attached: IMG_20180326_230557.jpg (226x371, 11K)

That’s a pretty strange goal in life. Can’t you just work construction in Texas like every other normal Mexican?

>i saw 1 mulatto
come back when youre entire national soccer team is the offspring of BBCxWhitewoman

>Russian past
Snownigger, do you forget the mongolian invasion?

мoлoдeц дeвoчкa


Wait you call it soccer too? I thought we were the only ones.

He's not dutch

just habit of speaking american english

he's probably one of the kind of dutch people who hates our country and wants to emigrate to the US as soon as he can.

But that only happens to poor countries.

That dude is so damm ugly, what a waste of genes

Attached: 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png (1092x1037, 27K)

>That dude is so damm ugly, what a waste of genes

Attached: 1509148401027.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Not really, more handsome than the first guy pic, yourself and all your mongrel family. We don't actually do that cringe fedora think here, and neckbeard and obesity is much less usual thankfully

>Not really, more handsome than the first guy pic, yourself and all your mongrel family. We don't actually do that cringe fedora think here, and neckbeard and obesity is much less usual thankfully

Attached: 1491570157910.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

True. Lots of russians still live there.

Wow, you really have a lot of neckbeards images there, for sure you must be right!